Sacred Hymns (Manchester Hymnal) (1840, 1912),
no. 17
O Jesus, the giver
O Jesus, the giver
1. O Jesus, the giverOf all we enjoy,Our lives to Thy honorWe wish to employ;With praises unceasingWe’ll sing of Thy name;Thy goodness increasing,Thy love we’ll proclaim.
2. With joy we rememberThe dawn of that day,When cold as DecemberIn darkness we lay;The sweet invitationWe heard with surprise,And witnessed salvationFlow down from the skies.
3. The wonderful nameOf Jesus we’ll sing,And publish the fameOf our Captain and King.With sweet exultationHis goodness we prove;His name is salvationHis nature is love.
4. We now are enlistedIn Jesus’ blest cause.Divinely assistedTo conquer our foes:His grace will support usTill conflicts are o’er,He then will escort usTo Zion’s bright shore.