Rest, Rest for the Weary Soul

Hymns, 278

1. Rest, rest for the weary soul; Rest, rest for the aching head; Rest, rest on the hillside, rest With the great uncounted dead.

2. Rest, rest for the battle’s o’er; Rest, rest for the race is run; Rest, rest where the gates are closed With each evening’s setting sun.

3. Peace, peace where no strife intrudes, Peace, peace, where no quarrels come, Peace, peace, for the end is there Of our wild life’s busy hum.

4. Peace, peace, the oppressed are free; Rest, rest, oh, ye weary, rest, For the angels guard those well Who sleep on their mother’s breast.

5. Peace, peace, there is music’s sound, Peace, peace, till the rising sun Of the resurrection morn Proclaims life’s victory won.