Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us

Author: Hymns for the Young; Dorothy Ann Thrupp
Composer: Unknown

Languages (10)

This song text has been indexed at in the following languages:

  • Dutch: Leid ons als de Goede Herder
  • French: Bon Sauveur, berger fidèle / Iesu, aratai noâ Mai te hoê tiai
  • French (French Polynesia): Bon Sauveur, berger fidèle / Iesu, aratai noâ Mai te hoê tiai
  • French (Haiti): Bon Sauveur, berger fidèle
  • German: Willst du Herr, dein Lamm nicht leiten
  • Hausa: Savior, like a Shepherd Lead Us
  • Hawaiian: Savior, like a Shepherd Lead Us
  • Portuguese: Ouve-Nos, Pastor Divino
  • Tahitian: Bon Sauveur, berger fidèle / Iesu, aratai noâ Mai te hoê tiai
  • All Languages