Peter O. Thomassen (1836–1891)
Below is a list of songs from Peter O. Thomassen that have been indexed at
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- Almighty God ([Unknown title]) 1 language • 3 collections
- Almighty God, we for your throne (Almagts Gud, vi for din Trone) 1 language • 11 collections
- Beloved Zion, the city of the Lord (Elskte Zion, Herrens Stad) 1 language • 12 collections
- Blessed are the little people (Saligt er det lille Folk) 1 language • 9 collections
- Do you believe in the Father, the Son, and the Spirit (Tror du paa Fader, Sønnen og Aanden) 1 language • 7 collections
- For you, Father dear (For dig, Fader kjær) 1 language • 10 collections
- Glorious is the day which has now come (Herlig er Dagen, som nu er oprunden) 1 language • 10 collections
- God, Jehovah, we gather here (Gud Jehova, vi forsamles her) 1 language • 10 collections
- Lovely it is to gather together (Herligt det er jo at samles tilsammen) 2 languages • 18 collections
- Messiah’s gospel (Messiæ Evangelium) 1 language • 12 collections
- See the cheerful crowd here (Se den muntre Skare hist) 1 language • 10 collections
- To battle, to battle for the city of Zion (Til Kamp, til Kamp for Zions Stad) 1 language • 9 collections
- What a blissful moment, then, from the slumber of sin (Hvilken salig Stund, da af Syndens Blund) 1 language • 10 collections
- What is the dearest thing mankind owns (Hvad er vel det kjæreste, Mennesket ejer) 1 language • 7 collections
- When will our eye (Naar skal vort Øje) 1 language • 12 collections
- You Overcome Death (Du dødens overvinder) 1 language • 17 collections
Translator (by date) (Return to top)
- Pris Gud, fra hvem hvert Gode kom Danish • Psalmer (1851, 1871), 263
- Fra Himlens høje Hvælv Danish • Psalmer (1851, 1871), 266
- Priser Propheten, som skuer Jehovah Danish • Psalmer (1851, 1871), 268
- Hav Tak for Propheten, Du sendte Danish • Psalmer (1851, 1871), 269
- Zions Børn, afryster Sorgen! Danish • Psalmer (1851, 1871), 270
- Gjør hvad er ret, thi nu Daggry bebuder Danish • Psalmer (1851, 1871), 272
- Pris Gud, fra hvem hvert Gode kom Danish • Salmer (1851, 1875), 263
- Fra Himlens høje Hvælv Danish • Salmer (1851, 1875), 266
- Priser Profeten, som skuer Jehovah Danish • Salmer (1851, 1875), 268
- Hav Tak for Profeten, Du sendte Danish • Salmer (1851, 1875), 269
- Zions Børn, afryster Sorgen! Danish • Salmer (1851, 1875), 270
- Gjør hvad er ret, thi nu Daggry bebuder Danish • Salmer (1851, 1875), 272
- Pris Gud, fra hvem hvert Gode kom Danish • Salmer (1851, 1879), 263
- Fra Himlens høje Hvælv Danish • Salmer (1851, 1879), 266
- Priser Profeten, som skuer Jehovah Danish • Salmer (1851, 1879), 268
- Hav Tak for Profeten, Du sendte Danish • Salmer (1851, 1879), 269
- Zions Børn, afryster Sorgen! Danish • Salmer (1851, 1879), 270
- Gjør hvad er ret, thi nu Daggry bebuder Danish • Salmer (1851, 1879), 272