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Hymns (1985, 2021-digital),
no. 245
This House We Dedicate to Thee
This House We Dedicate to Thee
1. This house we dedicate to thee,
Our God, our fathers’ God.
Wilt thou accept and deign to bless
The path our feet have trod?
2. Wilt thou thy servants here inspire
When in thy name they speak?
And wilt thou bless each contrite soul
Who here thy face doth seek?
3. Here may our sons and daughters come
And find that peace which swells
From grateful hearts, when touched by thee,
Wherein thy Spirit dwells!
Text: Henry W. Naisbitt, 1826–1908
Music: Frank W. Asper, 1892–1973. © 1948 IRI
Text: Henry W. Naisbitt, 1826–1908
Music: Frank W. Asper, 1892–1973. © 1948 IRI