God’s Gracious Love

Author: Karolina W. Sandell-Berg
Composer: Oscar Ahnfelt

Languages (5)

This song text has been indexed at SingPraises.net in the following languages:


Most common tunes for “God’s Gracious Love”

This chart shows the tunes that are paired with this text most frequently, in hymnbooks and other collections published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. If the text appears with the same tune in multiple editions or translations of the same hymnbook, it is only counted once.

Appearances of “God’s Gracious Love” over time

This timeline shows which tunes have been used with this text over time, in hymnbooks and other collections published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Representative lyrics

Swedish (Original Language)

1. Blott en dag, ett ögonblick i sänder, vilken tröst, vad än som kommer på! Allt ju vilar i min Faders händer, skulle jag, som barn, väl ängslas då? Han som bär för mig en faders hjärta, han ju ger åt varje nyfödd dag dess beskärda del av fröjd och smärta, möda, vila och behag.

2. Själv han är mig alla dagar nära, för var särskild tid med särskild nåd. Varje dags bekymmer vill han bära, han som heter både Kraft och Råd. Morgondagens omsorg får jag spara, om än oviss syns min vandrings stig. ”Som din dag, så skall din kraft ock vara”, detta löfte gav han mig.

3. Hjälp mig då att vila tryggt och stilla blott vid dina löften, Herre kär, ej min tro och ej den tröst förspilla som i ordet mig förvarad är. Hjälp mig, Herre, att vad helst mig händer, taga ur din trogna fadershand, blott en dag, ett ögonblick i sänder, tills jag nått det goda land.


God’s Gracious Love

Hymns—For Home and Church (2026, 2024-preview), Sep 2024

Translator: Andrew L. Skoog; Anon.

Arranger: Albert Lindström; Anon.

1. Day by day, God’s gracious love surrounds me As a balm to soothe my troubled heart. Countless cares and worries that confound me Fade away or quietly depart, For His heart is kind beyond all measure, And He comforts us as He knows best. Ev’ry day, with all its pain and pleasure, Mingles tears with peace and rest.

2. Day by day, the Lord is ever near me, Granting loving mercies for each hour, And my care He gladly bears, and cheers me With His counsel pure and holy pow’r. I’ll not fear for what may come tomorrow, Though the path ahead I cannot see. He assures that in all joy or sorrow, “As thy days, thy strength shall be.”

3. Help me rest in quiet consolation. Help me trust Thy promises, O Lord. When I’m faced with daily tribulation, Help me find the strength to live Thy word. Then, dear Lord, when toil and trouble find me, Hold me steadfast in Thy pow’rful hand. Day by day, Thy strength will bear me kindly Till I reach the promised land.


Compare different versions of the lyrics side-by-side: English, Swedish