Plácido Koyoc Yam
Below is a list of songs from Plácido Koyoc Yam that have been indexed at
Author and composer (Return to top)
- Christmas Celebration (Fiesta de Navidad) 1 language • 1 collection
- Christ Was Born in Bethlehem (Cristo en Belén nació) 1 language • 1 collection
- Jesus, Come to My Home (Jesús ven a mi hogar) 1 language • 1 collection
- Jesus Is Calling (Jesús está llamando) 1 language • 1 collection
- Let’s Go to Bethlehem (Vamos a Belén) 1 language • 1 collection
- Praise the Name Jehovah (Alabad el nombre de Jehová) 1 language • 1 collection
- We Are Lost Sheep (Somos ovejas perdidas) 1 language • 1 collection