Før Jorden frem af Kaos sprang (Danish)
This page shows all instances of “Before This Earth from Chaos Sprung” in Danish that have been indexed at SingPraises.net.
Author: William W. Phelps; Parley P. Pratt
Composer: N/A
Song instances by tune:
- N/A (Text only) (1853 to 1881)
- N/A (Undetermined) (1910 to 1921)
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Tune: N/A (Text only) (Return to top)
(Indexed instance years: 1853 to 1881)-
Før Jorden frem af Chaos sprang
Psalmer og aandelige Sange (1853), 55
Translator: J. J. M. Bohn
Other editions:
Psalmer (1861), 55
Psalmer (1867), 55
Psalmer (1871), 55
Salmer (1875), 55
Salmer (1879), 55
Salmer (1885), 55
Tune: N/A (Undetermined) (Return to top)
(Indexed instance years: 1910 to 1921)-
Zions Sange (1921), 199
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