Jesus Has Risen
Author: Thelma Johnson Ryser
Composer: Thelma Johnson Ryser
Languages (42)
This song text has been indexed at in the following languages:
- Albanian: Jezusi u Ngrit
- Bulgarian: Исус възкръсна
- Cebuano: Si Jesus nabanhaw
- Croatian: Isus uskrsnu
- Czech: Ježíš vstal z mrtvých
- Danish: Jesus opstanden
- Dutch: Hij is verrezen
- English: Jesus Has Risen
- Estonian: Jeesus on üles tõusnud
- Fijian: Jisu Turaga
- Finnish: Jeesus on noussut
- French: Jésus est ressuscité
- German: Christ ist erstanden!
- Greek: Χριστός Ανέστη
- Hungarian: Jézus feltámadt
- Icelandic: Jesús er risinn
- Indonesian: Yesus T’lah Bangkit
- Italian: Cristo è risorto
- Japanese: イエス様よみがえる
- Kekchi: Xwakli Jesus
- Khmer (Cambodian): ព្រះយេស៊ូវបានរស់ឡើងវិញ
- Korean: 예수님이 부활하셨네
- Latvian: Lieldienās
- Lithuanian: Jėzus prisikėlė
- Malagasy: Nitsangana indray Jesoa Kristy
- Mandarin (Romanized/Pinyin): Yēsū yǐ fùshēng
- Mandarin (Simplified): 耶稣已复生
- Mandarin (Traditional): 耶穌已復生
- Mongolian: Есүс амилсан
- Norwegian: Jesus har oppstått
- Polish: Jezus zmartwychwstał
- Portuguese: Ressuscitou o Salvador
- Romanian: Isus a-nviat
- Russian: Иисус воскрес!
- Samoan: Ua Toetu Iesu
- Spanish: Resucitó Jesús
- Swedish: Jesus har uppstått
- Tagalog: Si Jesus ay Nagbangon
- Tahitian: Ti’a mai Iesu
- Thai: พระเยซูทรงฟื้น
- Tongan: Kuo Toetuʻu ʻa Sīsū
- Ukrainian: Бог наш воскрес
- All Languages →
Most common tunes for “Jesus Has Risen”
This chart shows the tunes that are paired with this text most frequently, in hymnbooks and other collections published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. If the text appears with the same tune in multiple editions or translations of the same hymnbook, it is only counted once.
Appearances of “Jesus Has Risen” over time
This timeline shows which tunes have been used with this text over time, in hymnbooks and other collections published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Copyright status of original text
This text was first published in English, in 1959 or earlier.
In copyright (IRI)
Earliest source indexed at The Children’s Friend (1902–1970), Mar 1959.
Representative lyrics
English (Original Language)
Jesus has risen, Jesus, our friend. Joy fills our hearts; He lives again. Praises we sing to him, This Easter-time. Jesus has risen, Savior divine. Jesus has risen, Savior divine!
Compare different versions of the lyrics side-by-side: English