Think not, When You Gather to Zion

Hymns, 21

1. Think not when you gather to Zion, Your troubles and trials are through, That nothing but comfort and pleasure Are waiting in Zion for you: No, no, ’tis designed as a furnace, All substance, all textures to try, To burn all the “wood, hay, and stubble,” The gold from the dross purify.

2. Think not when you gather to Zion, That all will be holy and pure; That fraud and deception are banished, And confidence wholly secure: No, no, for the Lord our Redeemer Has said that the tares with the wheat Must grow till the great day of burning Shall render the harvest complete.

3. Think not when you gather to Zion, The Saints here have nothing to do But look to your personal welfare, And always be comforting you. No; those who are faithful are doing What they find to do with their might; To gather the scattered of Israel They labor by day and by night.

4. Think not when you gather to Zion, The prize and the victory won. Think not that the warfare is ended, The work of salvation is done. No, no; for the great prince of darkness A ten-fold exertion will make, When he sees you go to the fountain, Where freely the truth you may take.