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Softly Beams the Sacred Dawning

Hymns, 56

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1. Softly beams the sacred dawning Of the great millennial morn, And to Saints gives welcome warning That the day is hast’ning on, That the day is hast’ning on.

2. Splendid, rising o’er the mountains, Glowing with celestial cheer, Streaming from eternal fountains, Rays of living light appear, Rays of living light appear.

3. Swiftly flee the clouds of darkness; Speedily the mists retire; Nature’s universal blackness Is consumed by heav’nly fire, Is consumed by heav’nly fire.

4. Yea, the fair sabbatic era, When the world will be at rest, Rapidly is drawing nearer; Then all Israel will be blest, Then all Israel will be blest.