Father, We Will Quiet Be
Author: Elizabeth McEwen Shields
Composer: Juliette Graves Adams
Languages (17)
This song text has been indexed at SingPraises.net in the following languages:
- Danish: Fader, stille sidder jeg
- Dutch: Vader, wij zijn stille nu
- English: Father, We Will Quiet Be
- Finnish: Hiljaa olla tahdomme
- French: Bien tranquilles nous serons
- German: Vater, wir wolln stille sein
- Icelandic: Faðir minn, mín þrá til þín
- Italian: Padre, faremo silenzio
- Japanese: [Unknown title]
- Korean: [Unknown title]
- Mandarin (Traditional): [Unknown title]
- Norwegian: Fader, vi vil lytte til
- Portuguese: Pai, Bem Quieto Ficarei
- Samoan: Tama, Matou Te Filemu
- Spanish: Con quietud, Padre
- Swedish: Fader, stilla ber vi nu
- Tongan: Tamai Te u Fakalongolongo
- All Languages →
Most common tunes for “Father, We Will Quiet Be”
This chart shows the tunes that are paired with this text most frequently, in hymnbooks and other collections published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. If the text appears with the same tune in multiple editions or translations of the same hymnbook, it is only counted once.
Appearances of “Father, We Will Quiet Be” over time
This timeline shows which tunes have been used with this text over time, in hymnbooks and other collections published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
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Compare different versions of the lyrics side-by-side: English