Here Am I, Send Me (English)
This page shows all instances of “Hark, the Voice of Jesus Calling” in English that have been indexed at
Author: Daniel March
Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Song instances by tune:
- Ellesdie (by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
- N/A (Text only) (1937 to 2013)
- N/A (Undetermined) (1905 to 2013)
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Tune: Ellesdie (by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) (Return to top)
More information about this tune: Tune: Ellesdie (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
No instances in English. See Tahitian, French (French Polynesia), Portuguese, Spanish, French (Haiti).Tune: N/A (Text only) (Return to top)
(Indexed instance years: 1937 to 2013)-
Hark! The Voice of Jesus Calling
Cantiques (Community of Christ) (2013), 592
Arranger: Hubert P. Main
Tune: N/A (Undetermined) (Return to top)
(Indexed instance years: 1905 to 2013)-
Hark! The Voice of Jesus Calling
Children’s Hymnal (RLDS) (1957), 105
Arranger: Hubert P. Main
Other editions:
Hark! The voice of Jesus calling
Hymns of Zion (Church of Christ with the Elijah Message) (1961), 217
Arranger: Hubert P. Main
Other editions:
Hark! The Voice of Jesus Calling
Hymnal of the Remnant Saints (Remnant Church) (2006), 480
Arranger: Hubert P. Main
Hark! The Voice of Jesus Calling
Community of Christ Sings (Community of Christ) (2013), 592
Arranger: Hubert P. Main
Has lyrics in text format
Has sheet music or a scanned page
Has an audio recording
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