Hymnbooks and other collections in Traditional Chinese

This list shows hymnals and other music collections published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Traditional Chinese (繁體中文), as well as other hymnals of interest to Latter-day Saints. Hymnals/collections that appear in light grey have not been fully indexed.

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General Hymnals

Songbooks for Children

Songbooks for Youth

Miscellaneous Songbooks

Albums and Digital Collections

Periodicals with Music

Manuals with Music

Booklets and Leaflets

聖詩選輯 (1989) 聖詩選輯 (1989) 聖詩選集 (1975) 聖詩選集 (1975) 兒童歌本 (1995) 兒童歌本 (1995) 兒童音樂增編 (1978) 兒童音樂增編 (1978) 活動歌語 (1977) 活動歌語 (1977) 與我同唱 (1973) 與我同唱 (1973) 兒童歌本 (1960) 兒童歌本 (1960) 心靈之歌 (1979) 心靈之歌 (1979) 協進會 (1964) Hymn Preludes for Piano (Chinese Traditional) (1977) Hymns: Simplified Accompaniments, Abridged Version (Chinese Traditional) (1975) 聖詩選集:Selected Hymns (1961) 聖詩選集:Selected Hymns (1961) 基督的門徒 (2024) – Mandarin (Traditional) 基督的門徒 (2024) 基督的門徒 (2024) – Cantonese (Traditional) 基督的門徒 (2024) 我能做得到 (2023) – Mandarin (Traditional) 我能做得到 (2023) 我能做得到 (2023) – Cantonese (Traditional) 我能做得到 (2023) 信賴救主 (2022) – Mandarin (Traditional) 信賴救主 (2022) 信賴救主 (2022) – Cantonese (Traditional) 信賴救主 (2022) 這偉大事工 (2021) – Mandarin (Traditional) 這偉大事工 (2021) 我願意去做 (2020) – Mandarin (Traditional) 我願意去做 (2020) 如果我們愛祂 (2019) – Mandarin (Traditional) 如果我們愛祂 (2019) 基督賜平安 (2018) – Mandarin (Traditional) 基督賜平安 (2018) 因祂得平安 (2018) – Cantonese (Traditional) 因祂得平安 (2018) 求問神 (2017) – Mandarin (Traditional) 求問神 (2017) 求問神 (2017) – Cantonese (Traditional) 求問神 (2017) 努力前進 (2016) – Mandarin (Traditional) 努力前進 (2016) 啟航 (2015) – Mandarin (Traditional) 啟航 (2015) 其他的兒童歌曲 (2006–Present) 其他的兒童歌曲 (2006–Present) Submitted Music, Chinese Traditional (1980–Present) Submitted Music, Chinese Traditional (1980–Present) 鞏固青年雜誌中的音樂 (2021–Present) 鞏固青年雜誌中的音樂 (2021–Present) 朋友雜誌中的音樂 (2021–Present) 朋友雜誌中的音樂 (2021–Present) 利阿賀拿雜誌中的音樂 (2021–Present) 利阿賀拿雜誌中的音樂 (2021–Present) 利阿賀拿雜誌中的音樂 (1959–2020) (1959–2020) 利阿賀拿雜誌中的音樂 (1959–2020) (1959–2020) 女青年露營手冊 (2002) 女青年露營手冊 (2002) Family Home Evening Resource Book (Chinese) (1983) 1978年兒童會暑期節目:兒童會成立紀念日慶祝計畫 (1978) 1977年兒童會暑期節目:遍佈世上的先驅者 (1977) 1977年兒童會暑期節目:遍佈世上的先驅者 (1977) Primary Music Outline 1971–72 (Traditional Chinese) (1971) Lessons for Gaynotes (Chinese Traditional) (1966) Growing in the Gospel, Part 2 (Chinese Traditional) (1966) Growing in the Gospel, Part 1 (Chinese Traditional) (1965) A Gospel of Love (Chinese Traditional) (1965) Living Our Religion, Part 2 (Chinese Traditional) (1963) Living Our Religion, Part 1 (Chinese Traditional) (1962) Beginnings of Religious Praise (Chinese Traditional) (1960) 我們尋求美事 (1973) 我們尋求美事 (1973) Love One Another (Chinese) (1973) For Such a Time as This (Chinese) (1972) 祂何時再來臨 (1971) 祂何時再來臨 (1971)