Viens, Saint-Esprit, nous inspirer / A haere mai, te Varua e, Ei faauru, ei (Tahitian)
This page shows all instances of “Come, Holy Ghost, Our Souls Inspire” in Tahitian that have been indexed at
Author: Rabanus Maurus
Composer: Varies by tune (see below)
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Tune: Grace Church (by Ignaz J. Pleyel) (Return to top)
(Indexed instance years: 1965)More information about this tune: Tune: Grace Church (Ignaz J. Pleyel)
O Saint-Esprit, ô Créateur / Pou mai na, e te Varua, Ia riro
Cantiques des Saints / Te Mau Himene A Te Mau Sanito (RLDS) (1965), 120
Translator: Winifred Sarre
Tune: Palestrina (by Giovanni P. da Palestrina) (Return to top)
(Indexed instance years: 1965)More information about this tune: Tune: Palestrina (Giovanni P. da Palestrina)
Viens, Saint-Esprit, nous inspirer / A haere mai, te Varua e, Ei faauru, ei
Cantiques des Saints / Te Mau Himene A Te Mau Sanito (RLDS) (1965), 117
Translator: Winifred Sarre; Flossette du Pasquier
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