
World Conference Hymnal, 2023 (Community of Christ)
2023: Cantiques / Himnos / Hymnal
World Conference Hymnal, 2023 (Community of Christ),
Independence, Missouri, USA.
Community of Christ.
Only known edition.
74 songs.
Book © 2023 Community of Christ.
Published by Community of Christ (based in Independence, Missouri, previously the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints), a Restoration-based denomination.
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Songs (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. |
Words: Jerry Sinclair Music: Jerry Sinclair
2. |
All Creatures of Our God and King / Oh, Criaturas del Señor / Vous créatures du Seigneur
Words: St. Francis of Assisi Music: German hymn; Geistliche Kirchengesäng, Cologne, 1623 Trans.: William H. Draper; J. Miguez Bonino; Jean-Jacques Bovet; Larry Tyree (from Italian) Arr.: Ralph Vaughan Williams Language: English, Spanish, French
3. |
All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name / El nombre de Jesús load / Jésus, ton nom est adoré
Words: Edward Perronet Music: James Ellor Language: English, Spanish, French
4. |
Amazing Grace / Divina Gracia / Grâce Infinie
Words: John Newton Music: American folk tune, 19th century Trans.: Barbara C. Mink; Chants d’Esperance; Sida Hodoroabă (from English) Arr.: Rosalee Elser Language: English, Spanish, French
5. |
Amen, Siakudumisa! / Amen, Sing Praises to the Lord / ¡Amen, cantemos al Señor! / Amen, chantez à l’Éternel
Words: Stephen C. Molefe Music: S. C. Molefe Language: Xhosa, English, Spanish, French
6. |
As God Is Joy / Como Dios es Alegría / La joie de Dieu
Words: Randall Pratt Music: Randall Pratt Trans.: John Glaser; Joey Williams; Mareva Arnaud (from English) Arr.: David Bolton Language: English, Spanish, French
7. |
Bwana Awabariki / May God Grant You a Blessing / Que Dios hoy te bendiga / L’Éternel te bénira
Words: Swahili folk hymn Music: Swahili folk hymn Trans.: Larry Tyree; Dietrich Werner (from Swahili) Language: Swahili, English, Spanish, French, German
8. |
Bear Each Other’s Burdens / Conlleven las penas / Oh, portons ces fardeaux
Words: Barbara Howard Music: Welsh carol Trans.: Vernon L. Peterson; Winifred Sarre (from English) Arr.: Caradog Roberts Language: English, Spanish, French
9. |
Blest Be the Tie that Binds / Benditos lazos son / Béni soit le lien
Words: John Fawcett Music: Hans Georg Nägeli Trans.: Barbara C. Mink; Edmond L. Budry (from English) Arr.: Lowell Mason Language: English, Spanish, French
10. |
De noche iremos / By Night, We Hasten / De nuit nous irons
Words: Luis Rosales Music: Jacques Berthier Language: Spanish, English, French, German
11. |
Uyai Mose / Come All You People / Oh, vengan todos / Venez, venez tous
Words: Alexander Gondo Music: Alexander Gondo Trans.: I-to Loh (from Shona) Arr.: John L. Bell Language: Shona, English, Spanish, French
12. |
Come, Holy Spirit, Come / Ven, Santo Espíritu / Viens, Saint Esprit Vivant
Words: Vicky Vaughan Adkins Music: Vicky Vaughan Adkins Trans.: Geri Silva Macias; Larry Tyree (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French
13. |
Ososŏ / Come Now, O Prince of Peace / Ven, Dios, Príncipe de Paz / Viens, viens Ô Roi de Paix
Words: Geonyong Lee Music: Geonyong Lee Trans.: Marion Pope; Martin Junge; Robert Faerber; Dieter Trautwein; Dietrich Werner (from Korean) Language: Korean (Romanized), Korean, English, Spanish, French, German
14. |
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing / Fuente de las bendiciones / Viens, toi, Source de la grâce
Words: Robert Robinson Music: American folk tune Trans.: George P. Simmonds; F. Augé-Daullé (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French
15. |
Crown Him with Many Crowns / A Cristo coronad divino Salvador / À l’Agneau sur son trône
Words: Matthew Bridges; Godfrey Thring Music: George J. Elvey Trans.: Godfrey Thring; E. A. Strange; R. Saillens (from English) Arr.: Donald D. Kettring Language: English, Spanish, French
16. |
Dans nos obscurités / Within Our Darkest Night / En nuestra oscuridad
Words: Taizé Community Music: Jacques Berthier Language: French, English, Spanish, Dutch
17. |
Dios está aquí / God Is Here Today / Notre Dieu est là
Words: Raúl Galeano Music: Raúl Galeano Trans.: Steven T. Kimbrough Jr.; Liliane Gerber; Simei Monteiro; Lex van Gilse (from Spanish) Arr.: Pedro Gemín Language: Spanish, English, French, Portuguese, Dutch
18. |
Earth and All Stars / Tierra y sol, mundos que vuelan / Firmament haut, comblé d’étoiles
Words: Herbert F. Brokering Music: David N. Johnson Trans.: Vernon L. Peterson; Shirley Judd (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French
19. |
Dona Nobis Pacem
Words: Liturgical text Music: Traditional Language: Latin
20. |
Eat This Bread / Coman de este pan / Prends ce pain
Words: Robert J. Batastini; Taizé Community Music: Jacques Berthier Language: English, Spanish, French
21. |
Es mi Cuerpo, tomad y comed / Take and Eat This Bread / C’est mon corps, prenez et mangez
Words: Anon. Music: Charles A. Tindley Trans.: Mary Louise Bringle; Joey Williams (from Spanish) Arr.: Tony E. Alonso Language: Spanish, English, French
22. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
23. |
From You I Receive / Recibo de ti / De toi je reçois
Words: Anon. Music: Anon. Trans.: John Glaser; Larry Tyree (from English) Arr.: David Bolton Language: English, Spanish, French
24. |
For Everyone Born / Para cada ser / Pour tout être né
Words: Shirley Erena Murray Music: Brian Mann Trans.: John Glaser; Ervelyne Bernard (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French
25. |
God Within God Around / Dios aquí, Dios allá / Dieu en nous, Dieu partout
Words: Randall Pratt Music: Randall Pratt Trans.: Joey Williams; Mareva Arnaud (from English) Arr.: David Bolton Language: English, Spanish, French
26. |
God of Grace and God of Glory / Dios de amor y Dios de gloria / Dieu de grâce, Dieu de gloire
Words: Harry E. Fosdick Music: John Hughes Trans.: Elodia A. de Sada; F. Augé-Daullé (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French
27. |
God, Whose Grace Redeems Our Story / Dios, tu gracia nos redime / Dieu de grâce qui nous rachète
Words: Barbara Howard Music: The Sacred Harp, 1844 Trans.: Geri Silva Macias; Joey Williams (from English) Arr.: Rosalee Elser Language: English, Spanish, French
28. |
Halle, Halle, Hallelujah
Words: Caribbean folk song Music: Caribbean folk song Arr.: Hal H. Hopson
29. |
Santo, santo, santo / Holy, Holy, Holy / Dieu saint, Dieu saint, Dieu saint
Words: Argentine folk song Music: Argentine folk song Trans.: Joëlle Gouël; Alan D. Tyree; Wolfgang Leyk; Elena Snigireva (from Spanish) Language: Spanish, English, French, Tahitian, German, Russian (Romanized), Russian
30. |
Great and Marvelous Are Thy Works / Estupendas y vastas son tus obras / Grand et merveilleux ton dessein
Words: Charles H. Gabriel Music: Charles H. Gabriel Trans.: Clair E. Weldon; Shirley Judd (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French
31. |
Words: Muscogee (Creek) song Music: Muscogee (Creek) song Adapt.: Charles H. Webb Language: Muscogee
32. |
Great Is Thy Faithfulness / Oh, Dios eterno, tu misericordia / Grande fidélité
Words: Thomas O. Chisholm Music: William M. Runyan Trans.: Honorato Reza; Shirley Judd (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French
33. |
Humble Yourself
Words: Folk hymn Music: Folk hymn
34. |
I Have Decided to Follow Jesus / He decidido seguir a Cristo / Moi, j’ai décidé de suivre Jésus
Words: S. Sundar Singh Music: Hindustani melody Trans.: Community of Christ (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French
35. |
I Have Called You by Your Name / Con mi nombre los llamé / Tu sais… je t’ai appelé par ton nom
Words: Daniel Charles Damon Music: Daniel Charles Damon Trans.: John Glaser; David Fines (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French
36. |
I Will Sing, I Will Sing / Cantaré, cantaré / Je te chante, je te chante
Words: Max Dyer Music: Max Dyer Trans.: Mary Barbieri; Betty Puricelli; Max Dyer; Peter J. Foth; Lex van Gilse (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French, Dutch, German
37. |
In My Life, Lord / En mi vida / Dans ma vie
Words: Bob Kilpatrick Music: Bob Kilpatrick Trans.: Bob Kilpatrick; Chrystal Vanel (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French
38. |
O Senhor é a minha força / In the Lord I’ll Be Ever Thankful / El Señor es mi fortaleza / Ô ma joie et mon espérance
Words: Taizé Community Music: Jacques Berthier Language: Portuguese, English, Spanish, French, German
39. |
Into My Heart / Dentro de mí / Viens dans mon cœur
Words: Harry D. Clarke Music: Harry D. Clarke Trans.: John Glaser; Ervelyne Bernard; Johannes Jourdan (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French, German
40. |
Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us with Your Love / Yesú, Yesú, danos tu amor / Yésu, Yésu ô emplis nos cœurs
Words: Tom Colvin Music: Ghanaian folk song Trans.: Vernon L. Peterson; Clair E. Weldon; Winifred Sarre; J. C. Bouissou (from English) Arr.: Tom Colvin; Charles H. Webb Language: English, Spanish, French
41. |
Jesu, Tawa Pano / Jesus, We Are Here / Heme aquí Jesús / Jésus, nous sommes là
Words: Patrick Matsikenyiri Music: Patrick Matsikenyiri Trans.: Basler Mission; Pedro P. Pirón (from Shona) Language: Shona, English, Spanish, French
42. |
Kyrie Eleison
Words: Liturgical text Music: Paraguayan melody Arr.: Carlton R. Young Language: Greek (Romanized)
43. |
Jesus Loves Me / Cristo me ama / Jésus m’aime
Words: Anna Warner Music: William B. Bradbury Trans.: Joey Williams; Ervelyne Bernard (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French
44. |
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee / Jubilosos te adoramos / Ô joie bénie nous t’adorons
Words: Henry Van Dyke Music: Ludwig van Beethoven Trans.: Philippe Viguier (from English) Arr.: Edward Hodges Language: English, Spanish, French
45. |
Kanisa Litajengwa / Oh, Who Will Build the Church Now / Quien construirá la iglesia / Qui bâtira l’Église
Words: Kenyan worship chorus Music: Kenyan worship chorus Trans.: Steven T. Kimbrough Jr.; John Glaser; Larry Tyree (from Swahili) Arr.: Jorge Lockward Language: Swahili, English, Spanish, French
46. |
Let There Be Peace on Earth / Reine en la tierra paz / Si je veux voir la paix
Words: Sy Miller; Jill Jackson Music: Sy Miller; Jill Jackson Trans.: Coco Ramos; Winifred Sarre (from English) Arr.: Charles H. Webb Language: English, Spanish, French
47. |
Lord, Who Views All People Precious / Dios que a todos ves preciosos / Seigneur, toi qui nous appelles
Words: Kenneth L. McLaughlin Music: Henry R. Mills Trans.: Clair E. Weldon; Winifred Sarre (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French
48. |
Mourning into Dancing / Tú has cambiado mi lamento / Tu as transformé toutes mes lamentations
Words: Tommy Walker Music: Tommy Walker Trans.: Joey Williams (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French
49. |
Now in This Moment / En este momento / Viens dans nos âmes
Words: Fanny J. Crosby; Barbara Howard; Richard Howard Music: Phoebe P. Knapp Trans.: Winifred Sarre; J. C. Bouissou (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French
50. |
O Lord, Hear My Prayer
Words: Taizé Community Music: Jacques Berthier
51. |
Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow / Cantad al trino y uno Dios / Gloire à Dieu, notre Créateur
Words: Thomas Ken Music: Louis Bourgeois; Genevan Psalter, 1551 Language: English, Spanish, French, Tahitian, Hawaiian
52. |
Praise the Lord Together Singing / Alabad a Dios, cantemos / Louons le Seigneur ensemble
Words: Joey Williams Music: Unknown Language: English, Spanish, French
53. |
Shalom chaverim
Words: Israeli song Music: Israeli song Language: Hebrew (Romanized), Hebrew
54. |
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty / Alma, bendice al Señor / Loué soit Dieu le Seigneur
Words: Joachim Neander Music: Stralsund Gesangbuch, 1665 Trans.: Catherine Winkworth; Federico Fliedner; Larry Tyree; Jules-Marcel Nicole (from German) Arr.: Franklyn S. Weddle Language: English, Spanish, French
55. |
Redeemer of Israel / Señor, de tu pueblo / Rédempteur bien-aimé
Words: Joseph Swain; William W. Phelps (adapter) Music: Repository of Sacred Music, Part Second, Wyeth, 1813; Freeman Lewis Trans.: Vernon L. Peterson; Winifred Sarre (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French
56. |
Shout to the Lord / Mi Cristo, mi rey / Mon Jésus, mon sauveur
Words: Darlene Zschech Music: Darlene Zschech Language: English, Spanish, French
57. |
Siyahamb’ Ekukhanyen’ Kwenkhos’ / We Are Marching in the Light of God / Caminando en la luz de Dios / Nous marchons dans la lumière de Dieu
Words: Andries van Tonder Music: Andries van Tonder Trans.: Thabo Mkize (from English) Arr.: Anders Nyberg Language: Zulu, English, Spanish, French
58. |
Standing on the Promises / Todas las promesas / Fixé aux promesses
Words: R. Kelso Carter Music: R. Kelso Carter Language: English, Spanish, French
59. |
Sizohamba Naye / We Will Walk with God / Caminemos con Dios / Marchons tous avec Dieu
Words: Swaziland folk hymn Music: Swaziland melody Trans.: John L. Bell (from Xhosa) Adapt.: The Swedish Exchange Project Language: Xhosa, English, Spanish, French
60. |
Take My Life and Let It Be / Prends ma vie, elle doit être / Que mi vida entera esté
Words: Frances R. Havergal Music: John B. Dykes Adapt.: Alice M. Edwards Language: English, French, Spanish
61. |
There Is a Balm in Gilead / Bálsamo de amor en Galaad / Il y a un baume en Galaad
Words: African-American spiritual Music: Southern folk song Trans.: Oscar Rodriguez; Community of Christ (from English) Arr.: Rosalee Elser Language: English, Spanish, French
62. |
There’s an Old, Old Path / Una senda hay / Il est un sentier
Words: Vida E. Smith Music: M. Audentia Anderson Trans.: Clair E. Weldon; F. Augé-Daullé (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French
63. |
The Spirit of God like a Fire Is Burning / El reino de Dios / L’Esprit du Seigneur
Words: William W. Phelps Music: English melody Trans.: Vernon L. Peterson; Community of Christ; F. Augé-Daullé; Larry Tyree (from English) Adapt.: Andrew Bolton; Randall Pratt Language: English, Spanish, French
64. |
Takwaba Uwabanga Yesu / There’s No One Like Jesus / No hay nadie como Cristo / Il n’y a personne comme Jésus
Words: Folk hymn Music: Folk hymn Language: Bemba, English, Spanish, French
65. |
This Is My Song / Este es mi canto / Voici mon chant
Words: Lloyd Stone Music: Jean Sibelius Trans.: Elida G. Falcon; Larry Tyree (from English) Adapt.: Georgia Harkness Arr.: Hymnal 1933 Language: English, Spanish, French
66. |
Touch Me, Lord, with Thy Spirit Eternal / Con tu Espíritu ven a tocarme / Touche-moi, touche-moi, je te prie
Words: R. Romanov; P. Rogozin Music: Russian melody Trans.: Clair E. Weldon; Winifred Sarre (from English) Adapt.: Don C. Rawson Arr.: Alexander Efimov Language: English, Spanish, French
67. |
Tiona Nehenehe
Words: Community of Christ Music: Community of Christ Arr.: David Bolton Language: Tahitian
68. |
Ubi Caritas et Amor
Words: Tenth-century text; Taizé Community Music: Jacques Berthier Language: Latin
69. |
We Are One in the Spirit / Somos uno en Espíritu / Tous unis par le Maître
Words: Peter Scholtes Music: Peter Scholtes Trans.: Barbara C. Mink; Shirley Judd; Winifred Sarre; J. C. Bouissou (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French
70. |
We Limit Not the Truth of God / No limitemos la verdad / La vérité de notre Dieu
Words: George Rawson Music: Louise Hills Lewis Trans.: Rosemary Fishburn; F. Augé-Daulle (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French
71. |
We Thank You, O God, for Our Prophets / Oh Dios, gracias por nuestros profetas / Seigneur, merci pour nos prophètes
Words: William Fowler Music: Caroline E. Sheridan Norton Trans.: Geri Silva Macias; Esdras Hernández; Larry Tyree (from English) Adapt.: Randall Pratt Language: English, Spanish, French
72. |
What a Friend We Have in Jesus / ¡Oh qué amigo nos es Cristo! / Quel ami fidèle et tendre
Words: Joseph M. Scriven Music: Charles C. Converse Language: English, Spanish, French
73. |
With a Steadfast Faith / Con firmeza y fe / D’une foi constante
Words: L. Wayne Updike Music: Franklyn S. Weddle; Evan A. Fry Trans.: Joey Williams; Darwyn Copa (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French
74. |
Wait for the Lord / Contemparé tu vida en mí / Je te confie à toi, Seigneur
Words: Taizé Community Music: Jacques Berthier Language: English, Spanish, French
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