God Moves in a Mysterious Way

Author: William Cowper
Composer: Varies by tune (see below)

Languages (40)

This song text has been indexed at SingPraises.net in the following languages:


Most common tunes for “God Moves in a Mysterious Way”

This chart shows the tunes that are paired with this text most frequently, in hymnbooks and other collections published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. If the text appears with the same tune in multiple editions or translations of the same hymnbook, it is only counted once.

Appearances of “God Moves in a Mysterious Way” over time

This timeline shows which tunes have been used with this text over time, in hymnbooks and other collections published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Representative lyrics

English (Original Language)

1. God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform; He plants his footsteps in the sea And rides upon the storm.

2. Ye fearful Saints, fresh courage take; The clouds ye so much dread Are big with mercy and shall break In blessings on your head.

3. His purposes will ripen fast, Unfolding ev’ry hour; The bud may have a bitter taste, But sweet will be the flower.

4. Blind unbelief is sure to err And scan his works in vain; God is his own interpreter, And he will make it plain.


Compare different versions of the lyrics side-by-side: English