Reference Articles
Latter-day Saint Hymnology
Brett Nelson
Blog by Brett Nelson that explores the history of selected Latter-day Saint hymns, authors, and composers.
- Truth Reflects Upon Our Senses
- O Thou, Before the World Began
- Know This, That Every Soul Is Free
- Jehovah, Lord of Heaven and Earth
- Come, Thou Glorious Day of Promise
- Do What Is Right
- God Is in His Holy Temple
- Samuel Woodworth (1784-1842)
- Mary Ann Kidder (1820-1905)
- Today, While the Sun Shines
- Helen Silcott Dungan (1855-1914)
- James M. Dungan (1851-1925)
- Nay, Speak No Ill
- Alfred Beirly (1848-1929)
- With Wondering Awe
- A Question of Authorship: the hymns of William W. Phelps and Parley P. Pratt
- Mary Ann Morton (1802-1873)
- Come, O Thou King of Kings
- How Firm a Foundation
- Adam-ondi-Ahman (This Earth Was Once a Garden Place)
- Mary B. Wingate (1845-1933)
- Go, Ye Messengers of Heaven
- Called to Serve
- Lanta Wilson Smith (1856-1939)
- Marie C. Turk (1881-1972)
- Ada Blenkhorn (1858-1927)
- Away in a Manger
- I’ll Go Where You Want Me To Go
- Mary Baker (1832-1925)
- To the Church Music Committee: suggestions for the next hymnal
- The Spirit of God
- Come, Come, Ye Saints
- Praise to the Man
- The Children’s Songbook part 1: The songs of Joseph Ballantyne
- The Children’s Songbook part 2: Songs of Thanksgiving
- The Children’s Songbook part 3: songs about Heavenly Father and Jesus
Forgotten Poets
Brett Nelson
Blog by Brett Nelson with biographies and writings of less-known poets.
- Ella Higginson (1862-1940)
- Carrie Blake Morgan (1850-1926)
- Minnie Myrtle Miller (1842-1882)
- Stephen Maybell (1844-1919)
- Eva Emery Dye (1855-1947)
- Joaquin Miller (1839-1913)
- Naomi McDonald Phelps (1843-1914)
- Eliza R. Snow (1804-1887)
- Annie Pike Greenwood (1879-1956)
- Ina Coolbrith (1841-1928)
- Joaquin Miller, Plagiarist?
- Samuel L. Simpson (1845-1899)
- Luella Clark (1832-1915)
- Lee Fairchild (ca. 1860-1910)
- Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896)
- Catharine Beecher (1800-1878)
- Charles Erskine Scott Wood (1852-1944)
Church History Library
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Resources from the Church History Library.
- Hymns Research Guide
- Primary Organization Research Guide: Primary Music
- Young Women Organization Research Guide: Young Women Music
- General Conference Research Guide: The Tabernacle Choir and Conference Music
Harold B. Lee Library
Brigham Young University
Resources from the Harold B. Lee Library.
Stories of Our Mormon Hymns
(1961, 1975 edition)
J. Spencer Cornwall
Stories of hymns from Hymns (1948), as well as brief biographies of authors and composers, compiled by J. Spencer Cornwall of the Church Music Committee.
- Frontispiece
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Foreword
- Acknowledgements
- Preface
- Introduction
- Contents
- The First Latter-day Saint Hymnbook
- Come Rejoice
- Abide with Me, ’Tis Eventide
- A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
- All Creatures of Our God and King
- As Swiftly My Days
- Beautiful Zion for Me
- Behold the Royal Army
- God, Our Father, Hear Us Pray
- In Hymns of Praise
- Christ the Lord Is Risen Today
- Come, All Ye Saints and Sing His Praise
- Come, All Ye Saints Who Dwell On Earth
- Sweet Is the Hour when Thus We Meet
- Come, Come Ye Saints
- Come, Follow Me
- Come Go with Me, beyond the Sea
- Come, Hail the Cause
- Come, Let Us Anew
- Come, Ye Disconsolate
- Come Along, Come Along
- Come, O Thou King of Kings
- Think Not, When You Gather to Zion
- Come unto Jesus
- Come Ye Children of the Lord
- Behold Thy Sons and Daughters
- Come, We that Love the Lord
- Dear to the Heart of the Shepherd
- Do What Is Right
- The Lord Be with Us
- Come, Ye Thankful People, Come
- Earth with Her Ten Thousand Flowers
- Ere You Left Your Room This Morning
- Come, Sing to the Lord
- Far, Far Away on Judea’s Plains
- Father in Heaven
- Farewell, All Earthly Honors
- God of Power, God of Right
- Up, Awake, Ye Defenders of Zion
- Each Cooing Dove
- The First Noel
- From Greenland’s Icy Mountains
- Father in Heaven We Do Believe
- Carry On
- Father, Thy Children to Thee Now Raise
- Glory to God on High
- The Glorious Gospel Light Has Shown
- Come, Listen to a Prophet’s Voice
- God Be with You Till We Meet Again
- God Moves in a Mysterious Way
- In Humility Our Savior
- God of Our Fathers, We Come unto Thee
- Abide with Me
- From All That Dwell below the Skies
- Great King of Heaven, Our Hearts We Raise
- God of Our Fathers Whose Almighty Hand
- Down by the River’s Verdant Side
- Guide Us, O Thou Great Jehovah
- Have I Done Any Good in the World Today?
- Great God to Thee My Evening Hymn
- Hark, the Herald Angels Sing
- He Is Risen, He Is Risen
- High on the Mountaintop
- Holy Temples on Mount Zion
- Hope of Israel
- How Beautiful Thy Temples, Lord
- How Firm a Foundation
- How Gentle God’s Command
- How Great the Wisdom and the Love
- How Long, O Lord, Most Holy and True
- Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
- I Have Work Enough to Do
- There Is a Land Whose Sunny Vales
- Improve the Shining Moments
- In a World Where Sorrow
- It May Not Be on the Mountain’s Height
- God of Our Fathers, Known of Old
- Beautiful Zion Built Above
- I Need Thee Every Hour
- I Stand All Amazed
- Israel, Israel, God Is Calling
- It Came upon the Midnight Clear
- Jehovah, Lord of Heaven and Earth
- Jesus, Lover of My Soul
- Jesus, My Savior True, Guide Me to Thee
- Jesus of Nazareth, Savior and King
- O What Songs of the Heart
- Jesus Once of Humble Birth
- Joy to the World
- Know This That Every Soul Is Free
- Let Each Man Learn to Know Himself
- Gently Raise the Sacred Strain
- Let Earth’s Inhabitants Rejoice
- Let Us Oft Speak Kind Words
- I Know That My Redeemer Lives
- Hear Thou Our Hymn, O Lord
- Lo! On the Water’s Brink We Stand
- Let Us All Press On
- In Memory of the Crucified
- Lord Accept into Thy Kingdom
- Lord Accept Our True Devotion
- Though in the Outward Church Below
- The Lord Is My Light
- The Lord Is My Shepherd
- Lord Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing
- Master, the Tempest Is Raging
- For Our Devotion, Father
- Jesus Mighty King of Zion
- Precious Savior, Dear Redeemer
- Choose the Right
- MIA, We Hail Thee
- Lead, Kindly Light
- The Lord My Pasture Will Prepare
- More Holiness Give Me
- America
- Nay, Speak No Ill
- Nearer, Dear Savior, to Thee
- Now Let Us Rejoice
- Lord, We Ask Thee Ere We Part
- Now Thank We All Our God
- Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me
- Now the Day Is Over
- O God Our Help in Ages Past
- Nearer, My God, to Thee
- O God, the Eternal Father
- America the Beautiful
- O’er the Gloomy Hills of Darkness
- Onward, Christian Soldiers
- O Come, All Ye Faithful
- O Thou Rock of Our Salvation
- The Star Spangled Banner
- Now We’ll Sing with One Accord
- O Happy Home! O Blest Abode
- O Hark a Glorious Sound Is Heard
- O Holy Words of Truth and Love
- Oh, How Lovely Was the Morning
- O Give Me Back My Prophet Dear
- O My Father (Mason)
- O My Father (McGranahan)
- Land of the Mountains High
- Lead Me into Life Eternal
- Lord, We Come before Thee Now
- O Say, What Is Truth?
- Our Mountain Home So Dear
- O Ye Mountains High
- How Wondrous and Great
- Praise to the Man
- Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee
- Praise the Lord with Heart and Voice
- Praise to the Lord
- Rejoice, the Lord Is King
- O Sons of Zion
- Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief
- Raise Your Voices to the Lord
- Savior, Redeemer of My Soul
- Shall We Meet beyond the River
- Shall the Youth of Zion Falter
- Sing Praise to Him
- Should You Feel Inclined to Censure
- Silent Night
- Sing We Now at Parting
- Softly Now the Light of Day
- Sons of Michael, He Approaches
- Stars of Morning, Shout for Joy
- O Little Town of Bethlehem
- Sweet Hour of Prayer
- Take Courage, Saints
- Sweet Is the Work
- There Is Beauty All Around
- Dearest Children, God Is Near You
- God Speed the Right
- There Is an Hour of Peace and Rest
- They the Builders of the Nation
- There Is Sunshine in the Soul
- Who’s on the Lord’s Side, Who?
- This House We Dedicate to Thee
- Thanks for the Sabbath School
- God Loved Us, So He Sent His Son
- The Day Dawn Is Breaking
- We Give Thee but Thine Own
- Thou Dost Not Weep Alone
- Hail to the Brightness of Zion’s Glad Morning
- Awake! O Ye People, the Savior Is Coming
- The Time Is Far Spent
- Mid Pleasures and Palaces
- To Nephi, Seer of Olden Times
- ’Tis Sweet to Sing the Matchless Love
- Truth Reflects upon Our Senses
- Truth Eternal, Truth Divine
- Welcome, Welcome, Sabbath Morning
- Sweet Is the Peace the Gospel Brings
- We Are Sowing
- We Meet Again in Sunday School
- We’re Marching on to Glory
- Redeemer of Israel
- We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet
- What Glorious Scenes Mine Eyes Behold
- When First the Glorious Light of Truth
- When in the Wondrous Realm
- When the Rosy Light of Morning
- There Is a Green Hill Far Away
- When upon Life’s Billows
- We Love Thy House, O God
- They Spirit, Lord, Has Stirred Our Souls
- We’ll Sing the Songs of Zion
- Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel
- Rejoice, Ye Saints of Latter-days
- You Can Make the Pathway Bright
- With Wondering Awe
- We Are All Enlisted Till the Conflict is O’er
- Ye Chosen Twelve, to You Are Given
- Zion Stands with Hills Surrounded
- The Spirit of God like a Fire
- Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow
- Today While the Sun Shines
- With All the Power of Heart and Tongue
- While of These Emblems We Partake
- We’ll Sing All Hail to Jesus’ Name
- I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
- Prayer Is the Soul’s Sincere Desire
- Upon the Cross of Calvary
- While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night
- All Hail the Glorious Day
- An Angel from on High
- Arise, O Glorious Zion
- While of These Emblems We Partake
- Arise, My Soul, Arise
- Author of Faith, Eternal Word
- Awake, Ye Saints of God, Awake!
- Behold the Great Redeemer Die
- Before Thee, Lord, I Bow My Head
- As the Dew from Heaven Distilling
- Blessed Are They that Have the Faith
- Great Is the Lord; ’Tis Good to Praise
- Cast Thy Burden upon the Lord
- Captain of Israel’s Host and Guide
- Come, Dearest Lord
- Come, Let Us Sing an Evening Hymn
- Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light
- Come, Thou Glorious Day of Promise
- For the Strength of the Hills
- Again We Meet around the Board
- Glorious Things Are Sung of Zion
- Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken
- Does the Journey Seem Long?
- God Is in His Holy Temple
- Go, Ye Messengers of Glory
- Great God, Attend while Zion Sings
- Hark, Ten Thousand, Thousand Voices
- The Happy Day Has Rolled On
- Again, Our Dear Redeeming Lord
- Hushed Was the Evening Hymn
- Hark, Listen to the Trumpeters
- I’ll Praise My Maker while I’ve Breath
- I Saw a Mighty Angel Fly
- Give Us Room that We May Dwell
- If You Could Hie to Kolob
- In Remembrance of Thy Suffering
- Jesus, Lover of My Soul
- Lean on My Ample Arm
- I’m a Pilgrim; I’m a Stranger
- Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise
- He Died! the Great Redeemer Died
- Lo! The Mighty God Appearing
- Lord, Thou Wilt Hear Me When I Pray
- We’re Not Ashamed to Own Our Lord
- Sometime We’ll Understand
- Oh Awake! My Slumbering Minstrel
- The Morning Breaks; the Shadows Flee
- O My Father
- O Lord of Hosts
- One Sweetly Solemn Thought
- On the Mountain’s Top Appearing
- O Thou, Before the World Began
- What Voice Salutes the Startled Ear?
- O Thou Kind and Gracious Father
- Praise Ye the Lord
- Rest, Rest for the Weary Soul
- Ring Out, Wild Bells
- Reverently and Meekly Now
- Sacred, the Place of Prayer and Song
- Savior, Redeemer of My Soul
- Up! Arouse Thee, O Beautiful Zion
- Softly Beams the Sacred Dawning
- Though Deep’ning Trials
- Unanswered Yet
- Lord of All Being, Throned Afar
- Ye Children of Our God
- The Voice of God Again Is Heard
- Ye Simple Souls Who Stray
- A Voice Hath Spoken
- The Wintry Day
- When Dark and Drear the Skies Appear
- I Wander through the Stilly Night
- When Christ Was Born in Bethlehem
- The Seer, Joseph the Seer
- Behold the Mountain of the Lord
- The Lord Imparted from Above
- What Was Witnessed in the Heavens?
- Brightly Beams Our Father’s Mercy
- Come, All Ye Sons of God
- Come, All Ye Sons of Zion
- Rise Up, O Men of God
- O Home Beloved, Where’er I Wander
- O Happy Home among the Hills
- School Thy Feeling
- Ye Elders of Israel
- Ye Who Are Called to Labor
- Bring, Heavy Heart, Your Grief to Me
- Lift Thine Eyes
- Rock of Ages Cleft for Me
- Ye Chosen Twelve
- School Thy Feelings
- Index
Stories of Latter-day Saint Hymns
(1939, 1948 edition)
George D. Pyper
Stories of selected hymns from Latter-day Saint Hymns (1927), as well as brief biographies of authors and composers, compiled by George D. Pyper of the Church Music Committee.
- Frontispiece
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Dedication
- Introduction
- O My Father
- Eliza Roxey Snow Smith
- A Poor, Wayfaring Man of Grief
- O Ye Mountains High
- Come, Come, Ye Saints
- How Firm a Foundation
- Joseph Smith’s First Prayer
- The Morning Breaks
- We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet
- God Moves in a Mysterious Way
- Our Mountain Home, So Dear
- Away In A Manger
- An Angel From On High
- Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
- Far, Far Away On Judea’s Plains
- Do What Is Right!
- The Spirit of God Like a Fire is Burning
- Redeemer of Israel
- Praise to the Man
- The Seer, Joseph, the Seer
- Silent Night! Holy Night!
- Beautiful Zion For Me
- The Songs of Joseph L. Townsend
- True to the Faith
- O Say, What Is Truth?
- Abide With Me
- Gently Raise the Sacred Strain
- I Know That My Redeemer Lives
- Though Deep’ning Trials Throng Your Way
- High on the Mountain Top
- Come, Let Us Anew
- Blow Gently Ye Wild Winds
- Rest, Rest For the Weary Soul
- School Thy Feelings, O My Brother
- Sweet is the Work, My God, My King
- Lead, Kindly Light
- How Great the Wisdom and the Love
- Zion Stands With Hills Surrounded
- As the Dew From Heaven Distilling
- Come Thou Glorious Day of Promise
- Prayer Is the Soul’s Sincere Desire
- Come, O Thou King of Kings
- Now Let Us Rejoice in the Day of Salvation
- Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow
- The First Latter-day Saint Hymn Book
- The Tabernacle, the Great Organ and the Choir
- Index to Authors
- Index to Composers
- Index to Illustrations
- Index to First Lines
- Index to Special Features
Stories of Our Hymns
(1938, 1938 edition)
Carlyle F. Kueffer
Stories of selected hymns from The Saints’ Hymnal (1933), as well as brief biographies of authors and composers, compiled by Carlyle F. Kueffer.
- Title Page
- Acknowledgements
- Foreword
- Part One: Hymns of the Early Church
- William Wines Phelps
- Redeemer of Israel
- Earth With Her Ten Thousand Flowers
- O God the Eternal Father
- The Spirit of God Like a Fire Is Burning
- O Jesus, the Giver
- Come, All Ye Saints Who Dwell On Earth
- Glorious Things Are Sung of Zion
- Parley P. Pratt
- When Earth In Bondage Long Had Lain
- Hark, Ye Mortals, Hark, Be Still
- Behold Thy Sons and Daughters
- Come! O Thou King of Kings
- The Morning Breaks, the Shadows Flee
- I Saw a Mighty Angel Fly
- Ye Wondering Nations
- William Fowler
- We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet
- Rejoice, Ye Saints
- Eliza R. Snow
- Awake! Ye Saints
- Part Two: Hymns of the Reorganization
- Callie B. Stebbins
- President Joseph Smith
- Unmoved By Fear
- Lord, Let Thy Blessing Rest In Peace
- Brethren, Breathe One Fervent Prayer
- Send Forth the Sowers
- Tenderly Lead Thou Me On
- Norman Whitefield Smith
- David Hyrum Smith
- Let Us Shake off the Coals
- A Calm and Gentle Quiet
- You May Sing of the Beauty
- The Saints Shall Wear Robes as the Lilies
- Let Us Pray For One Another
- We Come With Joy
- Thomas Wood Smith
- Shall We Gather Home to Zion
- Yes, We Feel the Clouds Are Breaking
- Mark Hill Forscutt
- Burst Ye Emerald Gates
- Blest Be Thou, Oh God of Israel
- Heavenly Father, We Adore Thee
- Precious Name
- Met In Thy Sacred Name O Lord
- Charles Derry
- O Lord, Around Thine Altar Now
- This Is the Day the Lord Hath Made
- Lord, May Our Hearts Be Tuned
- Angels’ Welcome
- ’Tis a Glorious Thing To Be
- Book of Mormon
- Joseph Luff
- Admonition
- I Have Found the Glorious Gospel
- Henry Richard Mills
- God Is Marshaling His Army
- Arthur Hicks Mills
- How Gently God’s Commands
- William Lewis
- One Hour With Jesus
- Come, Holy Spirit
- John Lewis Morgan
- Vida Elizabeth Smith
- Zion’s Praises
- The Old, Old Path
- Mary Audentia Smith Anderson
- Consecration
- President Frederick Madison Smith
- Onward to Zion
- Elbert Aoriul Smith
- Starlight and Song
- Charles Fry
- O Lord, How Can It Be
- Here at Thy Table, Lord, We Meet
- Louise Hills Lewis
- Hills
- Arthur B. Phillips
- Guide Me, O My Savior
- Catherine McDougall
- Driftwood
- Prayer
- McDougall
- God Is Love
- John Thomas Gresty
- Roy A. Cheville
- Alma Mater Hymn
- Verna Schaar
- Warren K. McElwain
- Graceland Forever
- Index of Authors
- Index of Composers
- Index of Tunes
- Index of First Lines
History of Hymns
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Mormon Channel audio podcast series produced by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2009–2012.

- Episode 1: “We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet”
- Episode 2: “All Creatures of Our God and King”
- Episode 3: “Joseph Smith’s First Prayer”
- Episode 4: “Praise to the Man”
- Episode 5: “How Great Thou Art”
- Episode 6: “Lead, Kindly Light”
- Episode 7: “Nearer, My God, to Thee”
- Episode 8: “Redeemer of Israel”
- Episode 9: “The Morning Breaks”
- Episode 10: “A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief”
- Episode 11: “I Need Thee Every Hour”
- Episode 12: “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty”
- Episode 13: “I Know That My Redeemer Lives”
- Episode 14: “The Lord Is My Shepherd”
- Episode 15: “Be Still, My Soul”
- Episode 16: “Come, Come, Ye Saints”
- Episode 17: “Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee”
- Episode 18: “Where Can I Turn for Peace?”
- Episode 19: “More Holiness Give Me”
- Episode 20: “Our Savior’s Love”
- Episode 21: “Abide with Me; ’Tis Eventide”
- Episode 22: “The Spirit of God”
- Episode 23: “Lord, I Would Follow Thee”
- Episode 24: “Adam-ondi-Ahman”
- Episode 25: “I Am a Child of God”
- Episode 26: “God Be with You Till We Meet Again”
- Episode 27: “Love at Home”
- Episode 28: “O My Father”
- Episode 29: Hymns of Alexander Schreiner
- Episode 30: Hymns of Ebenezer Beesley
- Episode 31: “If You Could Hie To Kolob”
- Episode 32: Hymns of Eliza R. Snow
- Episode 33: Hymns of George Careless
- Episode 34: Hymns of Evan Stephens
- Episode 35: Hymns of William W. Phelps
- Episode 36: “High on the Mountain Top”
- Episode 37: Hymns of Parley P. Pratt
- Episode 38: Hymns of Joseph Daynes
- Episode 39: Hymns of Janice Kapp Perry
- Episode 40: Hymns of Mary Lou Cunningham Leavitt
Wikipedia: Hymns
Articles from Wikipedia about hymns indexed at
- Amazing Grace
- Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
- Day by Day (hymn)
- His Eye Is on the Sparrow
- Il est né, le divin Enfant
- It Is Well with My Soul
- O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus
- What Child Is This?
Wikipedia: People
Articles from Wikipedia about authors, composers, and other people referenced at
- A. Hamer Reiser
- A. Laurence Lyon
- Aaron Williams (composer)
- Adam Krieger
- Adelaide Anne Procter
- Adolph Green
- Adolphe Adam
- Adrianus Valerius
- Aileen Fisher
- Al Stillman
- Alain Boublil
- Alan Chang
- Alberto Randegger
- Alberto Testa (lyricist)
- Alec Rowley
- Alexander Muir
- Alexander Pope
- Alexander Schreiner
- Alexei Lvov
- Alfred Bryan
- Alfred Burt
- Alfred, Lord Tennyson
- Alice Riley
- Alice Tegnér
- Alicia Ann Spottiswoode
- Amasa Lyman
- Amy Grant
- Amy S. Foster
- Anders Frostenson
- Andreas Peter Berggreen
- Andrew E. Unsworth
- Andrew Reed (minister)
- Anna Laetitia Barbauld
- Anna Laetitia Waring
- Anne Steele
- Annie Fortescue Harrison
- Annie Hawks
- Annie Louisa Walker
- Antoinette Bourignon
- Antonín Dvořák
- Antônio Carlos Gomes
- Antônio Francisco Braga
- Appleton Milo Harmon
- Archibald F. Bennett
- Ardeth G. Kapp
- Armand Blackmar
- Arnold Sundgaard
- Arnulf of Leuven
- Arthur A. Oakman
- Arthur Cleveland Coxe
- Arthur Shepherd
- Arthur Sullivan
- Astrid Lindgren
- August Wilhelm Schlegel
- Augusta Joyce Crocheron
- Augustus Toplady
- Austin Cowles
- Avis Christiansen
- B. Cecil Gates
- B. D. Ackley
- B. H. Roberts
- Banjo Paterson
- Baptist Wriothesley Noel
- Beaker (musician)
- Ben Jonson
- Benjamin Beddome
- Benjamin Carl Unseld
- Benjamin Carr
- Benjamin Franklin
- Benjamin Hanby
- Benjamin Schmolck
- Bernard of Clairvaux
- Bernard of Cluny
- Bernhard Severin Ingemann
- Bill Gaither (gospel singer)
- Bill Monroe
- Billy Rose
- Billy Sprague
- bless4
- Bob Thiele
- Brendan Graham
- Bret Harte
- Britt G. Hallqvist
- Brooke White
- Bruce R. McConkie
- Buddy Greene
- BYU Vocal Point
- C. Austin Miles
- C. C. A. Christensen
- Camille Saint-Saëns
- Carl Bertil Agnestig
- Carl Boberg
- Carl Christian Nicolaj Balle
- Carl David af Wirsén
- Carl Gustav Schmitt
- Carl Maria von Weber
- Carl Reinecke
- Carl Weinrich
- Carol Lynn Pearson
- Carole Bayer Sager
- Caroline Norton
- Carolyn Leigh
- Carrie Jacobs-Bond
- Carsten Hauch
- Catharina von Schlegel
- Catherine Winkworth
- Cecil Frances Alexander
- Cecil Spring Rice
- César Malan
- Charles A. Zimmermann
- Charles Albert Tindley
- Charles Coborn
- Charles Crozat Converse
- Charles Davis Tillman
- Charles Dickens
- Charles E. King
- Charles E. Pratt
- Charles E. Winter
- Charles H. Gabriel
- Charles Jennens
- Charles K. Harris
- Charles L. Walker
- Charles Samuel Bovy-Lysberg
- Charles Villiers Stanford
- Charles W. Penrose
- Charles Wesley
- Charles William Glover
- Chris Eaton (UK musician)
- Christian Fürchtegott Gellert
- Christian Gregor
- Christian Heinrich Rinck
- Christian Richardt
- Christian Sinding
- Christian Winther
- Christina Rossetti
- Christoph Ernst Friedrich Weyse
- Christoph Willibald Gluck
- Civilla D. Martin
- Claude-Michel Schönberg
- Clay Christiansen (organist)
- Cornelius Bryan
- Crawford Gates
- Cyrillus Kreek
- Cyrus H. Wheelock
- Dan Emmett
- Dan Forrest
- Dan Schutte
- Daniel Auber
- Daniel B. Towner
- Daniel ben Judah
- Daniel Butterfield
- Daniel Carter (LDS composer)
- Daniel E. Gawthrop
- Daniel Protheroe
- Daniel Turner (hymn writer)
- David A. Bednar
- David Archuleta
- David Dollahite
- David Foster
- Dmytro Bortniansky
- Dorothy Heyward
- DuBose Heyward
- Dudley Buck
- E. O. Excell
- Ebenezer Beesley
- Eddie Snyder
- Edgar Pettman
- Edmund Butcher
- Edmund L. Gruber
- Edmund Sears
- Edward Caswall
- Edward Elgar
- Edward John Hopkins
- Edward L. Hart
- Edward L. Sloan
- Edward MacDowell
- Edward P. Kimball
- Edward Partridge
- Edward Plumptre
- Edwin Lemare
- Egil Hovland
- Elbert A. Smith
- Eleanor Hull
- Elias Blix
- Elias L. T. Harrison
- Eliza R. Snow
- Elizabeth Charles
- Elizabeth Clephane
- Elizabeth Fetzer Bates
- Ellis Reynolds Shipp
- Emil Hartmann
- Emily H. Woodmansee
- Emily Huntington Miller
- Emma Lazarus
- Emma Lou Thayne
- Emma Lucy Gates Bowen
- Emma Willard
- Emmeline B. Wells
- Emmy Köhler
- Engelbert Humperdinck (composer)
- Ernest Ball
- Ernst Moritz Arndt
- Evan Stephens
- Evynne Hollens
- F. Flaxington Harker
- F. Henry Edwards
- Fanny Crosby
- Federico José Pagura
- Felice Giardini
- Felicia Hemans
- Felix Mendelssohn
- Folliott Sandford Pierpoint
- Frances Ridley Havergal
- Francis Bland Tucker
- Francis of Assisi
- Francis Scott Key
- Francisco Manuel da Silva
- Franciszek Karpiński
- Frank C. Stanley
- Frank I. Kooyman
- Frank W. Asper
- Franklin L. Sheppard
- Frans Michael Franzén
- Frantz Johannes Hansen
- Franz Abt
- Franz Schubert
- Franz Xaver Gruber
- Fred Pratt Green
- Frederick Arthur Challinor
- Frederick J. Work
- Frederick M. Smith
- Frederick Oakeley
- Frederick William Faber
- Friedrich Silcher
- Friedrich Spee
- Friedrich Wilhelm Kücken
- G. Homer Durham
- G. W. Briggs
- G. W. Hunt
- G. William Richards
- Gaetano Braga
- Galt MacDermot
- Garth Brooks
- Genevan Psalter
- Geoffrey O'Hara
- Georg Joseph Vogler
- Georg Riedel (jazz musician)
- George "Honey Boy" Evans
- George Careless
- George Coles Stebbins
- George Cooper (poet)
- George D. Pyper
- George D. Watt
- George David Weiss
- George Elvey
- George Frederick Root
- George Frideric Handel
- George James Webb
- George Kiallmark
- George Leybourne
- George Manwaring
- George R. Poulton
- George Ratcliffe Woodward
- George Rosenkrans
- George Washington Doane
- Gerhard Tersteegen
- Gerrit de Jong Jr.
- Giacomo Meyerbeer
- Gioachino Rossini
- Giuseppe Concone
- Giuseppe Verdi
- Gloria Gaither
- Gloria Shayne Baker
- Gordon B. Hinckley
- Gordon Kennedy (musician)
- Gottfried Wilhelm Fink
- Grace Noll Crowell
- Grietje Terburg Rowley
- H. S. Thompson
- Halfdan Rasmussen
- Hannah T. King
- Hans Adolph Brorson
- Hans Christian Andersen
- Hans Georg Nägeli
- Hans Leo Hassler
- Hans Zimmer
- Harriet Beecher Stowe
- Harrison Millard
- Harry Dacre
- Harry Lauder
- Heinrich Werner (composer)
- Helmina von Chézy
- Henri Berger
- Henrik Rung
- Henrik Wergeland
- Henry A. Tuckett
- Henry Alford
- Henry Bishop (composer)
- Henry Brinley Richards
- Henry C. Riley
- Henry Carey (writer)
- Henry Clay Work
- Henry Farmer
- Henry Francis Lyte
- Henry Gauntlett
- Henry Kirke White
- Henry Moore (Unitarian)
- Henry Onderdonk
- Henry Russell (musician)
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
- Henry Wellington Greatorex
- Hermann Sudermann
- Hollis Dann
- Horatio Parker
- Horatio Spafford
- Horatius Bonar
- Hortense de Beauharnais
- Hosea Stout
- Howard Goodall
- Howell Elvet Lewis
- Hubert Main
- Hubert Parry
- Hugh W. Dougall
- Hugo Frey (musician)
- Hugo Richard Jüngst
- Ida, Countess von Hahn-Hahn
- Ignaz Heinrich von Wessenberg
- Ignaz Pleyel
- Ira David Sankey
- Ira Gershwin
- Isaac B. Woodbury
- Isaac Watts
- Israel Kolmodin
- Ivor Novello
- J. Frederic Voros Jr.
- J. Keirn Brennan
- J. Robert Harris
- J. Spencer Cornwall
- J. Walter Woodbury
- Jack Judge
- Jacques Offenbach
- Jacques-Louis Battmann
- Jakob Knudsen
- Jakob Sande
- James A. Bland
- James Arlington Bennet
- James Austin Butterfield
- James Chadwick (bishop)
- James E. Faust
- James H. Wallis
- James Lord Pierpont
- James Lynam Molloy
- James McGranahan
- James Merrick
- James Milton Black
- James Montgomery (poet)
- Jane Laurie Borthwick
- Jane Taylor (poet)
- Janeen Brady
- Janice Kapp Perry
- Jason Lyle Black
- Jean Sibelius
- Jean-Baptiste Faure
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau
- Jemima Luke
- Jeremiah Rankin
- Jeremy Belknap
- Jerold Ottley
- Jessie Brown Pounds
- Jessie Gaynor
- Jessie Seymour Irvine
- Joachim Neander
- Joel H. Johnson
- Johan Henrik Nebelong
- Johan Ludvig Runeberg
- Johan Olof Wallin
- Johan Peter Emilius Hartmann
- Johan Sebastian Welhaven
- Johann Abraham Peter Schulz
- Johann Anastasius Freylinghausen
- Johann Crüger
- Johann Franck
- Johann Jacob Schütz
- Johann Joachim Eschenburg
- Johann Philipp Neumann
- Johann Schein
- Johann Schop
- Johann Sebastian Bach
- Johann von Rist
- Johannes Brahms
- Johannes Daniel Falk
- Johannes Ewald
- Johannes Gijsbertus Bastiaans
- John A. Widtsoe
- John Andrew Buchanan
- John B. Tabb
- John Bacchus Dykes
- John Baptiste Calkin
- John Bowring
- John Cennick
- John D. T. McAllister
- John Darwall
- John E. Tullidge
- John Edgar Gould
- John Edwards (hymnist)
- John Ellerton
- John Erskine Clarke
- John F. Palmer
- John F. Young
- John Fawcett (theologian)
- John Francis Wade
- John Furniss
- John Greenleaf Whittier
- John Henry Hopkins
- John Henry Maunder
- John Henry Newman
- John Hill Hewitt
- John Hilton the younger
- John Hughes (1873–1932)
- John Hughes (archbishop)
- John J. McClellan
- John Jaques (Mormon)
- John Keble
- John Logan (minister)
- John Longhurst
- John M. Chamberlain
- John Marshall Kernochan
- John Menzies Macfarlane
- John Newton
- John Ogilvie (poet)
- John Oxenford
- John R. Sweney
- John Rippon
- John S. Tanner (Mormon)
- John Stafford Smith
- John Stainer
- John Taylor (Mormon)
- John Troutbeck
- John Wesley
- John Woodcock Graves
- John Zundel
- Jonathan Battishill
- Jonathan E. Spilman
- Josef Anton Henne
- Joseph Addison
- Joseph Barnby
- Joseph Fielding Smith
- Joseph Glæser
- Joseph Haydn
- Joseph J. Daynes
- Joseph L. Townsend
- Joseph M. Scriven
- Joseph Martin Kraus
- Joseph Mohr
- Joseph Parry
- Joseph Philbrick Webster
- Joseph Philip Knight
- Joseph S. Murdock
- Joseph Smith
- Joseph Smith III
- Joseph Stennett
- Joseph Swain (poet)
- Josephine Pollard
- Joshua Leavitt
- Jules Granier
- Julia Abigail Fletcher Carney
- Julia Ward Howe
- Julie Hausmann
- Julien Tiersot
- Julius Krohn
- K. Newell Dayley
- Kalākaua
- Kåre Grøttum
- Karen Lynn Davidson
- Karl G. Maeser
- Karl Hoschna
- Karl Joseph Simrock
- Katharine Lee Bates
- Katherine Hankey
- Kenneth Cope (musician)
- Kenny Loggins
- Larry Kusik
- Laura E. Richards
- Laura Emeline Newell
- Lebo M.
- Lee Tom Perry
- Lelia N. Morris
- Leo Sowerby
- Leonard Bacon
- Leroy Robertson
- Lewis Redner
- Likelike
- Liliuokalani
- Lina Sandell
- Liza Lehmann
- Lloyd Stone
- Loren C. Dunn
- Lorin F. Wheelwright
- Louis A. Bertrand
- Louis Bourgeois (composer)
- Louis F. Moench
- Louis Moreau Gottschalk
- Louise Reichardt
- Lowell Mason
- Lucy Mack Smith
- Ludvig Mathias Lindeman
- Ludwig van Beethoven
- Luigi Cherubini
- Luigi Denza
- Lula Greene Richards
- Luther Orlando Emerson
- Lydia Maria Child
- Lydia Sigourney
- Lynn Ahrens
- Mabel Jones Gabbott
- Mack Wilberg
- Magne Furuholmen
- Maimonides
- Marc Broussard
- Margrethe Munthe
- Maria De Fleury
- Maria Konopnicka
- Maria Lindsay
- Marilyn Brown (author)
- Marion D. Hanks
- Mark Hill Forscutt
- Mark Lowry
- Mark Schultz (musician)
- Marshall Altman
- Martin Luther
- Martin Rinkart
- Martin Shaw (composer)
- Marvin Goldstein
- Marvin K. Gardner
- Marvin Winans
- Mary Elizabeth Byrne
- Mary Elizabeth McGrath Blake
- Mary Hale Woolsey
- Mary Mapes Dodge
- Mary S. B. Shindler
- Matilda Betham-Edwards
- Matthias Claudius
- Matthías Jochumsson
- Maurice White
- Melchior Teschner
- Merrill Bradshaw
- Meta Orred
- Michael Bruce (poet)
- Michael Bublé
- Michael Haydn
- Michael Maybrick
- Michael Praetorius
- Michael William Balfe
- Miklós Rózsa
- Mildred J. Hill
- Mormon Tabernacle Choir
- Mormon Youth Symphony and Chorus
- Mormon Youth Symphony and Chorus
- Morten Harket
- Mykola Leontovych
- N. F. S. Grundtvig
- Nahum Tate
- Nancy Byrd Turner
- Naomi W. Randall
- Narisara Nuwattiwong
- Natalie Grant
- Natalie Sleeth
- Nathan Söderblom
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
- Ned Buntline
- Neville Talbot
- Nicholas Brady (poet)
- Nicolaas Beets
- Nicolaus Zinzendorf
- Niels Gade
- Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov
- Nikolaus Decius
- Nikolaus Herman
- Noël Regney
- Nordahl Rolfsen
- Noteworthy (vocal group)
- Olav H. Hauge
- Olavo Bilac
- Oliver Holden
- Olle Widestrand
- Orchestra at Temple Square
- Orlando Gibbons
- Orrin Hatch
- Orson F. Whitney
- Orson Hyde
- Orson Pratt Huish
- Oscar A. Kirkham
- Oscar Ahnfelt
- Oskar Kolberg
- Osório Duque-Estrada
- Otto Fetting
- Otto Goldschmidt
- Parley P. Pratt
- Patrick Gilmore
- Patty Hill
- Paul Francis Webster
- Paul Gerhardt
- Paul L. Anderson
- Paul Waaktaar-Savoy
- Pavel Chesnokov
- Peppino Turco
- Peter A. Judd
- Peter Hollens
- Peter McCann
- Philip Bliss
- Philip Doddridge
- Philip James Bailey
- Philipp Nicolai
- Phillips Brooks
- Phineas Young
- Phra Chenduriyang
- Pierce Pettis
- Pietro Yon
- Piotr Skarga
- Preston Ware Orem
- Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
- R. J. S. Stevens
- Ralph Vaughan Williams
- Raymond B. Egan
- Regie Hamm
- Reginald Heber
- Reid N. Nibley
- Ren Shields
- Rich Mullins
- Richard A. Whiting
- Richard Dybeck
- Richard Kempenfelt
- Richard Milburn
- Richard Monckton Milnes, 1st Baron Houghton
- Richard of Chichester
- Richard Rich (director)
- Richard Storrs Willis
- Rikard Nordraak
- Rob Morris (Freemason)
- Robert Ambrose (composer)
- Robert B. Thompson
- Robert Carr Brackenbury
- Robert Louis Stevenson
- Robert Lowry (hymn writer)
- Robert M. Cundick
- Robert MacGimsey
- Robert Manookin
- Robert Reid Kalley
- Robert Robinson (Baptist)
- Rolf Løvland
- Ronald Winans
- Rowland Hill (preacher)
- Rowland Prichard
- Roy Cheville
- Rudyard Kipling
- Russell Kelso Carter
- Russell M. Nelson
- Ruth May Fox
- S. Dilworth Young
- Sabine Baring-Gould
- Samuel A. Ward
- Samuel Coleridge-Taylor
- Samuel Francis Smith
- Samuel Lover
- Samuel Medley (minister)
- Samuel Roberts (writer)
- Samuel Rodigast
- Samuel Sebastian Wesley
- Samuel Trevor Francis
- Samuel Webbe
- Samuel Webbe the younger
- Samuel Wesley (poet)
- Samuel Wesley (the Younger)
- Sarah Doudney
- Sarah Fuller Flower Adams
- Sarah Josepha Hale
- Septimus Winner
- Șerban Nichifor
- Severus Gastorius
- Shania Twain
- Sidney Rigdon
- Sigurd Lunde (bishop)
- Sir Harold Boulton, 2nd Baronet
- Sonny Burke
- Southern Harmony
- Stephen Flaherty
- Stephen Foster
- Stephen M. Jones
- Susan Evans McCloud
- Susannah Harrison
- Sveinbjörn Sveinbjörnsson
- Taneli Kuusisto
- The Piano Guys
- Theodore Baker
- Theodore Frelinghuysen Seward
- Theodore Tilton
- Theodulf of Orléans
- Thoinot Arbeau
- Thomas A. Dorsey
- Thomas A'Becket (composer)
- Thomas B. Marsh
- Thomas Brigham Bishop
- Thomas C. Griggs
- Thomas Campbell (poet)
- Thomas Chisholm (songwriter)
- Thomas Hastings (composer)
- Thomas Haynes Bayly
- Thomas Helmore
- Thomas Ken
- Thomas Koschat
- Thomas Laub
- Thomas Moore
- Thomas Morley
- Thomas Oliphant (lyricist)
- Thomas Olivers
- Thomas Raffles
- Thorbjørn Egner
- Thorvald Lammers
- Tim Rice
- Tony Wood (musician)
- Tracy Y. Cannon
- Uuno Kailas
- Valdimar Briem
- Vanja Y. Watkins
- Veikko Antero Koskenniemi
- Venantius Fortunatus
- Victor Schertzinger
- Viktor Rydberg
- Vincenzo Bellini
- W. A. Draves
- W. J. Sparrow Simpson
- W. S. Gilbert
- W. W. Fosdick
- W. W. Phelps (Mormon)
- Walford Davies
- Wallace F. Bennett
- Wallace Willis
- Walsham How
- Walter Shirley (priest and controversialist)
- Wayland Holyfield
- Wilhelm Müller
- Wilhelmi Malmivaara
- Will Lamartine Thompson
- Willard Richards
- William Arms Fisher
- William Augustus Muhlenberg
- William Bartholomew (writer)
- William Batchelder Bradbury
- William Bengo' Collyer
- William Boyce (composer)
- William Chatterton Dix
- William Clayson
- William Clayton (Mormon)
- William Cowper
- William Croft
- William Edward Hickson
- William Fowler (Mormon)
- William Gardiner (English composer)
- William Goode, the elder
- William Hammond (hymnist)
- William Henry Draper (hymnwriter)
- William Henry Monk
- William Howard Doane
- William J. Kirkpatrick
- William Knox (Scottish poet)
- William Orcutt Cushing
- William P. Merrill
- William S. Pitts
- William Shakespeare
- William Sterndale Bennett
- William Tans'ur
- William Vincent Wallace
- William Williams Pantycelyn
- Willy Reske
- Wilson Law
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
- Zachris Topelius
- Zygmunt Noskowski