Child of Mine

Author: Marie-Françoise Euvrard
Composer: Antonin Dvorak

Languages (2)

This song text has been indexed at in the following languages:


Most common tunes for “Child of Mine”

This chart shows the tunes that are paired with this text most frequently, in hymnbooks and other collections published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. If the text appears with the same tune in multiple editions or translations of the same hymnbook, it is only counted once.

Appearances of “Child of Mine” over time

This timeline shows which tunes have been used with this text over time, in hymnbooks and other collections published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Representative lyrics

French (Original Language)

1. Souviens-toi, mon enfant: Tes parents divins Te serraient dans leurs bras, ce temps n’est pas loin. Aujourd’hui, tu es là, présent merveilleux, Ton regard brille encore du reflet des cieux. Parle-moi, mon enfant, de ces lieux bénis Car pour toi est léger le voile d’oubli.

2. Souviens-toi, mon enfant des bois, des cités. Pouvons-nous ici bas les imaginer? Et le ciel jusqu’au soir, est-il rose ou gris? Le soleil attend-il la neige ou la pluie? Conte-moi, mon enfant, la couleur des prés Et le chant des oiseaux d’un monde oublié.

3. Souviens-toi, mon enfant: A l’aube des temps, Nous étions des amis jouant dans le vent. Puis un jour, dans la joie nous avons choisi D’accepter du Seigneur le grand plan de vie. Ce soir là, mon enfant, nous avons promis Par l’amour, par la foi, d’être réunis.


Child of Mine Collection, May 2019

Translator: Samuel H. Bradshaw

1. Child of mine, little child, sent from heaven’s care— Heavenly parents’ arms gently clasped you there. Now with me, child of mine, in this earthly place, Heaven’s light, still aglow, shines upon your face. Speak to me of the heav’ns where with God you’ve been, While for you, little child, still the veil is thin.

2. Child of mine, little child—in that heav’nly land, Cities and forests there, were they small or grand? And the skies, till the night, were they rose or gray? Did the sun yield to rain? Did it shine all day? Tell me, child, of the fields, colored flow’rs unfurled, And the song of the birds in that distant world.

3. Child of mine, little child, at the dawn of time, We were once carefree friends in a home divine. Then one day, we received Heav’nly Father’s plan, And we chose, joyfully, mortal life as man. You and I, child of mine, made a promise then: Led by faith and by love—home to Him again.


Compare different versions of the lyrics side-by-side: English