Chúa Ơi, Xin Ban Phước Cho Tôi Lúc Ra Về (Vietnamese)

This page shows all instances of “Lord, Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing” in Vietnamese that have been indexed at

Author: John Fawcett; Walter Shirley
Composer: Varies by tune (see below)

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Tune: Greenville / Go Tell Aunt Rhody (by Jean-Jacques Rousseau) (Return to top)

More information about this tune: Tune: Greenville (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

Tune: Happy Zion (by Isaac B. Woodbury) (Return to top)

More information about this tune: Tune: Happy Zion (Isaac B. Woodbury)

No instances in Vietnamese. See French (Haiti), German, French (French Polynesia), Tahitian, English, Portuguese.

Tune: Lord, Dimiss Us with Thy Blessing (by Tom Edward Clark) (Return to top)

More information about this tune: Tune: Lord, Dimiss Us with Thy Blessing (Tom Edward Clark)

No instances in Vietnamese. See English.

Tune: Lord, Dismiss Us (by S.) (Return to top)

More information about this tune: Tune: Lord, Dismiss Us (S.)

No instances in Vietnamese. See English.

Tune: Petition (by Orson Pratt Jr.) (Return to top)

More information about this tune: Tune: Petition (Orson Pratt Jr.)

No instances in Vietnamese. See English, French.


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