I Know Not What the Future Hath (All Languages)
This page shows all instances of “I Know Not What the Future Hath” in All Languages that have been indexed at SingPraises.net.
Author: John Greenleaf Whittier
Composer: Varies by tune (see below)
Song instances by tune:
- Brother James’ Air (by James Leith Macbeth Bain) (1981 to 1982)
- Consolation (by Barbara C. Mink) (1990)
- N/A (Text only) (2013)
- N/A (Undetermined) (1931 to 2013)
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Tune: Brother James’ Air (by James Leith Macbeth Bain) (Return to top)
(Indexed instance years: 1981 to 1982)More information about this tune: Tune: Brother James’ Air (James Leith Macbeth Bain)
I Know Not What the Future Hath
Hymns of the Saints (RLDS) (1981), 126
Arranger: Gordon Jacob; Rosalee Elser
Other editions:
Tune: Consolation (by Barbara C. Mink) (Return to top)
(Indexed instance years: 1990)More information about this tune: Tune: Consolation (Barbara C. Mink)
Tune: N/A (Text only) (Return to top)
(Indexed instance years: 2013)Tune: N/A (Undetermined) (Return to top)
(Indexed instance years: 1931 to 2013)-
I Know Not What the Future Hath
Hymnal of the Remnant Saints (Remnant Church) (2006), 394
Arranger: Gordon Jacob; Rosalee Elser
I Know Not What the Future Hath
Community of Christ Sings (Community of Christ) (2013), 246
Arranger: Gordon Jacob
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