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Hymns (1985, 2021-digital),
no. 20
God of Power, God of Right
God of Power, God of Right
1. God of power, God of right,
Guide us with thy priesthood’s might.
Forge our souls in living fire;
Shape them to thy great desire.
2. God of wisdom, God of truth,
Take us in our eager youth;
Lift us step by step to thee
Thru an endless ministry.
3. God of mercy, God of love,
Let thy Spirit, like the dove,
Touch and humble, teach and bless,
As we serve in holiness.
Text: Wallace F. Bennett, 1898–1993. © 1948 IRI
Music: Tracy Y. Cannon, 1879–1961. © 1948 IRI
Text: Wallace F. Bennett, 1898–1993. © 1948 IRI
Music: Tracy Y. Cannon, 1879–1961. © 1948 IRI