The Shepherd’s Carol
Author: Daniel Carter
Composer: Daniel Carter
Languages (18)
This song text has been indexed at in the following languages:
- Czech: Pastýřská koleda
- Danish: Hyrdens lovsang
- Dutch: Herderslied
- English: The Shepherd’s Carol
- Finnish: Paimenten laulu
- French: C’est Marie
- German: Lied der Hirten
- Hungarian: A pásztorok öröméneke
- Italian: Carola dei Pastori
- Japanese: 羊飼いたちのキャロル
- Korean: 목자들의 캐럴
- Mandarin (Traditional): 牧羊人頌歌
- Norwegian: Hyrdens lovsang
- Portuguese: A Canção dos Pastores
- Samoan: O le Pese a Agelu
- Spanish: Canción de los pastores
- Swedish: Herdarnas sång
- Tongan: Ko e Hiva ʻa e Tauhi-sipí
- All Languages →
Most common tunes for “The Shepherd’s Carol”
This chart shows the tunes that are paired with this text most frequently, in hymnbooks and other collections published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. If the text appears with the same tune in multiple editions or translations of the same hymnbook, it is only counted once.
Appearances of “The Shepherd’s Carol” over time
This timeline shows which tunes have been used with this text over time, in hymnbooks and other collections published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Copyright status of original text
This text was first published in English, in 1981 or earlier.
In copyright (IRI)
Earliest source indexed at Music from the Friend (1971–2020) (1971–2020), Dec 1981.
Representative lyrics
English (Original Language)
1. ① Mary, Mary, hush, see the Child. ② Joseph, Joseph, look, see how mild!
③ This is Jesus; this is our King. ④ This is our Savior; his praises we sing.
2. ① All God’s children, come to adore, ② Bringing gifts of love evermore.
③ This is Jesus; this is our King. ④ This is our Savior; his praises we sing.