Now Light One Thousand Christmas Lights
Author: Emmy Köhler
Composer: Emmy Köhler
Languages (1)
This song text has been indexed at in the following languages:
- Swedish: Nu tändas tusen juleljus
- All Languages →
Most common tunes for “Now Light One Thousand Christmas Lights”
This chart shows the tunes that are paired with this text most frequently, in hymnbooks and other collections published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. If the text appears with the same tune in multiple editions or translations of the same hymnbook, it is only counted once.
Appearances of “Now Light One Thousand Christmas Lights” over time
This timeline shows which tunes have been used with this text over time, in hymnbooks and other collections published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Copyright status of original text
This text was first published in Swedish, in 1993 or earlier.
Public domain
Earliest source indexed at Kom Sjung en Sång (1951), 32b.
Representative lyrics
Swedish (Original Language)
1. Nu tändas tusen juleljus på jordens mörka rund. Och tusen, tusen stråla ock på himlens djupblå grund.
2. Och över stad och land i kväll går julens glada bud att född är Herren Jesus Krist, vår Frälsare och Gud.
3. Du stjärna över Betlehem, o, låt ditt milda ljus få lysa in med hopp och frid i varje hem och hus.
4. I varje hjärta armt och mörkt sänd du en stråle blid, en stråle av Guds kärleks ljus i signad juletid.