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Sacred Hymns (Manchester Hymnal) (1840, 1912),
no. 60
Father, how wide Thy glories shine!
Father, how wide Thy glories shine!
1. Father, how wide Thy glories shine!
How high Thy wonders rise!
Known through the earth by thousand signs,
By thousands through the skies.
2. Those mighty orbs proclaim Thy power,
Their motions speak Thy skill,
And on the wings of every hour
We read Thy presence still.
3. But when we view Thy strange design
To save rebellious worms,
Where justice and compassion join
In their divinest forms.
4. There the whole Deity is known,
Nor dare a creature guess
Which of the glories brightest shone,
The justice or the grace.
5. O may I bear some humble part
In truth’s immortal song.
Wonder and joy shall tune my heart,
And love command my tongue.