Jésus, ton nom est adoré / Haleluia ia Iesu e! Tahopu ana’e (Polynesian French)
This page shows all instances of “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name” in Polynesian French that have been indexed at SingPraises.net.
Author: Edward Perronet
Composer: Varies by tune (see below)
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Tune: Coronation (by Oliver Holden) (Return to top)
(Indexed instance years: 1965)More information about this tune: Tune: Coronation (Oliver Holden)
Jésus, ton nom est adoré / Haleluia ia Iesu e! Tahopu ana’e
Cantiques des Saints / Te Mau Himene A Te Mau Sanito (RLDS) (1965), 104
Translator: Winifred Sarre
Arranger: Lawrence Curry
Tune: Diadem (by James Ellor) (Return to top)
More information about this tune: Tune: Diadem (James Ellor)
No instances in Polynesian French. See English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, French.Tune: Miles’ Lane (by William Shrubsole) (Return to top)
More information about this tune: Tune: Miles’ Lane (William Shrubsole)
No instances in Polynesian French. See English.Key
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