1. Happy the souls who first believed, To Jesus and each other cleaved, Joined by the unction from above, In mystic fellowship of love.
2. Meek, simple followers of the Lamb! They lived and spake and thought the same, They joyfully conspired to raise Their ceaseless sacrifice of praise.
3. With grace abundantly endued, A pure, believing multitude; They all were of one heart and soul, And heavenly love inspired the whole.
4. Oh! what an age of golden days! Oh! what a choice, peculiar race! Washed in the Lamb’s all-cleansing blood, Anointed Kings and Priests to God.
5. Where shall we wander now to find Successors they have left behind? The faithful whom we seek in vain, Are ’minished from the sons of men.
6. Ye different sects who all declare, “Lo! here is Christ!” or “Christ is there!” Your stronger proofs divinely give, And show me where true Christians live.