To Work with the Lord Collection

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1. What a privilege to work with the Lord In his vineyard in these latter days— And an honor to teach of his word, To his people, his light and his ways. In his light, in his light, What a privilege to work with the Lord, In his light, in his light, And find rest in his glorious word.

2. Hear the word of the Lord unto you. Come with loyalty, fervence, and zeal. O remember and ponder anew How his truth and his love cannot fail. Hear his love, hear his love, Hear the word of the Lord unto you. Hear his love, hear his love— To his banner we'll ever be true.

3. Friends and brethren, we bid you farewell. We must haste to the work till its end, But as we keep our faith guarded well, We will meet in his presence again. Till we meet, till we meet, Friends and brethren, we bid you farewell, Till we meet, till we meet With the Lord, there forever to dwell.