’Twas Witnessed in the Morning Sky
Author: Anon.; G. William Richards (adapter)
Composer: H. Walford Davies
Languages (5)
This song text has been indexed at SingPraises.net in the following languages:
- Bulgarian: Вестител ангел слезе тук
- Chuukese: U Mochen Ai Samol
- English: ’Twas Witnessed in the Morning Sky
- English Braille: ⠠⠦⠄⠞⠺⠁⠎ ⠠⠺⠊⠞⠝⠑⠎⠎⠫ ⠔ ⠮ ⠠⠍⠕⠗⠝⠔⠛ ⠠⠎⠅⠽
- Kekchi: Naq kisaqew chiru choxa
- All Languages →
Most common tunes for “’Twas Witnessed in the Morning Sky”
This chart shows the tunes that are paired with this text most frequently, in hymnbooks and other collections published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. If the text appears with the same tune in multiple editions or translations of the same hymnbook, it is only counted once.
Appearances of “’Twas Witnessed in the Morning Sky” over time
This timeline shows which tunes have been used with this text over time, in hymnbooks and other collections published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Copyright status of original text
This text was first published in English, in 1985 or earlier.
In copyright (IRI)
Earliest source indexed at SingPraises.net: Bukin Kön Mi Fel (1982?), p. 23.
Representative lyrics
English (Original Language)
1. ’Twas witnessed in the morning sky: An angel earthward bound. This messenger proclaimed anew The gospel’s joyful sound. In pow’r it would be preached on earth By men of God ordained; All men, all tongues, all nations would Accept and praise his name.
2. In ancient days the gospel plan Was giv’n of God to men; In latter days the gospel is Restored to earth again. By holy prophets long proclaimed, By Saints and seers adored, It speaks the everlasting truths Of Jesus Christ, the Lord.
3. Apostles of a former day To modern prophets came; They brought the priesthood of our Lord To bless the earth again. The pow’rs of heav’n are opened wide To men of God below; The knowledge, gifts, and keys are ours, All blessings to bestow.