Let the Holy Spirit Guide

The Children Sing, 10

1. Let the Holy Spirit’s promptings Be your daily, constant guide; Let its peaceful, heav’nly power Ever in your heart abide. It will lead in duty’s pathway, And will never let you stray; It will keep you from all danger, And from every evil way.

2. Let the Holy Spirit guard you In each act and word and thought; Never make a single effort Till the Spirit’s aid you’ve sought. Cherish it as your companion; Heed its sweet and still small voice; Ever listen to its dictates, Then through life you will rejoice.

3. Do not grieve the Holy Spirit, Or it will not with you stay; But that it may dwell within you To your heav’nly father pray. Ask in faith and he will answer, And will bless you from above; He will send his Holy Spirit, Which will fill your soul with love.