Hymns Ancient and Modern
Hymns Ancient and Modern, for Use in the Services of the Church, with Accompanying Tunes, Old Edition
Hymns Ancient and Modern (Reprint),
London, England.
William Henry Monk; Charles Steggall.
1916 Edition (Old Edition [Complete Edition]).
719 songs.
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Songs (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. |
Now that the daylight fills the sky
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2a. |
O Jesu, Lord of light and grace
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2b. |
O Jesu, Lord of light and grace
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3a. |
Awake, my soul, and with the sun
Words: Thomas Ken Music: Unknown
3b. |
Glory to Thee Who safe hast kept
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4. |
New every morning is the love
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5. |
My Father, for another night
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6. |
At Thy feet, O Christ, we lay
Words: William Bright Music: Unknown
7. |
Christ, Whose glory fills the skies
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Unknown
8. |
Forth in Thy Name, O Lord, I go
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Unknown
9a. |
Come, Holy Ghost, Who ever One
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9b. |
Come, Holy Ghost, Who ever One
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9c. |
Come, Holy Ghost, Who ever One
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10a. |
O God of truth, O Lord of might
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10b. |
O God of truth, O Lord of might
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10c. |
O God of truth, O Lord of might
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11a. |
O God, of all the Strength and Power
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11b. |
O God, of all the Strength and Power
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11c. |
O God, of all the Strength and Power
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12. |
O Strength and Stay upholding all creation
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13. |
As now the sun’s declining rays
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14. |
O Trinity, most Blessed Light
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15. |
Before the ending of the day
Words: John Mason Neale Music: Unknown
16. |
Now that the daylight dies away
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17. |
The sun is sinking fast
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18. |
Hail, gladdening Light, of His pure glory pour’d
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19. |
The radiant morn hath pass’d away
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20. |
At even ere the sun was set
Words: Henry Twells Music: Unknown
21a. |
The day is past and over
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21b. |
The day is past and over
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22. |
Holy Father, cheer our way
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23. |
Glory to Thee, my God, this night
Words: Thomas Ken Music: Unknown
24a. |
Sun of my soul, Thou Saviour dear
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24b. |
Sun of my soul, Thou Saviour dear
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24c. |
Sun of my soul, Thou Saviour dear
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25. |
Through the day Thy love has spared us
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26. |
God, that madest earth and heaven
Words: Reginald Heber; William Mercer Music: Unknown
27. |
Abide with me; fast falls the eventide
Words: Henry F. Lyte Music: Unknown
28a. |
Sweet Saviour, bless us ere we go
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28b. |
Sweet Saviour, bless us ere we go
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28c. |
Sweet Saviour, bless us ere we go
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29. |
O Father, Who didst all things make
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30. |
Our day of praise is done
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31. |
Saviour, again to Thy dear Name we raise
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32. |
And now the wants are told, that brought
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33. |
Morn of morns, and day of days!
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34. |
On this day, the first of days
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35. |
Again the Lord’s own day is here
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36. |
O day of rest and gladness
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37. |
This is the day of light
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38. |
Blest Creator of the light
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39. |
Sing we the glory of our God
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40. |
Thou spakest, Lord, and into one
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41. |
New wonders of Thy mighty hand
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42. |
The fish in wave, the bird on wing
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43. |
To-day, O Lord, a holier work
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44. |
Six days of labour now are past
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45. |
Creator of the starry height
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46. |
O Heavenly Word, Eternal Light
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47. |
Hark! a thrilling voice is sounding
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48. |
The Advent of our King
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49. |
O come, O come, Emmanuel
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50. |
On Jordan’s bank the Baptist’s cry
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51. |
Lo! He comes with clouds descending
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52. |
Great God, what do I see and hear?
Words: Anon.; William Bengo Collyer Music: Unknown
53. |
Hark the glad sound! the Saviour comes
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54. |
When shades of night around us close
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55. |
O come, Redeemer of mankind, appear
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56. |
Of the Father’s Love begotten
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57. |
O Christ, Redeemer of our race
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58. |
God from on high hath heard
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59. |
O come, all ye faithful
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60. |
Hark! the herald-angels sing
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61. |
Christians, awake, salute the happy morn
Words: John Byrom Music: Unknown
62. |
While shepherds watched their flocks by night
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63. |
O Saviour, Lord, to Thee we pray
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64. |
Yesterday, with exultation
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65. |
First of Martyrs, thou whose name
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66. |
The life, which God’s Incarnate Word
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67. |
Word Supreme, before creation
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68. |
Sweet flow’rets of the martyr band
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69. |
Glory to Thee, O Lord
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70. |
The ancient law departs
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71. |
O blessed day, when first was pour’d
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72. |
The year is gone, beyond recall
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73. |
For Thy mercy and Thy grace
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74. |
Father, let me dedicate
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75. |
How vain the cruel Herod’s fear
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76. |
Earth has many a noble city
Words: Aurelius Clemens Prudentius Music: Unknown
77. |
What star is this, with beams so bright
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78. |
The Heav’nly Child in stature grows
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79. |
As with gladness men of old
Words: William Chatterton Dix Music: Unknown
80. |
The people that in darkness sat
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81. |
Songs of thankfulness and praise
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82. |
Alleluia, song of sweetness
Words: John Mason Neale Music: Unknown
83. |
Creator of the world, to Thee
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84. |
Once more the solemn season calls
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85. |
By precepts taught of ages past
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86. |
O Thou Who dost to man accord
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87. |
O merciful Creator, hear
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88. |
Lo! now is our accepted day
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89. |
Good it is to keep the fast
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90. |
Jesu, our Lenten fast of Thee
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91. |
Christian, dost thou see them
Words: John Mason Neale; Andrew of Crete Music: Unknown
92. |
Forty days and forty nights
Words: George H. Smyttan Music: Unknown
93. |
O Lord, turn not Thy Face from me
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94. |
Lord, in this Thy mercy’s day
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95. |
O Christ, Who art the Light and Day
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96a. |
The Royal Banners forward go
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96b. |
The Royal Banners forward go
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97. |
Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle
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98. |
All glory, laud, and honour
Words: Theodulph of Orleans Music: Unknown
99. |
Ride on! ride on in majesty!
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100. |
Sion’s Daughter, weep no more
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101. |
O’erwhelm’d in depths of woe
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102. |
He, Who once in righteous vengeance
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103. |
Now, my soul, thy voice upraising
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104. |
O sinner, lift the eye of faith
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105. |
In the Lord’s atoning grief
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106. |
My God, I love Thee; not because
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107. |
Glory be to Jesus
Words: Edward Caswall Music: Unknown
108. |
When I survey the wondrous Cross
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109. |
Sweet the moments, rich in blessing
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110. |
Go to dark Gethsemane
Words: James Montgomery Music: Unknown
111. |
O sacred Head, surrounded
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112. |
All ye who seek for sure relief
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113. |
See the destined day arise!
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114. |
O come and mourn with me awhile
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115. |
“Forgive them, O My Father”
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116. |
“Lord, when Thy Kingdom comes, remember me”
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117a. |
At the Cross her station keeping
Words: Jacobus de Benedictis Music: Unknown
117b. |
At the Cross her station keeping
Words: Jacobus de Benedictis Music: Unknown
117c. |
At the Cross her station keeping
Words: Jacobus de Benedictis Music: Unknown
118. |
Throned upon the awful Tree
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119. |
His are the thousand sparkling rills
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120. |
O perfect life of love!
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121. |
And now, beloved Lord, Thy Soul resigning
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122. |
It is finish’d! Blessed Jesus
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123. |
By Jesus’ grave on either hand
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124. |
Resting from His work to-day
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125. |
Ye choirs of new Jerusalem
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126a. |
Light’s glittering morn bedecks the sky
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126b. |
Light’s glittering morn bedecks the sky
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127. |
At the Lamb’s high feast we sing
Words: Robert Campbell Music: Unknown
128. |
The Lamb’s high banquet call’d to share
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129. |
O Christ, the heavens’ Eternal King
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130. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
131. |
Christ the Lord is risen to-day
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132. |
The Day of Resurrection!
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133. |
Come, ye faithful, raise the strain
Words: John of Damascus Music: Unknown
134a. |
Jesus Christ is risen to-day, Alleluia!
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134b. |
Jesus Christ is risen to-day, Alleluia!
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135. |
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! The strife is o’er
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136. |
Christ the Lord is risen again
Words: Wipo of Burgundy Music: Unknown
137. |
Alleluia! Alleluia! Hearts to Heav’n and voices raise
Words: Christopher Wordsworth Music: Unknown
138. |
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
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139. |
Come see the place where Jesus lay
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140a. |
Jesus lives! no longer now
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140b. |
Jesus lives! no longer now
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141. |
Jesu, the world’s redeeming Lord
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142. |
To Thee our God we fly
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143. |
Lord, in Thy Name Thy servants plead
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144. |
O Lord most High, Eternal King
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145. |
O Christ our Joy, gone up on high
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146. |
O Saviour, Who for man hast trod
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147. |
Hail the day that sees Him rise
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148a. |
See the Conqueror mounts in triumph
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148b. |
Holy Ghost, Illuminator, shed Thy beams
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149a. |
Thou art gone up on high
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149b. |
Thou art gone up on high
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150. |
Jesu, our Hope, our heart’s Desire
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151. |
Ruler of the hosts of light
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152. |
Above the starry spheres
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153. |
Joy! because the circling year
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154. |
When God of old came down from Heav’n
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155. |
Spirit of mercy, truth, and love
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156. |
Come, Thou Holy Spirit, come
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157a. |
Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire
Words: Rabanus Maurus Music: Unknown
157b. |
Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire
Words: Rabanus Maurus Music: Unknown
158. |
All hail, Adored Trinity
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159. |
With hearts renew’d, and cleansed from guilt of sin
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160. |
Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!
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161. |
Bright the vision that delighted
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162. |
Have mercy on us, God most High
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163. |
Three in One, and One in Three
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164. |
Father of Heav’n, Whose love profound
Words: Edward Cooper Music: Unknown
165. |
O God, our help in ages past
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166a. |
All people that on earth do dwell
Words: William Kethe Music: Unknown
166b. |
All people that on earth do dwell
Words: William Kethe Music: Unknown
167. |
O worship the King All-glorious above
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168. |
There is a book, who runs may read
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169. |
My God, how wonderful Thou art
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170. |
Jesus is God: the solid earth
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171. |
From highest Heav’n the Eternal Son
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172. |
Praise to the Holiest in the height
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173. |
O Love, how deep! how broad! how high!
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174. |
We saw Thee not when Thou didst come
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175. |
Conquering kings their titles take
Words: John Chandler Music: Unknown
176. |
How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds
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177a. |
Jesu! the very thought is sweet
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177b. |
Jesu! the very thought is sweet
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178a. |
Jesu, the very thought of Thee
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178b. |
Jesu, the very thought of Thee
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179. |
To the Name of our Salvation
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180. |
To Christ, the Prince of peace
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181. |
We know Thee Who Thou art
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182. |
Jesu, grant me this, I pray
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183. |
When wounded sore the stricken heart
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184. |
Rock of ages, cleft for me
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185. |
Lord Jesus, think on me
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186. |
I could not do without Thee
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187a. |
Behold the Lamb of God!
Words: Matthew Bridges Music: Unknown
187b. |
Behold the Lamb of God!
Words: Matthew Bridges Music: Unknown
188. |
Jesu, meek and lowly
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189. |
Jesu, Thy mercies are untold
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190. |
Jesu, Thou Joy of loving hearts!
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191. |
Jesu, my Lord, my God, my All
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192. |
O Love, Who formedst me to wear
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193. |
Jesu, Lover of my soul
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194. |
Jesu, meek and gentle
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195. |
O Love Divine, how sweet thou art!
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196. |
Guide me, O Thou great Redeemer
Words: William Williams Music: Unknown
197. |
The King of love my Shepherd is
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198. |
O Jesu, Thou art standing
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199. |
Thou art the Way; by Thee alone
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200. |
We sing the praise of Him Who died
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201. |
Where high the heavenly temple stands
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202. |
Rejoice, the Lord is King
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203. |
Thou art coming, O my Saviour
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204. |
O quickly come, dread Judge of all
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205. |
Thou Judge of quick and dead
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206. |
That day of wrath, that dreadful day
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207. |
Our Blest Redeemer, ere He breathed
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208. |
O Holy Spirit, Lord of grace
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209. |
Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove
Words: Simon Browne Music: Unknown
210. |
Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost
Words: Christopher Wordsworth Music: Unknown
211. |
O Holy Ghost, Thy people bless
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212. |
To Thee, O Comforter Divine
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213. |
A living stream, as crystal clear
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214. |
Lord of our life, and God of our salvation
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215. |
The Church’s one foundation
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216. |
What time the evening shadows fall
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217. |
Thy kingdom come, O God
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218. |
God of mercy, God of grace
Words: Henry F. Lyte Music: Unknown
219. |
Hail to the Lord’s Anointed
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220. |
Jesus shall reign where’er the sun
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221. |
Let saints on earth in concert sing
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222. |
Ten thousand times ten thousand
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223a. |
Hark! hark, my soul! Angelic songs are swelling
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223b. |
Hark! hark, my soul! Angelic songs are swelling
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224. |
O happy band of pilgrims
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225. |
Brief life is here our portion
Words: John Mason Neale; Bernard of Cluny Music: Unknown
226. |
The world is very evil
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227. |
For thee, O dear, dear country
Words: Bernard of Cluny Music: Unknown
228. |
Jerusalem the golden
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229. |
The roseate hues of early dawn
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230a. |
There is a blessed home
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230b. |
There is a blessed home
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231. |
“For ever with the Lord!”
Words: James Montgomery Music: Unknown
232a. |
Light’s abode, celestial Salem
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232b. |
Light’s abode, celestial Salem
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233. |
Jerusalem on high
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234a. |
O Paradise! O Paradise!
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234b. |
O Paradise! O Paradise!
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235. |
Oh, what the joy and the glory must be
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236. |
Jerusalem, my happy home
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237. |
O God of hosts, the mighty Lord
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238. |
As pants the hart for cooling streams
Words: Nahum Tate Music: Unknown
239. |
Christ is our corner-stone
Words: John Chandler Music: Unknown
240. |
Pleasant are Thy courts above
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241. |
Hosanna to the living Lord!
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242. |
We love the place, O God
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243. |
Lord, Thy Word abideth
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244. |
Lord, when we bend before Thy Throne
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245. |
When at Thy footstool, Lord, I bend
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246. |
What various hindrances we meet
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247. |
Lord, teach us how to pray aright
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248. |
Shepherd Divine, our wants relieve
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249. |
Have mercy, Lord, on me
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250. |
Out of the deep I call
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251. |
Saviour, when in dust to Thee
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252a. |
Weary of earth and laden with my sin
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252b. |
Weary of earth and laden with my sin
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253. |
O Jesu Christ, if aught there be
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254a. |
Art thou weary, art thou languid
Words: Stephen of Mar Sabas Music: Unknown
254b. |
Art thou weary, art thou languid
Words: Stephen of Mar Sabas Music: Unknown
255. |
Just as I am, without one plea
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256. |
“Come unto Me, ye weary”
Words: William Chatterton Dix Music: Unknown
257. |
I heard the voice of Jesus say
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258. |
I was a wandering sheep
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259. |
Thy life was given for me
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260. |
Hark, my soul! it is the Lord
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261. |
Bless’d are the pure in heart
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262. |
Great Mover of all hearts, Whose Hand
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263. |
Take up thy cross, the Saviour said
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264. |
My God, my Father, while I stray
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265. |
Thy way, not mine, O Lord
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266. |
Lead, kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom
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267. |
Lord, as to Thy dear Cross we flee
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268. |
Ye servants of the Lord
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269. |
“Christian! seek not yet repose”
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270. |
Soldiers of Christ, arise
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271. |
O Jesus, I have promised
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272. |
O Saviour, may we never rest
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273. |
O Lord, how joyful ’tis to see
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274. |
Through the night of doubt and sorrow
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275. |
Father of all, from land and sea
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276a. |
O Lord, how happy should we be
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276b. |
O Lord, how happy should we be
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277. |
Nearer, my God, to Thee
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278. |
O for a faith that will not shrink
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279. |
O help us, Lord; each hour of need
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280a. |
Thine for ever! God of love
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280b. |
Thine for ever! God of love
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281. |
Lead us, Heavenly Father, lead us
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282. |
Be Thou my Guardian and my Guide
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283. |
O Thou, from Whom all goodness flows
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284. |
Far from my heavenly home
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285. |
Fierce raged the tempest o’er the deep
Words: Godfrey Thring Music: Unknown
286. |
O let him, whose sorrow
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287. |
Jesus, Lord of life and glory
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288. |
A few more years shall roll
Words: Horatius Bonar Music: Unknown
289. |
Days and moments quickly flying
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290. |
Through all the changing scenes of life
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291. |
Oft in danger, oft in woe
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292a. |
Praise the Lord! ye heavens, adore Him
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292b. |
Praise the Lord! ye heavens, adore Him
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293. |
Sing praise to God Who reigns above
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294. |
O praise our Great and Gracious Lord
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295. |
The strain upraise of joy and praise
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296a. |
Sing Alleluia forth in duteous praise
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296b. |
Sing Alleluia forth in duteous praise
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297. |
Songs of praise the Angels sang
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298. |
Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven
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299. |
Come let us join our cheerful songs
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Unknown
300a. |
All hail the power of Jesus’ Name
Words: Edward Perronet Music: Unknown
300b. |
All hail the power of Jesus’ Name
Words: Edward Perronet Music: Unknown
301. |
The Head that once was crown’d with thorns
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302. |
Come, ye faithful, raise the anthem
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303. |
When morning gilds the skies
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304. |
Crown Him with many crowns
Words: Matthew Bridges; Godfrey Thring Music: Unknown
305. |
Saviour, Blessed Saviour
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306. |
At the Name of Jesus
Words: Caroline M. Noel Music: Unknown
307. |
O Saviour, precious Saviour
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308. |
O praise ye the Lord!
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309a. |
Now, my tongue, the mystery telling
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309b. |
Now, my tongue, the mystery telling
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309c. |
Now, my tongue, the mystery telling
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310. |
Lo! the Angels’ Food is given
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311a. |
The Heavenly Word proceeding forth
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311b. |
The Heavenly Word proceeding forth
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312a. |
Thee we adore, O hidden Saviour, Thee
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312b. |
Thee we adore, O hidden Saviour, Thee
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312c. |
Thee we adore, O hidden Saviour, Thee
Song credits not available
313a. |
Draw nigh and take the Body of the Lord
Words: John Mason Neale Music: Unknown
313b. |
Draw nigh and take the Body of the Lord
Words: John Mason Neale Music: Unknown
313c. |
Draw nigh and take the Body of the Lord
Words: John Mason Neale Music: Unknown
314. |
O Food that weary pilgrims love
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315. |
Once, only once, and once for all
Song credits not available
316. |
Alleluia! sing to Jesus!
Words: William Chatterton Dix Music: Unknown
317. |
My God, and is Thy Table spread
Song credits not available
318. |
Bread of Heav’n, on Thee we feed
Words: Josiah Conder Music: Unknown
319. |
Author of life Divine
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Unknown
320. |
O God, unseen yet ever near
Song credits not available
321. |
We pray Thee, heavenly Father
Song credits not available
322. |
And now, O Father, mindful of the love
Words: William Bright Music: Unknown
323. |
I am not worthy, Holy Lord
Song credits not available
324. |
Jesu, gentlest Saviour
Song credits not available
325. |
O Father, Thou Who hast created all
Song credits not available
326. |
Within the Church’s sacred fold
Song credits not available
327. |
’Tis done! that new and heavenly birth
Song credits not available
328. |
In token that thou shalt not fear
Song credits not available
329. |
Once in royal David’s city
Song credits not available
330. |
I love to hear the story
Song credits not available
331. |
We are but little children weak
Song credits not available
332. |
There is a green hill far away
Song credits not available
333. |
Christ, Who once amongst us
Song credits not available
334. |
Loving Shepherd of Thy sheep
Song credits not available
335. |
Around the Throne of God a band
Song credits not available
336. |
Above the clear blue sky
Song credits not available
337. |
There’s a Friend for little children
Song credits not available
338. |
Heavenly Father, send Thy blessing
Song credits not available
339. |
Fair waved the golden corn
Song credits not available
340. |
Hosanna we sing, like the children dear
Song credits not available
341. |
Come, sing with holy gladness
Song credits not available
342. |
Gracious Saviour, gentle Shepherd
Song credits not available
343. |
God Eternal, Mighty King
Song credits not available
344. |
Lord Jesus, God and Man
Song credits not available
345. |
O Light, Whose beams illumine all
Song credits not available
346. |
Now the day is over
Song credits not available
347. |
Come, Holy Ghost, Creator Blest
Words: Rabanus Maurus Music: Unknown
348. |
Behold us, Lord, before Thee met
Song credits not available
349. |
My God, accept my heart this day
Song credits not available
350. |
The voice that breathed o’er Eden
Song credits not available
351. |
How welcome was the call
Song credits not available
352. |
Christ is gone up; yet ere He pass’d
Song credits not available
353. |
O Thou Who makest souls to shine
Song credits not available
354. |
The earth, O Lord, is one wide field
Song credits not available
355. |
Lord, pour Thy Spirit from on high
Song credits not available
356. |
Lord, speak to me, that I may speak
Song credits not available
357. |
How blessed, from the bonds of sin
Song credits not available
358. |
From Greenland’s icy mountains
Words: Reginald Heber Music: Unknown
359. |
Saviour, sprinkle many nations
Song credits not available
360a. |
Thou, Whose Almighty Word
Song credits not available
360b. |
Thou, Whose Almighty Word
Song credits not available
361. |
Through midnight gloom from Macedon
Song credits not available
362. |
Lord, her watch Thy Church is keeping
Song credits not available
363a. |
Almighty God, Whose only Son
Song credits not available
363b. |
Almighty God, Whose only Son
Song credits not available
364. |
God of grace, O let Thy light
Song credits not available
365. |
O Lord of Heav’n, and earth, and sea
Song credits not available
366. |
We give Thee but Thine own
Song credits not available
367. |
Lord of glory, Who hast bought us
Song credits not available
368a. |
Thou to Whom the sick and dying
Song credits not available
368b. |
Thou to Whom the sick and dying
Song credits not available
369a. |
Thine arm, O Lord, in days of old
Song credits not available
369b. |
Thine arm, O Lord, in days of old
Song credits not available
370. |
Eternal Father, strong to save
Words: William Whiting Music: Unknown
371. |
Almighty Father, hear our cry
Song credits not available
372. |
On the waters dark and drear
Song credits not available
373. |
God moves in a mysterious way
Words: William Cowper Music: Unknown
374. |
God of our life, to Thee we call
Words: William Cowper Music: Unknown
375. |
Great King of nations, hear our prayer
Song credits not available
376. |
O God of love, O King of peace
Song credits not available
377. |
In grief and fear to Thee, O Lord
Song credits not available
378a. |
Rejoice to-day with one accord
Song credits not available
378b. |
Rejoice to-day with one accord
Song credits not available
379. |
Now thank we all our God
Song credits not available
380. |
O praise our God to-day
Song credits not available
381. |
Praise, O praise our God and King
Song credits not available
382. |
Come, ye thankful people, come
Words: Henry Alford Music: Unknown
383. |
We plough the fields, and scatter
Song credits not available
384. |
To Thee, O Lord, our hearts we raise
Song credits not available
385a. |
God the Father! Whose Creation
Song credits not available
385b. |
God the Father! Whose Creation
Song credits not available
386. |
The sower went forth sowing
Song credits not available
387. |
Lord of the harvest, once again
Song credits not available
388. |
Father of mercies, God of love
Song credits not available
389. |
What our Father does is well
Song credits not available
390. |
Brightly gleams our banner
Words: Thomas J. Potter Music: Unknown
391. |
Onward, Christian soldiers
Song credits not available
392. |
Forward! be our watchword
Words: Henry Alford Music: Unknown
393. |
Rejoice, ye pure in heart
Song credits not available
394. |
O Lord of hosts, Whose glory fills
Song credits not available
395a. |
O Word of God above
Song credits not available
395b. |
O Word of God above
Song credits not available
396a. |
Blessed city, heavenly Salem
Words: John Mason Neale Music: Unknown
396b. |
Blessed city, heavenly Salem
Words: John Mason Neale Music: Unknown
397. |
Lift the strain of high thanksgiving!
Song credits not available
398. |
Day of Wrath! O day of mourning!
Song credits not available
399. |
When our heads are bow’d with woe
Song credits not available
400. |
Christ will gather in His own
Song credits not available
401. |
Now the labourer’s task is o’er
Song credits not available
402. |
Tender Shepherd, Thou hast still’d
Song credits not available
403. |
Jesus calls us; o’er the tumult
Song credits not available
404. |
How oft, O Lord, Thy Face hath shone
Song credits not available
405. |
The Shepherd now was smitten
Song credits not available
406. |
We sing the glorious conquest
Song credits not available
407. |
O Sion, open wide thy gates
Song credits not available
408. |
Bishop of the souls of men
Song credits not available
409. |
Praise we the Lord this day
Song credits not available
410. |
From out the cloud of amber light
Song credits not available
411. |
There is one Way, and only one
Song credits not available
412. |
Brightly did the light Divine
Song credits not available
413. |
O Son of God, our Captain of Salvation
Song credits not available
414. |
Lo! from the desert homes
Song credits not available
415. |
The great forerunner of the morn
Song credits not available
416. |
Forsaken once, and thrice denied
Song credits not available
417. |
“Thou art the Christ, O Lord”
Song credits not available
418. |
For all Thy Saints, a noble throng
Song credits not available
419. |
King of Saints, to Whom the number
Song credits not available
420. |
Dear Lord, on this Thy servant’s day
Song credits not available
421. |
Praise to God Who reigns above
Song credits not available
422. |
Christ, in highest Heav’n enthroned
Song credits not available
423. |
Stars of the morning, so gloriously bright
Song credits not available
424. |
They come, God’s messengers of love
Song credits not available
425. |
What thanks and praise to Thee we owe
Song credits not available
426. |
Thou Who sentest Thine Apostles
Song credits not available
427. |
Who are these like stars appearing
Song credits not available
428. |
The Saints of God! their conflict past
Song credits not available
429. |
O heavenly Jerusalem
Song credits not available
430. |
Th’ eternal gifts of Christ the King
Song credits not available
431. |
Disposer Supreme
Song credits not available
432. |
Captains of the saintly band
Song credits not available
433. |
Behold the messengers of Christ
Song credits not available
434. |
Come, pure hearts, in sweetest measures
Words: Robert Campbell Music: Unknown
435. |
Lo! round the Throne, a glorious band
Song credits not available
436a. |
Hark! the sound of holy voices
Song credits not available
436b. |
Hark! the sound of holy voices
Song credits not available
436c. |
Hark! the sound of holy voices
Song credits not available
437. |
For all the Saints who from their labours rest
Words: William Walsham How Music: Unknown
438. |
How bright these glorious spirits shine!
Song credits not available
439a. |
The Son of God goes forth to war
Song credits not available
439b. |
The Son of God goes forth to war
Song credits not available
440a. |
Blessed feasts of blessed Martyrs
Words: John Mason Neale Music: Unknown
440b. |
Blessed feasts of blessed Martyrs
Words: John Mason Neale Music: Unknown
441. |
Let our Choir new anthems raise
Song credits not available
442. |
O God, Thy soldiers’ great Reward
Song credits not available
443. |
For man the Saviour shed
Song credits not available
444. |
Ye servants of our glorious King
Song credits not available
445. |
Palms of glory, raiment bright
Song credits not available
446. |
Oh! what, if we are Christ’s
Song credits not available
447. |
Soldiers, who are Christ’s below
Song credits not available
448. |
For Thy dear Saint, O Lord
Words: Richard Mant Music: Unknown
449. |
The God, Whom earth, and sea, and sky
Song credits not available
450. |
Shall we not love thee, Mother dear
Song credits not available
451. |
Not by the Martyr’s death alone
Song credits not available
452. |
O Thou Whose all-redeeming might
Song credits not available
453. |
O Shepherd of the sheep
Song credits not available
454. |
Jesu, for the beacon-light
Song credits not available
455a. |
Jesu, the Virgins’ Crown, do Thou
Song credits not available
455b. |
Jesu, the Virgins’ Crown, do Thou
Song credits not available
456. |
O Lamb of God, Whose love Divine
Song credits not available
457. |
How blest the matron, who, endued
Song credits not available
458. |
An exile for the faith
Song credits not available
459. |
Son of the Highest, deign to cast
Song credits not available
460. |
In days of old on Sinai
Song credits not available
461. |
For ever we would gaze on Thee
Song credits not available
462. |
Herald, in the wilderness
Song credits not available
463. |
God the Father, God the Son
Song credits not available
464a. |
God the Father, God the Son
Song credits not available
464b. |
God the Father, God the Son
Song credits not available
465a. |
God the Father, God the Son
Song credits not available
465b. |
God the Father, God the Son
Song credits not available
466a. |
God the Father, God the Son
Song credits not available
466b. |
God the Father, God the Son
Song credits not available
467a. |
God the Father, God the Son
Song credits not available
467b. |
God the Father, God the Son
Song credits not available
468. |
God the Father, from Thy Throne
Song credits not available
469a. |
God the Father, throned on high
Song credits not available
469b. |
God the Father, throned on high
Song credits not available
470a. |
God the Father, God the Son
Song credits not available
470b. |
God the Father, God the Son
Song credits not available
471a. |
God the Father, God the Son
Song credits not available
471b. |
God the Father, God the Son
Song credits not available
472a. |
God the Father, God the Son
Song credits not available
472b. |
God the Father, God the Son
Song credits not available
473a. |
God the Father, God the Son
Song credits not available
473b. |
God the Father, God the Son
Song credits not available
474. |
Awaked from sleep we fall
Song credits not available
475. |
Behold us, Lord, a little space
Words: John Ellerton Music: Unknown
476. |
Behold the sun, that seem’d but now
Song credits not available
477. |
The day Thou gavest, Lord, is ended
Song credits not available
478. |
This is the day the Lord hath made
Song credits not available
479. |
Great God, Who, hid from mortal sight
Song credits not available
480. |
O Jesu, crucified for man
Song credits not available
481. |
Now the busy week is done
Song credits not available
482. |
Angels, from the realms of glory
Words: James Montgomery Music: Unknown
483a. |
From east to west, from shore to shore
Words: Coelius Sedulius Music: Unknown
483b. |
From east to west, from shore to shore
Words: Coelius Sedulius Music: Unknown
484a. |
Christians, sing out with exultation
Song credits not available
484b. |
Christians, sing out with exultation
Song credits not available
485. |
From glory unto glory! Be this our joyous song
Song credits not available
486a. |
The Father’s sole-begotten Son
Song credits not available
486b. |
The Father’s sole-begotten Son
Song credits not available
487. |
The Son of Man from Jordan rose
Song credits not available
488. |
Within the Father’s house
Song credits not available
489. |
O God, the joy of Heav’n above
Song credits not available
490. |
Sweet Saviour! in Thy pitying grace
Song credits not available
491. |
Fain would I, Lord of grace
Song credits not available
492. |
Lo! now the time accepted peals
Song credits not available
493. |
Father, Most High, be with us
Song credits not available
494a. |
My Lord, my Master, at Thy Feet adoring
Song credits not available
494b. |
My Lord, my Master, at Thy Feet adoring
Song credits not available
495. |
Weep not for Him Who onward bears
Song credits not available
496. |
O scorn’d and outcast Lord, beneath
Song credits not available
497. |
“Welcome, happy morning!” age to age shall say
Song credits not available
498. |
The foe behind, the deep before
Song credits not available
499. |
On the Resurrection morning
Song credits not available
500. |
O voice of the Beloved!
Song credits not available
501. |
Far be sorrow, tears, and sighing!
Song credits not available
502. |
To Thee and to Thy Christ, O God
Song credits not available
503. |
Forty days Thy seer of old
Song credits not available
504. |
The Lord is risen indeed
Song credits not available
505. |
O throned, O crown’d with all renown
Song credits not available
506. |
Know ye the Lord hath borne away
Song credits not available
507. |
Bounteous Spirit, ever shedding
Song credits not available
508a. |
Come, Holy Ghost, Eternal God
Song credits not available
508b. |
Come, Holy Ghost, Eternal God
Song credits not available
509a. |
Be near us, Holy Trinity
Song credits not available
509b. |
Be near us, Holy Trinity
Song credits not available
510. |
Hail, Father, Whose creating call
Song credits not available
511. |
Glorious is Thy Name, O Lord!
Song credits not available
512. |
O God of Jacob, by Whose hand
Song credits not available
513. |
O God of Truth, Whose living word
Song credits not available
514. |
Father of all, to Thee
Song credits not available
515. |
Father, whate’er of earthly bliss
Words: Anne Steele Music: Unknown
516. |
Before Jehovah’s awful Throne
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Unknown
517. |
When all Thy mercies, O my God
Song credits not available
518. |
We have not known Thee as we ought
Song credits not available
519. |
God the Father’s only Son
Song credits not available
520. |
Love Divine, all loves excelling
Song credits not available
521. |
Thrice-holy Name! that sweeter sounds
Song credits not available
522. |
O for a thousand tongues to sing
Song credits not available
523. |
Who is this so weak and helpless
Song credits not available
524. |
Come to our poor nature’s night
Song credits not available
525. |
Lord God the Holy Ghost
Song credits not available
526. |
Lo! God is here! let us adore
Song credits not available
527. |
Come, my soul, thy suit prepare
Song credits not available
528. |
Not for our sins alone
Song credits not available
529. |
Jesus, where’er Thy people meet
Song credits not available
530. |
The Voice of God’s Creation found me
Song credits not available
531. |
Father of mercies, in Thy Word
Words: Anne Steele Music: Unknown
532. |
Church of the Living God
Song credits not available
533. |
Oh how fair that morning broke
Song credits not available
534. |
Far down the ages now
Song credits not available
535. |
Lord, it belongs not to my care
Song credits not available
536. |
There is a land of pure delight
Song credits not available
537. |
Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin?
Song credits not available
538. |
They whose course on earth is o’er
Song credits not available
539. |
Take not thought for food or raiment
Song credits not available
540. |
Fight the good fight with all thy might
Words: John S. B. Monsell Music: Unknown
541. |
We are soldiers of Christ, Who is mighty to save
Song credits not available
542. |
Stand up!—stand up for Jesus!
Song credits not available
543. |
There’s peace and rest in Paradise
Song credits not available
544. |
Praise the Lord, His glories show
Song credits not available
545. |
Glorious things of thee are spoken
Words: John Newton Music: Unknown
546. |
Ye holy Angels bright
Song credits not available
547. |
Children of the Heavenly King
Words: John Cennick Music: Unknown
548. |
Let all the world in every corner sing
Song credits not available
549. |
O for a heart to praise my God
Song credits not available
550. |
Angel-voices, ever singing
Song credits not available
551. |
May the grace of Christ our Saviour
Song credits not available
552. |
Look down upon us, God of grace
Song credits not available
553. |
Thou, Who at Thy first Eucharist didst pray
Song credits not available
554. |
O Thou, before the world began
Song credits not available
555. |
Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour
Song credits not available
556. |
Victim Divine, Thy grace we claim
Song credits not available
557. |
Hail, Body true, of Mary born
Song credits not available
558. |
O Jesu, Blessed Lord, to Thee
Song credits not available
559. |
O Christ, our God, Who with Thine own hast been
Song credits not available
560. |
With weary feet and sadden’d heart
Song credits not available
561. |
With Christ we share a mystic grave
Song credits not available
562. |
O Father, bless the children
Song credits not available
563. |
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
Song credits not available
564. |
And now this holy day
Song credits not available
565. |
Up in Heaven, up in Heaven
Song credits not available
566. |
Members of Christ are we
Song credits not available
567. |
O my God, I fear Thee!
Song credits not available
568. |
Lamb of God, I look to Thee
Song credits not available
569a. |
Do no sinful action
Song credits not available
569b. |
Do no sinful action
Song credits not available
570. |
Every morning the red sun
Song credits not available
571. |
Sing to the Lord the children’s hymn
Song credits not available
572. |
Lord, I would own Thy tender care
Song credits not available
573. |
All things bright and beautiful
Words: Cecil Frances Alexander Music: Unknown
574. |
Hush’d was the evening hymn
Song credits not available
575. |
Within the churchyard, side by side
Song credits not available
576. |
Lord, behold us with Thy blessing
Song credits not available
577. |
Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing
Song credits not available
578. |
O perfect Love, all human thought transcending
Song credits not available
579. |
O Father all creating
Song credits not available
580. |
Shine Thou upon us, Lord
Song credits not available
581. |
Lord of life, Prophetic Spirit
Song credits not available
582. |
Thou, Who didst call Thy Saints of old
Song credits not available
583. |
The call to arms is sounding
Song credits not available
584. |
Sons of Labour, dear to Jesus
Song credits not available
585. |
O Spirit of the Living God!
Song credits not available
586. |
Lift up your heads, ye gates of brass
Song credits not available
587. |
Lord of the harvest! it is right and meet
Song credits not available
588. |
Soldiers of the Cross, arise!
Song credits not available
589. |
With the sweet word of Peace
Song credits not available
590. |
Unchanging God, hear from eternal Heav’n
Song credits not available
591. |
Thou, The Christ for ever one
Song credits not available
592. |
O Lord, be with us when we sail
Song credits not available
593. |
O God, Who metest in Thine hand
Song credits not available
594. |
When through the torn sail the wild tempest is streaming
Song credits not available
595. |
Holy Father, in Thy mercy
Song credits not available
596. |
O Saviour! when Thy loving Hand
Song credits not available
597. |
As near the wish’d-for port we draw
Song credits not available
598. |
Here, Lord, we offer Thee all that is fairest
Song credits not available
599. |
Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Unknown
600. |
Thou hidden love of God, whose height
Song credits not available
601a. |
The God of Abraham praise
Song credits not available
601b. |
The God of Abraham praise
Song credits not available
602. |
O Jerusalem the blissful, Home of gladness yet untold
Song credits not available
603. |
Round the Sacred City gather
Song credits not available
604. |
Thy Hand, O God, has guided
Song credits not available
605. |
O Lord, our strength in weakness
Song credits not available
606. |
O Father, in Whose great design
Song credits not available
607. |
O Thou before Whose Presence
Song credits not available
608. |
God of the living, in Whose eyes
Words: John Ellerton Music: Unknown
609. |
Safe home, safe home in port!
Song credits not available
610. |
Safely, safely gather’d in
Song credits not available
611. |
Hail to the Lord Who comes
Song credits not available
612. |
We have not seen, we cannot see
Song credits not available
613. |
Praise to the Heavenly Wisdom
Song credits not available
614. |
Behold, the Master passeth by!
Song credits not available
615. |
He sat to watch o’er customs paid
Song credits not available
616. |
Life and strength of all Thy servants
Song credits not available
617. |
Father, before Thy throne of light
Song credits not available
618a. |
Bride of Christ, whose glorious warfare
Song credits not available
618b. |
Bride of Christ, whose glorious warfare
Song credits not available
619. |
Who the multitudes can number
Song credits not available
620. |
In royal robes of splendour
Song credits not available
621. |
Come sing, ye choirs exultant
Words: Jackson Mason Music: Unknown
622. |
Virgin-born, we bow before Thee
Song credits not available
623. |
Give us the wings of faith to rise
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Unknown
624. |
Father, Whose creating hand
Song credits not available
625. |
Jesu, in Thy dying woes
Song credits not available
626. |
Approach, my soul, the mercy-seat
Words: John Newton Music: Unknown
627. |
God made me for Himself, to serve Him here
Song credits not available
628. |
Return, O wanderer, to thy home
Song credits not available
629. |
Lord, I hear of showers of blessing
Song credits not available
630. |
O for a closer walk with God
Song credits not available
631. |
Oh, the bitter shame and sorrow
Song credits not available
632. |
Redeem’d, restored, forgiven
Song credits not available
633. |
There is a fountain fill’d with Blood
Song credits not available
634. |
Souls of men! why will ye scatter
Song credits not available
635. |
Weary of wandering from my God
Song credits not available
636. |
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
Song credits not available
637. |
Oh! come to the merciful Saviour Who calls you
Song credits not available
638. |
O God, to know that Thou art just
Song credits not available
350b. |
The voice that breathed o’er Eden
Song credits not available
98b. |
All glory, laud, and honour
Words: Theodulph of Orleans Music: Unknown
295b. |
The strain upraise of joy and praise
Song credits not available
398b. |
Day of Wrath! O day of mourning!
Song credits not available
437b. |
For all the Saints who from their labours rest
Words: William Walsham How Music: Unknown
437c. |
For all the Saints who from their labours rest
Words: William Walsham How Music: Unknown
Has lyrics in text format
Has sheet music or a scanned page
Has an audio recording
Has a video