Louis F. Mönch (1847–1916)
Below is a list of songs from Louis F. Mönch that have been indexed at SingPraises.net.
Author (Return to top)
- Awake, My Spirit, Awake! (Wach’ auf, mein Geist, wach’ auf!) 1 language • 6 collections
- Come, Oh Come with Me (Komm, o komm mit mir) 1 language • 7 collections
- Fight and Victory (Kampf und Sieg) 1 language • 1 collection
- Hark, All Ye Nations! (Sehet, ihr Völker!) 51 languages • 196 collections
- O! How Lovely the Value of Him (O! wie lieblich die Werte von dem) 1 language • 1 collection
- O How Sweet in Zion’s Meadows (O wie süß in Zions Auen) 1 language • 6 collections
- The Land in the Distance (Das Land in der Fern’) 1 language • 6 collections