The Sacrament
Author: Vanja Y. Watkins
Composer: Vanja Y. Watkins
Languages (43)
This song text has been indexed at in the following languages:
- Albanian: Sakramenti
- American Sign Language (ASL): The Sacrament
- Armenian (East): Հաղորդություն
- Bulgarian: Причастието
- Cebuano: Ang Sakramento
- Czech: Večeře Páně
- Danish: Nadveren
- Dutch: Als jeugd van Zion in de laatste dagen
- English: The Sacrament
- Estonian: Sakrament
- Fijian: Na Sakaramede
- Finnish: Näin meillä nuorilla Siionin
- French: La Sainte-Cène
- German: Das Abendmahl
- Haitian Creole: Sentsèn An
- Hiligaynon: Ang Sakramento
- Hungarian: Az úrvacsora
- Icelandic: Sakramentið
- Ilokano: Ti Sakramento
- Indonesian: Sakramen
- Italian: Il Sacramento
- Japanese: せいさん
- Kekchi: Li loqʼlaj waʼak
- Kiribati (Gilbertese): [Unknown title]
- Korean: 성찬
- Latvian: Svētais Vakarēdiens
- Lithuanian: Sakramentas
- Malagasy: Ny Fanasan’ ny Tompo
- Mandarin (Traditional): [Unknown title]
- Norwegian: Nadverden
- Polish: Sakrament
- Portuguese: O Sacramento
- Romanian: Împărtășania
- Russian: Причастие
- Samoan: O le Faamanatuga
- Spanish: La Santa Cena
- Swedish: Sakramentet
- Tagalog: Ang Sakramento
- Tahitian: Te oro’a Mo’a
- Thai: [Unknown title]
- Tongan: Ko e Sākalamēnití
- Ukrainian: Причастя
- Vietnamese: Tiệc Thánh
- All Languages →
Most common tunes for “The Sacrament”
This chart shows the tunes that are paired with this text most frequently, in hymnbooks and other collections published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. If the text appears with the same tune in multiple editions or translations of the same hymnbook, it is only counted once.
Appearances of “The Sacrament” over time
This timeline shows which tunes have been used with this text over time, in hymnbooks and other collections published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Copyright status of original text
This text was first published in English, in 1975 or earlier.
In copyright (IRI)
Earliest source indexed at Music from the Friend (1971–2020) (1971–2020), Jan 1975.
Representative lyrics
English (Original Language)
1. As I take the water and bread, I’ll think of the words the Savior said: “This do in remembrance of me. This do in remembrance of me.”
2. Jesus gave his life for me. I want to serve him thankfully. I will remember him. I will remember him.
Compare different versions of the lyrics side-by-side: English