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Hymns (1948, 1979),
no. 240
Come, Thou Glorious Day of Promise (Choir)
Come, Thou Glorious Day of Promise (Choir)
1. Come, thou glorious day of promise;Come and spread thy cheerful ray,When the scattered sheep of IsraelShall no longer go astray;When hosannas,When hosannasWith united voice they’ll cry.
2. Lord, how long wilt thou be angry?Shall thy wrath forever burn?Rise, redeem thine ancient people;Their transgressions from them turn;King of Israel,King of Israel,Come and set thy people free.
3. Oh, that soon thou wouldst to JacobThy enlivening Spirit send!Of their unbelief and miseryMake, O Lord, a speedy end.Lord, Messiah!Lord, Messiah!Prince of Peace o’er Israel reign.