¿Qué niño es este? (Spanish)
This page shows all instances of “What Child Is This?” in Spanish that have been indexed at SingPraises.net.
Author: William Chatterton Dix
Composer: English folk song, 16th century
Song instances by tune:
- Greensleeves (by English folk song, 16th century) (1990 to 2024)
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Tune: Greensleeves (by English folk song, 16th century) (Return to top)
(Indexed instance years: 1990 to 2024)More information about this tune: Tune: Greensleeves (English folk song, 16th century)
¿Quién es el Niño? (Dúo o coro a dos voces)
Música de la revista Liahona (1937–2020) (1937–2020), Dec 2019, p. 8
Arranger: Sally DeFord
Himnos — Para el hogar y la Iglesia (2024-preview), May 2024
Arranger: John Stainer
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