We Three Kings of Orient Are (All Languages)
This page shows all instances of “We Three Kings of Orient Are” in All Languages that have been indexed at SingPraises.net.
Author: John Henry Hopkins Jr.
Composer: John Henry Hopkins Jr.
Song instances by tune:
- Kings of Orient (by John Henry Hopkins Jr.) (1933 to 2023)
- N/A (Text only) (1967 to 2013)
- N/A (Undetermined) (1923 to 2017)
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Tune: Kings of Orient (by John Henry Hopkins Jr.) (Return to top)
(Indexed instance years: 1933 to 2023)More information about this tune: Tune: Kings of Orient (John Henry Hopkins Jr.)
L’astre est apparu brillament / E mau arii matou nei Mai te hitia o te râ
Cantiques des Saints / Te Mau Himene A Te Mau Sanito (RLDS) (1965), 78
Translator: Winifred Sarre; F. Augé-Daullé
Cantiques des Saints (RLDS, Haiti) (1992), 78
Translator: Winifred Sarre; F. Augé-Daullé
Gemeenschap van Christus Zingt (Community of Christ) (2022), 182
Translator: Adriaan Molenaar
Tabernacle Choir Christmas Music (2023) [O Come, Little Children (2016)], 4
Artist: Richard Elliott; Clay Christiansen; Andrew Unsworth
Arranger: Richard Elliott
Tune: N/A (Text only) (Return to top)
(Indexed instance years: 1967 to 2013)Tune: N/A (Undetermined) (Return to top)
(Indexed instance years: 1923 to 2017)Key
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