Sacred Hymns (Page/Cairns)
A Collection of Sacred Hymns, for the use of the Latter Day Saints
Sacred Hymns (Page/Cairns),
John E. Page; John Cairns.
Only known edition.
47 songs.
- Archive Viewer: 66892
- Flake-Draper Number: 6066 (Mormon Bibliography, 1830–1930)
- Chism Number: 10 (Selection of Early Mormon Hymnbooks, 1832–1872)
- BYU Harold B. Lee Library: BX 8685.2 .A1 1841 no.2
- Church History Library: M285.2 P132c 1841
- Community of Christ Library: VAULT COLLECTION
- N/A
Songs (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. |
What fair one is this, from the wilderness trav’ling
Words: Samuel Hutchinson; William W. Phelps Music: N/A (words only)
2. |
Glorious things of thee are spoken
Words: John Newton Music: N/A (words only)
3. |
An angel came down from the mansions of glory
Words: William W. Phelps Music: N/A (words only)
4. |
Now let us rejoice in the day of salvation
Words: William W. Phelps Music: N/A (words only)
5. |
Ere long the veil will rend in twain
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: N/A (words only)
6. |
The time is nigh, that happy time
Words: Mrs. Vokes; Parley P. Pratt (adapter) Music: N/A (words only)
7. |
The happy day has rolled on
Words: Philo Dibble Music: N/A (words only)
8. |
The great and glorious gospel light
Words: Frederick G. Williams Music: N/A (words only)
9. |
The towers of Zion soon shall rise
Words: William W. Phelps Music: N/A (words only)
10. |
Let us pray, gladly pray
Words: William W. Phelps Music: N/A (words only)
11. |
What wond’rous things we now behold
Words: Anon. Music: N/A (words only)
12. |
There’s a feast of fat things for the righteous preparing
Words: William W. Phelps Music: N/A (words only)
13. |
The gallant ship is under way
Words: Richard Huie; William W. Phelps Music: N/A (words only)
14. |
Yes, my native land, I love thee
Words: Samuel F. Smith Music: N/A (words only)
15. |
Salem’s bright King, Jesus by name
Song credits not available
16. |
Come all ye sons of Zion
Words: Caleb J. Taylor; William W. Phelps Music: N/A (words only)
17. |
Let Zion in her beauty rise
Words: John A. Granade; Edward Partridge Music: N/A (words only)
18. |
Before the earth from chaos sprung
Words: William W. Phelps; Parley P. Pratt Music: N/A (words only)
19. |
In ancient days men fear’d the Lord
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: N/A (words only)
20. |
How often in sweet meditation, my mind
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: N/A (words only)
21. |
How firm a foundation ye saints of the Lord
Words: Selection of Hymns, John Rippon, 1787; Robert Keen Music: N/A (words only)
22. |
The Spirit of God like a fire is burning
Words: William W. Phelps Music: N/A (words only)
23. |
The time is soon coming by the prophets foretold
Song credits not available
24. |
When Earth in bondage long had lain
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: N/A (words only)
25. |
How fleet the precious moments roll
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: N/A (words only)
26. |
Seven times ten of Zion’s sons
Song credits not available
27. |
Embalmed records, plates of gold
Words: Samuel Brown Music: N/A (words only)
28. |
O who that has search’d in the records of old
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: N/A (words only)
29. |
This earth shall be a blessed place
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: N/A (words only)
30. |
Lift up your heads, ye scattered saints
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: N/A (words only)
31. |
This morning in silence I ponder and mourn
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: N/A (words only)
32. |
An angel of glory from heaven descended
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: N/A (words only)
33. |
On Faith
Words: Mary Judd Page Music: N/A (words only)
34. |
Behold a wonder in the west!
Words: Mary Judd Page Music: N/A (words only)
35. |
Song of Zion
Words: William W. Phelps Music: N/A (words only)
36. |
Man hath not heard nor understood
Words: Mary Judd Page Music: N/A (words only)
37. |
T’was in the latter days, when darkness then did reign
Song credits not available
38. |
The kingdom is the Lord’s
Words: Mary Judd Page Music: N/A (words only)
39. |
How great is the Lord in the city of Zion
Words: Mary Judd Page Music: N/A (words only)
40. |
Ye who are called to labor and minister for God
Words: Mary Judd Page Music: N/A (words only)
41. |
Wake, O wake the world from sleeping
Words: William W. Phelps Music: N/A (words only)
42. |
Burst ye emerald gates and bring
Words: Richard Kempenfelt Music: N/A (words only)
43. |
I saw a Lamb that had been slain
Words: William W. Phelps Music: N/A (words only)
44. |
Ye virgin souls, arise
Words: Charles Wesley Music: N/A (words only)
45. |
Zion’s King shall reign victorious
Words: Thomas Kelly Music: N/A (words only)
46. |
My soul, with sacred joy survey
Words: Thomas Kelly Music: N/A (words only)
47. |
King of Zion, give the order
Words: Thomas Kelly Music: N/A (words only)
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