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Music from the Friend (1971–2020) (1971–2020),
Jun 2001, p. 47
Follow the Prophet
Follow the Prophet
Joseph was a prophet,First one in our day.He saw God and JesusWhen he went to pray.He prayed with great faithTo know which church was true.Jesus said to “join none.Truth shall come through you.”
Brigham Young, the prophet,Valiant to the end,“Lion of the Lord,”He was Jesus’ friend.Led the Saints to safetyFar out in the West,Helped them to grow mighty,Equal to the test.
Nephi was a prophet,Tried to get the plates.He dressed up as LabanBy the city gates.With his brothers waiting,Nephi went inside.He knew God would help himAnd with him abide.
Samuel was a prophet,Lamanite by birth,Prophesied the time whenChrist would come to earth.Cried to all, “Repentance!”Shouted from the wall.Wicked would not listen,Tried to make him fall.