Kun sakramentin nautimme (Finnish)

This page shows all instances of “While of These Emblems We Partake” in Finnish that have been indexed at SingPraises.net.

Author: John Nicholson
Composer: Varies by tune (see below)

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Tune: Aeolian (by Alexander Schreiner) (Return to top)

More information about this tune: Tune: Aeolian (Alexander Schreiner)

Tune: Lowell (by Joseph J. Daynes) (Return to top)

More information about this tune: Tune: Lowell (Joseph J. Daynes)

No instances in Finnish. See English.

Tune: Saul (by Samuel McBurney) (Return to top)

More information about this tune: Tune: Saul (Samuel McBurney)

No instances in Finnish. See Japanese, Thai, Spanish, English Braille, Spanish Braille, French, American Sign Language (ASL), Tongan, Afrikaans, Romanian, Italian, Hungarian, Portuguese, English, Maori.

Tune: While of these emblems we partake (by John Detton) (Return to top)

More information about this tune: Tune: While of these emblems we partake (John Detton)

No instances in Finnish. See English.


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