Christian Fürchtegott Gellert (1715–1769)
Below is a list of songs from Christian Fürchtegott Gellert that have been indexed at
Author (Return to top)
- God Is My Refuge, and on His Word (Gott ist mein Hort, und auf sein Wort) 1 language • 1 collection
- God’s Power and Providence (Gottes Macht und Vorsehung) 1 language • 7 collections
- How Great Is the Goodness of the Almighty! (Wie groß ist des Allmächt’gen Güte!) 1 language • 8 collections
- If a Man Say, I Love God (So jemand spricht, ich liebe Gott) 1 language • 5 collections
- Jesus Lives (Jesus lebt) 2 languages • 12 collections
- My First Feeling (Mein erst Gefühl) 1 language • 8 collections
- Taste of Heaven (Himmelsvorschmack) 1 language • 8 collections
- The Heavens are Telling (Die Ehre Gottes aus der Natur) 6 languages • 45 collections
- This Is the Day the Lord Hath Made (Tag des Herrn) 1 language • 8 collections