Awake and Arise (Kendra Lowe)
Medleyist: Kendra LoweRelated texts:
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Instances of this medley
Peaceful Moments (2024), no. 55
Artist: Allie Gardner Policky; Aubrey Taylor; Avry Spencer; Conlon Bonner; Ellie Hughes; Jonathan Meyers; Savannah Porter; Yaphet Bustos; CJ Madsen (piano); Karen Ferry (violin); Charles Ferry (cello)
Arranger: Kendra Lowe
Music from Face to Face for Young Adults, Sep 2020
Artist: Allie Gardner Policky; Aubrey Taylor; Avry Spencer; Conlon Bonner; Ellie Hughes; Jonathan Meyers; Savannah Porter; Yaphet Bustos; CJ Madsen (piano); Karen Ferry (violin); Charles Ferry (cello)
Arranger: Kendra Lowe
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