1. Bees are small, peculiar people,
Fond of clinging to their hive;
Each one tries to be industrious,
While they cannot help but thrive.
They are true co-operatives,
Working till their labor’s o’er;
Then they put their means together,
And uphold a common store.
2. Some will travel to a distance,
Bringing back their produce cheap,
Enter then their common warehouse,
And lay up their precious heap.
There they have a great abundance,
All of which is owned by all;
Then they have their clerks and porters,
And there’s one a “king” they call.
3. Bees will deal not with outsiders;
To themselves they keep their pay:
Oft they help a needy brother,
While he’s struggling on his way.
Often are they persecuted
For their isolation’s sake;
Yet they bear it all with patience,
When their honor’s not at stake.
4. Bees are harmless, quiet, sober;
Never heed what people say:
But when parties dare attack them,
All as one will sting away.
Let the bees alone to prosper,
Then their honey will abound;
But if mobbers will molest them,
Look for vengeance all around.