Eternal Life

Author: Edmund W. Richardson
Composer: Joseph J. Daynes

Languages (3)

This song text has been indexed at in the following languages:


Most common tunes for “Eternal Life”

This chart shows the tunes that are paired with this text most frequently, in hymnbooks and other collections published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. If the text appears with the same tune in multiple editions or translations of the same hymnbook, it is only counted once.

Appearances of “Eternal Life” over time

This timeline shows which tunes have been used with this text over time, in hymnbooks and other collections published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Representative lyrics

Spanish (Original Language)

1. ¿Hacia dónde van los hombres, y de dónde provendrán? ¿Quién los puso en el mundo, y aquí por qué están? Yo contesto: Dios el Padre, el autor de la Creación. Él los puso en el mundo a labrar su perfección.

2. Aunque no se perfeccionen, se espera progresión; para quien progrese poco, será poco el galardón. Para el que no progrese hay mayor condenación; el que no se arrepienta no podrá tener perdón.

3. Que cayeran nuestros padres por el fruto del Edén, fue planeado en los cielos; todo fue por nuestro bien. Y la Expiación de Cristo, parte fue de ese plan que los Dioses presentaron en el mundo premortal.

4. Más que lucros mundanales, quiero la exaltación; para ello se requieren obras y abnegación. Ya después aprenderemos más del plan de salvación; esta vida, finalmente, vida es de probación.


Eternal Life Collection, Oct 2022

Translator: Samuel H. Bradshaw

1. Have you pondered where you’re going, Whence you’ve come, or why you’re here? Have you wondered who created Friends and strangers far and near? God, the Father of Creation, Is the author of the plan, And his work of exaltation Is the reason it began.

2. We cannot in life be perfect, Yet we can each day progress. Learning to increase our talents, God will ev’ry effort bless. Those who seek to hide their talents Will not gain the greater prize, But eternal life is given To the faithful and the wise.

3. Long before the Fall in Eden, God our Father had a plan— He would turn this first transgression For the good and joy of man. Through the gift of Christ, our Savior, He would manifest his love. This redemption was presented In the council up above.

4. More than any worldly pleasure, Life eternal I would own. Righteous effort, consecration, These are seeds that must be sown, Till that morning, when in beauty, All God’s plan will be revealed, And this mortal life of proving Will to life eternal yield.