When First the Glorious Light of Truth

Author: William Clayton
Composer: Anon.

Languages (10)

This song text has been indexed at SingPraises.net in the following languages:

  • Czech: Vzkříšení
  • Danish: Da sandhedslyset ved Guds magt
  • Dutch: Toen ’t licht der waarheid kwam
  • French: Depuis que dans ces derniers temps
  • German: Auf ging der ewgen Wahrheit Licht
  • Samoan: Le Galuega A Iesu
  • Swedish: Då Kristi kyrka med Guds makt
  • Tahitian: Te Tia-Faahouraa
  • Tongan: ʻI he ulo mai ʻa e maama
  • All Languages


Most common tunes for “When First the Glorious Light of Truth”

This chart shows the tunes that are paired with this text most frequently, in hymnbooks and other collections published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. If the text appears with the same tune in multiple editions or translations of the same hymnbook, it is only counted once.

Appearances of “When First the Glorious Light of Truth” over time

This timeline shows which tunes have been used with this text over time, in hymnbooks and other collections published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Representative lyrics

English (Original Language)

1. When first the glorious light of truth Burst forth in this last age, How few there were enrolled their names Upon its sacred page! And of those few how many Have passed from earth away And in the grave are sleeping Till the resurrection day! Till the resurrection day! And in the grave are sleeping Till the resurrection day!

2. How many on Missouri’s plain Lie prone in death’s embrace. Pure honest souls, too good to live In such a wicked place! And are they left forever Beneath the silent clay? Ah, no; they are but sleeping Till the resurrection day! Till the resurrection day! Ah, no; they are but sleeping Till the resurrection day!

3. And in Nauvoo, that city where A temple cheered the brave, A multitude of sainted souls Have found a restful grave. And there they now are sleeping, But shall not sleep alway, For soon they’ll share the glories Of a resurrection day! Of a resurrection day! For soon they’ll share the glories Of a resurrection day!

4. Our Patriarch and Prophet, too, Were massacred; they bled To seal their testimony and Were numbered with the dead. Ah, tell me, are they sleeping? Methinks I hear them say: “Death’s icy chains are bursting! ’Tis the resurrection day! ’Tis the resurrection day! Death’s icy chains are bursting! ’Tis the resurrection day!”

5. And here in these sweet peaceful vales The shafts of death are hurled, And many faithful Saints are called Unto a better world. And friends are ofttimes weeping For friends who’ve passed away, And in their graves are sleeping Till the resurrection day! Till the resurrection day! And in their graves are sleeping Till the resurrection day!

6. Why should we mourn because we leave These scenes of toil and pain? Oh, happy change, the righteous go Celestial crowns to gain! And soon we all shall follow To realms of endless day And taste the joys and glories Of a ressurrection day! Of a ressurrection day! And taste the joys and glories Of a ressurrection day!


Compare different versions of the lyrics side-by-side: English