The third batch of hymns and children’s songs from Hymns—For Home and Church has been released! Visit the New Music Dashboard →
Hymns (1985, 2021-digital),
no. 113
Our Savior’s Love
Our Savior’s Love
1. Our Savior’s loveShines like the sun with perfect light,As from aboveIt breaks thru clouds of strife.Lighting our way,It leads us back into his sight,Where we may stayTo share eternal life.
2. The Spirit, voiceOf goodness, whispers to our heartsA better choiceThan evil’s anguished cries.Loud may the soundOf hope ring till all doubt departs,And we are boundTo him by loving ties.
3. Our Father, GodOf all creation, hear us prayIn rev’rence, awedBy thy Son’s sacrifice.Praises we sing.We love thy law; we will obey.Our heav’nly King,In thee our hearts rejoice.
1. Our Savior’s loveShines like the sun with perfect light,As from aboveIt breaks thru clouds of strife.Lighting our way,It leads us back into his sight,Where we may stayTo share eternal life.
2. The Spirit, voiceOf goodness, whispers to our heartsA better choiceThan evil’s anguished cries.Loud may the soundOf hope ring till all doubt departs,And we are boundTo him by loving ties.
3. Our Father, GodOf all creation, hear us prayIn rev’rence, awedBy thy Son’s sacrifice.Praises we sing.We love thy law; we will obey.Our heav’nly King,In thee our hearts rejoice.