The third batch of hymns and children’s songs from Hymns—For Home and Church has been released! Visit the New Music Dashboard →
Hymns—For Home and Church (2026, 2024-preview),
May 2024
When the Savior Comes Again
When the Savior Comes Again
1. When the Savior comes again, He will cleanse the earth, and thenIn glory He will reign as King of kings among all men.Hate will cease and war will end; peace will dwell throughout the land;The wolf shall feed together with the lamb.
Lift up your voice! Rejoice! And prepare for that day!Learn of the Lord and keep following His way.No one knows the day and hour when He will come again,But He’ll return as scriptures say; it will be a joyful dayWhen our beloved Savior comes again.
2. When that glorious day is here, there will be no need to fear;For Satan will be bound, and Christ will reign a thousand years.Death and pain will be no more; hidden knowledge shall come forthAnd ev’ry tongue confess that Christ is Lord!
Lift up your voice! Rejoice! And prepare for that day!Learn of the Lord and keep following His way.No one knows the day and hour when He will come again,But He’ll return as scriptures say; it will be a joyful dayWhen our beloved Savior comes again.
1. When the Savior comes again, He will cleanse the earth, and thenIn glory He will reign as King of kings among all men.Hate will cease and war will end; peace will dwell throughout the land;The wolf shall feed together with the lamb.
Lift up your voice! Rejoice! And prepare for that day!Learn of the Lord and keep following His way.No one knows the day and hour when He will come again,But He’ll return as scriptures say; it will be a joyful dayWhen our beloved Savior comes again.
2. When that glorious day is here, there will be no need to fear;For Satan will be bound, and Christ will reign a thousand years.Death and pain will be no more; hidden knowledge shall come forthAnd ev’ry tongue confess that Christ is Lord!
Lift up your voice! Rejoice! And prepare for that day!Learn of the Lord and keep following His way.No one knows the day and hour when He will come again,But He’ll return as scriptures say; it will be a joyful dayWhen our beloved Savior comes again.