A Selection of Hymns (Rippon/Ustick)
A Selection of Hymns from the Best Authors
A Selection of Hymns (Rippon/Ustick),
Burlington, New Jersey.
John Rippon; Stephen C. Ustick.
1807 Edition (last known).
749 songs.
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God (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. |
To God the universal king
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2. |
Eternal God! Almighty cause
Words: Simon Browne Music: N/A (words only)
3. |
Thou art, O God! a Spirit pure
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4. |
Lord thou hast been thy children’s God
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5. |
Great former of this various frame
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6. |
Thy names, how infinite they be!
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7. |
Ye servants of your God, his fame
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8. |
Lord, thou with an unerring beam
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9. |
Keep silence all created things
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10. |
Glory to the eternal King
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11. |
Wait, O my soul, thy Maker’s will
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12. |
Ye humble souls, approach your God
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13. |
Awake, my soul in joyful lays
Words: Samuel Medley Music: N/A (words only)
14. |
When the Eternal bows the skies
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15. |
Thy mercy, my God, is the theme of my song
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16. |
Lord, and am I yet alive
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17. |
Holy and reverend is the name
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18. |
Great God, my Maker, and my King
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19. |
Ye humble saints, proclaim abroad
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20. |
What is our God, or what his name
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21. |
When first the God of boundless grace
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22. |
Father of glory, to thy name
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23. |
God is a name my soul adores
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24. |
Great author of th’immortal mind
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25. |
My grateful tongue, immortal King
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26. |
Eternal power! whose high abode
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Creation and Providence (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
27. |
Look up, ye saints, direct your eyes
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28. |
Lord, thy pervading knowledge strikes
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29. |
Eternal Wisdom, thee we praise
Words: Isaac Watts Music: N/A (words only)
30. |
Ye sons of men, with joy record
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31. |
Thy ways, O Lord, with wise design
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32. |
Lord, when our raptur’d thought surveys
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33. |
Thro’ all the various shifting scene
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34. |
God moves in a mysterious way
Words: William Cowper Music: N/A (words only)
35. |
Great God of providence! thy ways
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36. |
How are thy servants bless’d O Lord
Words: Joseph Addison Music: N/A (words only)
37. |
Almighty Father, gracious Lord
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Fall of Man (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
38. |
Adam our father and our head
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39. |
With tears of anguish I lament
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40. |
Astonish’d and distress’d
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41. |
What jarring natures dwell within
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42. |
Arise, my tenderest thoughts, arise
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Scripture (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
43. |
How precious is the Book divine
Words: John Fawcett Music: N/A (words only)
44. |
When Israel thro’ the desert pass’d
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45. |
Let avarice from shore to shore
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46. |
Father of mercies, in thy word
Words: Anne Steele Music: N/A (words only)
47. |
That God, who made the worlds on high
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48. |
Thy sire, and her who brought thee forth
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49. |
Raise, thoughtless sinner, raise thine eye
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50. |
Here, Lord, my soul convicted stands
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51. |
No strength of nature can suffice
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52. |
“Curst be the man, for ever curst”
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53. |
Israel in ancient days
Words: William Cowper Music: N/A (words only)
54. |
God, in the gospel of his Son
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55. |
Jesus, th’ eternal Son of God
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56. |
On Sion, his most holy mount
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57. |
Blow ye the trumpet, blow
Words: Charles Wesley Music: N/A (words only)
58. |
Loud let the tuneful trumpet sound
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59. |
What wisdom, majesty and grace
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60. |
What shall the dying sinner do
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61. |
Shall atheists dare insult the cross
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62. |
How happy are we Our election who see
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63. |
Who shall condemn to endless flames
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64. |
O My distrustful heart
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65. |
Sons we are, through God’s election
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66. |
The God of Abram praise, Who reigns
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67. |
My God, the covenant of thy love
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68. |
O Lord my God, whose sovereign love
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69. |
Now begin the heavenly theme
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70. |
Enslav’d by sin and bound in chains
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71. |
Hark! the voice of love and mercy
Words: Jonathan Evans Music: N/A (words only)
72. |
’Tis finish’d, so the Saviour cried
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73. |
Shall Jesus descend from the skies
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74. |
O thou, who didst thy glory leave
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75. |
Hail! thou once despised Jesus
Words: John Bakewell Music: N/A (words only)
76. |
Father, God, who seest in me
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77. |
Hail! mighty Jesus, how divine
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78. |
Once, as the Saviour pass’d along
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79. |
When some kind shepherd from his fold
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80. |
As on the cross the Saviour hung
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81. |
Dear Saviour, we are thine
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82. |
To God, my Saviour and my King
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83. |
Wherewith O Lord, shall I draw near
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84. |
Jesus, thy blood and righteousness
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85. |
Great God of wonders! all thy ways
Words: Samuel Davies Music: N/A (words only)
86. |
How oft, alas! this wretched heart
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87. |
Forgiveness! ’tis a joyful sound
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88. |
My sorrow, like a flood
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89. |
My Saviour, let me hear thy voice
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90. |
What mean these jealousies and fears
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91. |
Let others boast their ancient line
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92. |
Sovereign of all the worlds on high
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93. |
Hark! for ’tis God’s own Son that calls
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94. |
Blessed are the sons of God
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95. |
Not all the nobles of the earth
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96. |
Our heavenly Father calls, And Christ
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97. |
My rising soul with strong desires
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98. |
O for a closer walk with God, A calm
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99. |
O that I knew the secret place
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100. |
Where shall we sinners hide our heads
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101. |
Praise to our Shepherd’s gracious name
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102. |
Behold the lep’rous Jew
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103. |
My soul, with joy attend
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104. |
The deluge at the Almighty’s call
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105. |
Lord, hast thou made me know thy ways?
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106. |
Jesus, my Saviour and my God, Thou hast
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107. |
Thee, Father, we bless, Whose
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108. |
Jesus is our great salvation
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109. |
Salvation thro’ our dying God
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110. |
In songs of sublime adoration and praise
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111. |
Grace! ’tis a charming sound!
Words: Philip Doddridge; Augustus M. Toplady Music: N/A (words only)
112. |
Father, how wide thy glory shines!
Words: Isaac Watts Music: N/A (words only)
113. |
Salvation! O melodious sound
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114. |
“Come, sinners,” saith the mighty God
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115. |
Come, ye sinners, poor and wretched
Words: Joseph Hart Music: N/A (words only)
116. |
Sinners, the voice of God regard
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117. |
Come, weary souls, with sins distrest
Words: Anne Steele Music: N/A (words only)
118. |
Ye dying sons of men, Immerg’d in sin
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119. |
Lord, how large thy bounties are
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120. |
The Saviour calls—let every ear
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121. |
Ye scarlet-colour’d sinners, come
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122. |
When by the tempter’s wiles betray’d
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123. |
Afflicted saint, to Christ draw near
Words: John Fawcett Music: N/A (words only)
124. |
And art thou with us, gracious Lord
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125. |
Kind are the words that Jesus speaks
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126. |
My God, how cheerful is the sound!
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127. |
Ye little flock, whom Jesus feeds
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128. |
How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord
Words: Selection of Hymns, John Rippon, 1787; Robert Keen Music: N/A (words only)
Christ (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
129. |
Mortals, awake, with angels join
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130. |
Hark, the herald angels sing
Words: Charles Wesley Music: N/A (words only)
131. |
Awake, awake the sacred song
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132. |
Mighty God, while angels bless thee
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133. |
Saviour of men, and Lord of love
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134. |
Hark, the glad sound, the Saviour comes
Words: Philip Doddridge Music: N/A (words only)
135. |
When at a distance, Lord, we trace
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136. |
Ye that pass by, behold the Man
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137. |
Stretch’d on the cross the Saviour dies
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138. |
Yonder—amazing sight!—I see
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139. |
See Lord, thy willing subjects bow
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140. |
Yes, the Redeemer rose
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141. |
Christ, the Lord, is risen to-day
Words: Charles Wesley Music: N/A (words only)
142. |
Angels, roll the rock away
Words: Thomas Scott Music: N/A (words only)
143. |
When I the holy grave survey
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144. |
Ye humble souls that seek the Lord
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145. |
Our Lord is risen from the dead
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146. |
O ye immortal throng
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147. |
Now let us raise our cheerful strains
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148. |
The mighty frame of glorious grace
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149. |
Rejoice, the Lord is King
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150. |
A fulness resides In Jesus our head
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151. |
How shall I my Saviour set forth?
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152. |
He lives, the great Redeemer lives
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153. |
Awake, sweet gratitude, and sing
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154. |
Now let our cheerful eyes survey
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155. |
How keen the tempter’s malice is!
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156. |
Where is my God? does he retire
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157. |
When Israel’s grieving tribes complain’d
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158. |
Depraved minds on ashes feed
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159. |
Jesus, the heavenly lover, gave
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160. |
Ye worlds of light, that roll so near
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161. |
To Christ, the Lord, let every tongue
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162. |
Come, thou long expected Jesus
Words: Charles Wesley Music: N/A (words only)
163. |
Lord, dost thou shew a corner-stone
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164. |
Infinite excellence is thine
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165. |
Awake, our souls, and bless his name
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166. |
And is the gospel peace and love?
Words: Anne Steele Music: N/A (words only)
167. |
Jesus the Lord, our souls adore
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168. |
The fountain of Christ, Lord, help us to sing
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169. |
There is a fountain fill’d with blood
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170. |
Poor, weak, and worthless tho’ I am
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171. |
Jesus, my love, my chief delight
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172. |
Jesus, I sing thy matchless grace
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173. |
Jesus, I love thy charming name
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174. |
God with us! O gracious name!
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175. |
Come, ye that love the Saviour’s name
Words: Anne Steele Music: N/A (words only)
176. |
Backsliders, who your misery feel
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177. |
All hail the power of Jesu’s name!
Words: Edward Perronet Music: N/A (words only)
178. |
Jesus, we claim thee for our own
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179. |
Behold the sin-atoning Lamb
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180. |
Thou very Paschal Lamb
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181. |
When sins and fears prevailing rise
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182. |
Light of those whose dreary dwelling
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183. |
King of Salem, bless my soul!
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184. |
Jesus, commission’d from above
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185. |
Glory to God who reigns above
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186. |
Christ, our passover, is slain
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187. |
Ye glittering toys of earth, adieu
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188. |
Deep are the wounds which sin has made
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189. |
Jesus, since thou art still to-day
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190. |
A good High Priest is come
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191. |
’Mong all the priests of Jewish race
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192. |
Jesus, how precious is thy name!
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193. |
“I come,” the great Redeemer cries
Words: Advent Harp Music: N/A (words only)
194. |
Saviour divine, we know thy name
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195. |
Rock of ages, shelter me, Let me hide
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196. |
Jesus, the spring of joys divine
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197. |
While my Redeemer’s near
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198. |
Ye prisoners of hope O’erwhelmed
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199. |
Great God, amid the darksome night
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200. |
Jesus, immutably the same
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201. |
Jesus, my all, to heaven is gone
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202. |
There is no path to heavenly bliss
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203. |
My God, assist me, while I raise
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204. |
Compar’d with Christ, in all beside
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205. |
The Bible is justly esteem’d
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206. |
Jesus, we hang upon the word
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207. |
Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove
Words: Simon Browne Music: N/A (words only)
208. |
Bless’d Jesus, source of grace divine
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209. |
As showers on meadows newly mown
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210. |
Hear, gracious sovereign, from thy throne
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211. |
Eternal Spirit, source of light
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212. |
At anchor laid, remote from home
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213. |
Dear Lord, and shall thy Spirit rest
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214. |
Descend, Holy Spirit the Dove
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215. |
Stay, thou insulted Spirit, stay
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216. |
My God, what silken cords are thine!
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Spirit (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
217. |
Faith!—’tis a precious grace
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218. |
Faith adds new charms to earthly bliss
Words: Daniel Turner Music: N/A (words only)
219. |
Jesus, our souls delightful choice
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220. |
Encompass’d with clouds of distress
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221. |
From whence this fear and unbelief
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222. |
The moment a sinner believes
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223. |
A debtor to mercy alone
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224. |
Your harps, ye trembling saints
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225. |
Not by the laws of innocence
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226. |
Thrice happy souls, who born from heaven
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227. |
Happy beyond description he
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228. |
Am I a soldier of the cross
Words: Isaac Watts Music: N/A (words only)
229. |
Behold the sons, the heirs of God
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230. |
And be it so, that ’till this hour
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231. |
O God, my Sun, thy blissful rays
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232. |
Come, Lord, and help us to rejoice
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233. |
Why sinks my weak desponding mind?
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234. |
Ye humble souls, complain no more
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235. |
Lord, at thy feet we sinners lie
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236. |
Lord, with a griev’d and aching heart
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237. |
Lord, if thou thy grace impart
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238. |
The righteous Lord, supremely great
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239. |
Now let our voices join To form
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240. |
Children of the heavenly King, As ye journey
Words: John Cennick Music: N/A (words only)
241. |
When darkness long has veil’d my mind
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242. |
Blessed Redeemer, how divine
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243. |
Praise to the Lord of boundless might
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244. |
Dear Saviour, make me wise to see
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245. |
Thy way, O God, is in the sea
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246. |
O what stupendous mercy shines
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247. |
Yes, I would love thee, blessed God!
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248. |
O Lord, I would delight in thee
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249. |
Of all the joys we mortals know
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250. |
’Tis a point I long to know
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251. |
Come, let me love; or is my mind
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252. |
And have I, Christ, no love to thee
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253. |
My gracious Redeemer I love
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254. |
Blest be the tie that binds
Words: John Fawcett Music: N/A (words only)
255. |
Let party names no more
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256. |
Great Spirit of immortal love
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257. |
Father of mercies, send thy grace
Words: Philip Doddridge Music: N/A (words only)
258. |
Aloud we sing the wondrous grace
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259. |
Should bounteous nature kindly pour
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260. |
Ye humble souls rejoice, And cheerful
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261. |
Happy the man whose cautious steps
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262. |
Thus Agur breath’d his warm desire
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263. |
Patience! O what a grace divine!
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264. |
Dear Lord, tho’ bitter is the cup
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265. |
Unite, my roving thoughts, unite
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266. |
Dear friend of friendless sinners, hear
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267. |
“Repent,” the voice celestial cries
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268. |
Searcher of hearts, before thy face
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269. |
Exalted Prince of life, we own
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270. |
Father, at thy call I come
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271. |
Prostrate, dear Jesus, at thy feet
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272. |
Dear Saviour, when my thoughts recall
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273. |
The mighty God will not despise
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274. |
Why, O my soul, why weepest thou?
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275. |
The Lord will happiness divine
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276. |
My times of sorrow and of joy
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277. |
O Lord, my best desires fulfil
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278. |
And can my heart aspire so high
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279. |
It is the Lord—enthron’d in light
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280. |
Asham’d of Christ, my soul disdain
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281. |
And must I part with all I have
Words: Benjamin Beddome Music: N/A (words only)
282. |
Let those who bear the christian name
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283. |
If secret fraud should dwell
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284. |
Religion is the chief concern
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285. |
Thro’ all the changing scenes of life
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286. |
Away, my unbelieving fear!
Words: Charles Wesley Music: N/A (words only)
287. |
Lord, didst thou die, but not for me?
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288. |
Ye trembling souls, dismiss your fears
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289. |
Unclean! unclean! and full of sin
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290. |
Begone, unbelief, My Saviour is near
Words: John Newton Music: N/A (words only)
291. |
Happy the man who finds the grace
Words: Charles Wesley Music: N/A (words only)
292. |
Blest men, who stretch their willing hands
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293. |
While carnal men, with all their might
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Christian Life (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
294. |
With melting heart, and weeping eyes
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295. |
Jesus, full of all compassion
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296. |
Gracious Lord, incline thine ear
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297. |
Beset with snares on every hand
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298. |
And will the eternal King
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299. |
And will th’ offended God again
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300. |
How happy is the pilgrim’s lot
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301. |
Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wings
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302. |
Awake, my soul, stretch every nerve
Words: Philip Doddridge Music: N/A (words only)
303. |
My Captain sounds the alarm of war
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304. |
Jesus, at thy command, I launch
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305. |
Jesus, lover of my soul
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306. |
Now let the feeble all be strong
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307. |
Great God, what hosts of angels stand
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308. |
Hear, gracious God, my humble moan
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309. |
I would, but cannot sing
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310. |
The wandering star, and fleeting wind
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311. |
Oft have I turn’d my eye within
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312. |
Why should a living man complain
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313. |
Jesus, let thy pitying eye
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314. |
How did the powers of darkness rage
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315. |
Sweet was the time when first I felt
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316. |
Dear Refuge of my weary soul
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317. |
Great Leader of thine Israel’s host
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318. |
O My soul, what means this sadness?
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319. |
Father, whate’er of earthly bliss
Words: Anne Steele Music: N/A (words only)
320. |
Alas, what hourly dangers rise!
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321. |
I ask’d the Lord that I might grow
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322. |
Praise to thy name, eternal God
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323. |
Now let our souls, on wings sublime
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324. |
Thus far my God hath led me on
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325. |
Ye servants of the Lord, Each in
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326. |
Assist us Lord, thy name to praise
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327. |
O thou, that hast redemption wrought!
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328. |
Hark! ’tis our heavenly Leader’s voice
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Worship (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
329. |
Return, my roving heart, return
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330. |
Great God, oppress’d with grief and fear
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331. |
What strange perplexities arise?
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332. |
Father divine, thy piercing eye
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333. |
Great God, where’er we pitch our tent
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334. |
Ah wretched souls, who strive in vain
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335. |
Father of all, thy care we bless
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336. |
Great God, now condescend
Words: John Fellows Music: N/A (words only)
337. |
See, Israel’s gentle shepherd stands
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338. |
In sweet exalted strains
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339. |
Great God thy watchful care we bless
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340. |
Dear shepherd of thy people, hear
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341. |
How charming is the place
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342. |
Lord of hosts, how lovely fair
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343. |
How lovely, how divinely sweet
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344. |
Thou, Lord, my safety, thou my light
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345. |
Almighty Maker, God! How wondrous
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346. |
The joyful morn, my God, is come
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347. |
Holy wonder, heavenly grace
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348. |
Another six days work is done
Words: Joseph Stennett Music: N/A (words only)
349. |
Awake, our drowsy souls
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350. |
Frequent the day of God returns
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351. |
When, O dear Jesus, when shall I
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352. |
Thine earthly sabbaths, Lord, we love
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353. |
What various hindrances we meet
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354. |
Lord, I cannot let thee go, Till
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355. |
Come, humble sinner, in whose breast
Words: Edmund Jones Music: N/A (words only)
356. |
Unto thine altar, Lord, A broken
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357. |
Sprinkled with reconciling blood
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358. |
Our Father, whose eternal sway
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359. |
Where two or three, with sweet accord
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360. |
In vain Apollos’ silver tongue
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361. |
Thy presence, gracious God, afford
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362. |
How free and boundless is the grace
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363. |
Lord we come before thee now
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364. |
How long, thou faithful God, shall I
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365. |
Dearest Saviour, help thy servant
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366. |
Now while the gospel-net is cast
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367. |
Did Christ o’er sinners weep?
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368. |
Come, thou soul-transforming Spirit
Words: Jonathan Evans Music: N/A (words only)
369. |
Sinful, and blind, and poor
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370. |
Ascend thy throne, almighty King
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371. |
Look down, O Lord, with pitying eye
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372. |
Now, Lord, thy heavenly seed is sown
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373. |
On what has now been sown
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374. |
To distant lands thy gospel send
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375. |
While sinners, who presume to bear
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376. |
Come, guilty souls, and flee away
Words: Joseph Humphreys Music: N/A (words only)
377. |
How shall the sons of men appear
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378. |
Is Jesus mine! I’m now prepar’d
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379. |
Self-destroy’d for help I pray
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380. |
See Felix, cloth’d with pomp and power
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381. |
“O that the Lord indeed”
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382. |
Lord God, omnipotent to bless
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383. |
Our Saviour alone The Lord, let us bless
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384. |
Not unto us, but thee alone
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385. |
This God is the God we adore
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386. |
Thou dear Redeemer dying Lamb
Song credits not available
387. |
Glory to God on high!
Words: James Allen Music: N/A (words only)
388. |
Dismiss us with thy blessing, Lord
Words: Joseph Hart Music: N/A (words only)
389. |
Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing
Song credits not available
390. |
Now may the God of peace and love
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391. |
The peace which God alone reveals
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392. |
May the grace of Christ our Saviour
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393. |
To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Who made
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394. |
To the eternal Three, In will
Song credits not available
395. |
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow
Song credits not available
396. |
Give glory to God, ye children of men
Song credits not available
397. |
To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Be praise
Song credits not available
World (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
398. |
What are possessions, fame, and power
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399. |
In vain the giddy world enquires
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400. |
Deluded souls! who think to find
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401. |
Lord, shall we part with gold for dross
Song credits not available
402. |
Dead be my heart to all below
Song credits not available
Church (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
403. |
Say who is she, that looks abroad
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404. |
The wondering nations have beheld
Song credits not available
405. |
Enquire, ye pilgrims, for the way
Song credits not available
406. |
Great Father of mankind
Song credits not available
407. |
Father of mercies, in thy house
Words: Philip Doddridge Music: N/A (words only)
408. |
Our God ascends his lofty throne
Song credits not available
409. |
Shepherd of Israel, bend thine ear
Song credits not available
410. |
Let Sion’s watchmen all awake
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411. |
Shepherd of Israel, thou dost keep
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412. |
We bless the eternal source of light
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413. |
O thou, before whose glorious throne
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414. |
When Paul was parted from his friends
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415. |
With heavenly power, O Lord defend
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416. |
My brethren, from my heart belov’d
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417. |
Fair Sion’s King, we suppliant bow
Song credits not available
418. |
Glorious things of thee are spoken
Words: John Newton Music: N/A (words only)
419. |
Father, is not thy promise pledg’d
Song credits not available
420. |
Great God, the nations of the earth
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421. |
How many years has man been driven
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422. |
Father of faithful Abra’m, hear
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423. |
The Lord on mortal worms looks down
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424. |
Before thy throne eternal King
Song credits not available
425. |
Do not I love thee O my Lord
Song credits not available
426. |
Father of mercies bow thine ear
Words: Benjamin Beddome Music: N/A (words only)
427. |
Saviour, visit thy plantation
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428. |
O’er the gloomy hills of darkness
Song credits not available
429. |
Shout for the blessed Jesus reigns
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430. |
All hail incarnate God
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431. |
Sing to the Lord above, Who deigns
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432. |
Praise the Saviour, all ye nations
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433. |
Jesus, my Lord, how rich thy grace!
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434. |
The Lord, who rules the world’s affairs
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435. |
When Jesus dwelt in mortal clay
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436. |
Yes, there are joys that cannot die
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437. |
Come, ye that fear the Lord, And listen
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438. |
There’s joy in heaven, and joy on earth
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439. |
When any turn from Zion’s way
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440. |
Thou only sovereign of my heart
Song credits not available
441. |
In thee, thou all-sufficient God
Song credits not available
Baptism (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
442. |
In Jordan’s tide the Baptist stands
Words: John Fellows; Hymns on Believers Baptism, 1773 Music: N/A (words only)
443. |
The great Redeemer we adore
Song credits not available
444. |
Thus it became the Prince of grace
Song credits not available
445. |
Humble souls who seek salvation
Words: John Fawcett Music: N/A (words only)
446. |
Dear Lord, and will thy pardoning love
Words: John Fellows Music: N/A (words only)
447. |
When Abram’s servant to procure
Song credits not available
448. |
Thus was the great Redeemer plung’d
Song credits not available
449. |
Jesus, mighty king in Sion!
Song credits not available
450. |
See how the willing converts trace
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451. |
Jesus! and shall it ever be
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452. |
Great God, we in thy courts appear
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453. |
How great, how solemn is the work
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454. |
“Go teach the nations and baptize”
Song credits not available
455. |
Whate’er to thee, our Lord belongs
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456. |
Hosannah to the church’s head
Song credits not available
457. |
Behold the grave where Jesus lay
Song credits not available
458. |
Come, ye redeemed of the Lord
Song credits not available
459. |
We to this place are come to show
Song credits not available
460. |
Eternal Spirit, heavenly Dove
Song credits not available
461. |
All ye that love Immanuel’s name
Words: John Fellows Music: N/A (words only)
462. |
Ye who your native vileness mourn
Song credits not available
463. |
Jesus, my Saviour and my all
Song credits not available
464. |
Amazing grace! and shall I still
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465. |
Apostles trod this holy ground
Song credits not available
466. |
With lowly minds, and lofty songs
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467. |
To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, We humbly
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468. |
Descend, celestial Dove
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469. |
“Proclaim,” saith Christ, “my wondrous grace”
Song credits not available
470. |
Attend, ye children of your God
Song credits not available
471. |
The holy eunuch, when baptiz’d
Song credits not available
Lord’s Supper (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
472. |
What heavenly man, or lovely God
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473. |
Ye wretched, hungry, starving poor
Song credits not available
474. |
He dies! the friend of sinners dies!
Words: Isaac Watts Music: N/A (words only)
475. |
Jesus! O word divinely sweet!
Song credits not available
476. |
Thus we commemorate the day
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477. |
Jesus, when faith with fixed eyes
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478. |
Come see on bloody Calvary
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479. |
Now far above these starry skies
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480. |
Now let our faith grow strong, and rise
Song credits not available
481. |
No more, dear Saviour, will I boast
Song credits not available
482. |
Lord, at thy table I behold
Song credits not available
483. |
Here at thy table, Lord, we meet
Words: Samuel Stennett Music: N/A (words only)
484. |
So fair a face bedew’d with tears!
Song credits not available
485. |
And did the holy and the just
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486. |
The King of heaven his table spreads
Song credits not available
487. |
To Jesus our exalted Lord
Song credits not available
488. |
To our Redeemer’s glorious name
Song credits not available
489. |
Come every pious heart
Song credits not available
490. |
Lord am I thine, entirely thine?
Song credits not available
Times and Seasons (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
491. |
To thee, let my first offerings rise
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492. |
With thee, great God, the stores of light
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493. |
Lord, I am vile!—what shall I say?
Song credits not available
494. |
See how the mounting sun
Song credits not available
495. |
Great God, to thee my evening song
Words: Anne Steele Music: N/A (words only)
496. |
Glory to thee, my God, this night
Words: Thomas Ken Music: N/A (words only)
497. |
Now from the altar of our hearts
Song credits not available
498. |
The icy chains that bound the earth
Song credits not available
499. |
From winter’s barren clods
Song credits not available
500. |
Behold! long wish’d-for spring is come
Song credits not available
501. |
The spring, great God, at thy command
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502. |
How hast thou, Lord, from year to year
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503. |
O the immense, th’ amazing height
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504. |
To praise the ever bounteous Lord
Song credits not available
505. |
See how the little toiling ant
Song credits not available
506. |
Stern winter throws his icy chain
Song credits not available
507. |
See, how rude winter’s icy hand
Song credits not available
508. |
Eternal source of every joy!
Words: Philip Doddridge Music: N/A (words only)
509. |
Come, thou fount of every blessing
Words: Robert Robinson Music: N/A (words only)
510. |
Great God, we sing thy mighty hand
Words: Philip Doddridge Music: N/A (words only)
511. |
God of my life, to thee belong
Song credits not available
512. |
My Ebenezer raise To my kind
Song credits not available
513. |
Since Jesus freely did appear
Song credits not available
514. |
Kindred in Christ, for his dear sake
Song credits not available
515. |
For a season call’d to part
Words: John Newton Music: N/A (words only)
516. |
Thy presence, everlasting God
Song credits not available
517. |
How soft the words my Saviour speaks!
Song credits not available
518. |
Ye hearts, with youthful vigor warm
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519. |
Now let a true ambition rise
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520. |
Must all the charms of nature then
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521. |
With humble heart and tongue
Song credits not available
522. |
Now let our hearts conspire to raise
Song credits not available
523. |
Blest is the man whose heart expands
Song credits not available
524. |
Eternal God! enthron’d on high!
Song credits not available
525. |
See, gracious God, before thy throne
Song credits not available
526. |
When Abram, full of sacred awe
Song credits not available
527. |
Lord, how shall wretched sinners dare
Song credits not available
528. |
While o’er our guilty land, O Lord
Song credits not available
529. |
To thee, who reign’st supreme above
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530. |
On us, oppress’d beneath thy stroke
Song credits not available
531. |
Great Ruler of the earth and skies
Song credits not available
532. |
Praise to the Lord, who bows his ear
Song credits not available
533. |
House of our God with cheerful anthems ring
Song credits not available
534. |
Say, should we search the globe around
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535. |
What hath God wrought! might Israel say
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536. |
Great Lord of all, thy matchless power
Song credits not available
537. |
Thou only centre of my rest
Song credits not available
538. |
Lord, I am pain’d; but I resign
Song credits not available
539. |
Death, with his dread commission seal’d
Song credits not available
540. |
Dost thou my profit seek
Song credits not available
541. |
Awhile remain’d the doubtful strife
Song credits not available
542. |
Sovereign of life, I own thy hand
Song credits not available
Time and Eternity (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
543. |
Almighty Maker of my frame
Song credits not available
544. |
God of eternity, from thee
Song credits not available
545. |
Sovereign Ruler of the skies
Song credits not available
546. |
How long shall earth’s alluring toys
Song credits not available
547. |
How various and how new
Song credits not available
548. |
Eternity is just at hand
Words: Anne Steele Music: N/A (words only)
549. |
Thou God of glorious majesty!
Song credits not available
Death and the Resurrection (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
550. |
My thoughts that often mount the skies
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551. |
Ye virgin souls, arise, With all
Song credits not available
552. |
When death appears before my sight
Song credits not available
553. |
Lord, when we see a saint of thine
Song credits not available
554. |
While on the verge of life I stand
Song credits not available
555. |
Lord, ’tis an infinite delight
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556. |
Thy life I read, my dearest Lord
Song credits not available
557. |
When blooming youth is snatch’d away
Song credits not available
558. |
Ye mourning saints, whose streaming tears
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559. |
What scenes of horror and of dread
Song credits not available
560. |
’Tis finished, ’tis done! the spirit is fled
Song credits not available
561. |
Prepare me, gracious God
Song credits not available
562. |
“Why flow these torrents of distress?”
Song credits not available
563. |
Peace, ’tis the Lord Jehovah’s hand
Song credits not available
564. |
The God of love will sure indulge
Song credits not available
565. |
Heaven has confirm’d the great decree
Words: Philip Doddridge Music: N/A (words only)
566. |
Now let our drooping hearts revive
Song credits not available
567. |
Guide me, O thou great Jehovah!
Words: William Williams Music: N/A (words only)
568. |
Why should our murmuring thoughts delight
Song credits not available
569. |
How long shall death the tyrant reign
Words: Isaac Watts Music: N/A (words only)
Judgment (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
570. |
How great, how terrible, that God
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571. |
Methinks the last great day is come
Song credits not available
572. |
And will the Judge descend?
Song credits not available
573. |
Attend, my ear; my heart, rejoice
Song credits not available
574. |
When shall thy lovely face be seen?
Song credits not available
575. |
Lo! He cometh! countless trumpets
Song credits not available
576. |
Lo! he comes, with clouds descending
Song credits not available
577. |
Day of judgment, day of wonders!
Words: John Newton Music: N/A (words only)
578. |
“He comes! he comes to judge the world”
Song credits not available
579. |
When thou my righteous Judge shalt come
Song credits not available
Hell and Heaven (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
580. |
Lord, when I read the traitor’s doom
Song credits not available
581. |
Sinner, O why so thoughtless grown
Song credits not available
582. |
In what confusion earth appears
Song credits not available
583. |
Come Lord, and warm each languid heart
Song credits not available
584. |
On Jordan’s stormy banks I stand
Song credits not available
585. |
On wings of faith, mount up my soul and rise
Song credits not available
586. |
Vital spark of heavenly flame
Song credits not available
587. |
O For a sweet, inspiring ray
Song credits not available
588. |
Earth has engross’d my love too long
Song credits not available
589. |
Glory to the Father’s name
Song credits not available
590. |
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost, Ye suff’ring
Song credits not available
591. |
Glory be to God the Father
Song credits not available
592. |
Give to the Father praise
Song credits not available
593. |
To God the great Father be praise
Song credits not available
Supplement (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
S-1. |
How great, how glorious is the Lord
Song credits not available
S-2. |
Amid the splendors of thy state
Song credits not available
S-3. |
My soul, arise in joyful lays
Song credits not available
S-4. |
The Lord, how rich his comforts are
Song credits not available
S-5. |
Lord, how mysterious are thy ways!
Song credits not available
S-6. |
With flowing eyes and bleeding heart
Song credits not available
S-7. |
Hark! my soul, it is the Lord
Words: William Cowper Music: N/A (words only)
S-8. |
Jehovah speaks: “Seek ye my face!”
Song credits not available
S-9. |
Sinners, you are now addressed
Song credits not available
S-10. |
Lo! Wisdom stands with smiling face
Song credits not available
S-11. |
I hear the counsel of a friend
Song credits not available
S-12. |
The Lord Jehovah calls, Be ev’ry
Song credits not available
S-13. |
Tho’ troubles assail
Song credits not available
S-14. |
If the Lord our leader be
Song credits not available
S-15. |
Salvation, through our dying God
Song credits not available
S-16. |
Thee we adore, Eternal Word!
Song credits not available
S-17. |
Hail progeny divine! Hail
Song credits not available
S-18. |
The Saviour, what a noble flame
Song credits not available
S-19. |
By whom was David taught
Song credits not available
S-20. |
Heal us, Immanuel, here we are
Words: William Cowper Music: N/A (words only)
S-21. |
From pole to pole let others roam
Song credits not available
S-22. |
How lost was my condition
Song credits not available
S-23. |
My God, how perfect are thy ways!
Song credits not available
S-24. |
As birds their infant brood protect
Song credits not available
S-25. |
The love of the Spirit I sing
Song credits not available
S-26. |
The blessed Spirit, like the wind
Song credits not available
S-27. |
Come, Holy Spirit, come! With
Song credits not available
S-28. |
Emptied of earth, I fain would be
Song credits not available
S-29. |
My grace so weak, my sin so strong
Song credits not available
S-30. |
I’m in a world of hopes and fears
Song credits not available
S-31. |
Lord, ’twas a time of wond’rous love
Song credits not available
S-32. |
Fierce passions discompose the mind
Song credits not available
S-33. |
Let ocean’s waves tumultuous rise
Song credits not available
S-34. |
To keep the lamp alive
Song credits not available
S-35. |
For mercies, countless as the sands
Song credits not available
S-36. |
Great God! to thee I’ll make
Song credits not available
S-37. |
Let Jacob to his Maker sing
Song credits not available
S-38. |
How firm the saint’s foundations stand!
Song credits not available
S-39. |
Lord, who hast suffer’d all for me
Song credits not available
S-40. |
Lord shed a beam of heavenly day
Song credits not available
S-41. |
“Father divine,” (the Saviour cried)
Song credits not available
S-42. |
How vast the blessings, how divine
Song credits not available
S-43. |
Temptations, trials, doubts, and fears
Song credits not available
S-44. |
Be still my heart! my anxious cares
Song credits not available
S-45. |
If God is mine, then present things
Song credits not available
S-46. |
Dear Lord! why should I doubt thy love
Song credits not available
S-47. |
Weary and weak and faint
Song credits not available
S-48. |
If duty calls, and suffering too
Song credits not available
S-49. |
Cheer up, my soul, there is a mercy-seat
Song credits not available
S-50. |
The new-born child of gospel-grace
Song credits not available
S-51. |
Again, indulgent Lord, I come
Song credits not available
S-52. |
I want not India’s pearly store
Song credits not available
S-53. |
Sweet the moments, rich in blessing
Song credits not available
S-54. |
Is there, in heaven or earth, who can
Song credits not available
S-55. |
Help and Salvation, Lord! I crave
Song credits not available
S-56. |
My God! thy boundless love we praise
Song credits not available
S-57. |
Great God! ’tis from thy sovereign grace
Song credits not available
S-58. |
Like Israel, Lord, am I!
Song credits not available
S-59. |
When Jesus for his people died
Song credits not available
S-60. |
The Saviour hides his face!
Song credits not available
S-61. |
Lord! let me see thy beauteous face!
Song credits not available
S-62. |
Immense, eternal God!
Song credits not available
S-63. |
An absent God I now deplore
Song credits not available
S-64. |
Indulgent God! to thee I raise
Song credits not available
S-65. |
Let worldly minds the world pursue
Song credits not available
S-66. |
’Tis my happiness below
Song credits not available
S-67. |
The Lord! how kind are all his ways
Song credits not available
S-68. |
Honor and happiness unite
Song credits not available
S-69. |
Far from the world, O Lord, I flee
Song credits not available
S-70. |
Bless the Lord, my soul, and raise
Song credits not available
S-71. |
Arise, my soul, and praise the Lord
Song credits not available
S-72. |
Rais’d from the slumbers of the night
Song credits not available
S-73. |
In Jesu’s name we come to thee
Song credits not available
S-74. |
Preserv’d by thee another day
Song credits not available
S-75. |
We thank thee, Lord, for every good
Song credits not available
S-76. |
Thanks to my Saviour for a bed
Song credits not available
S-77. |
O God! we thank thy guardian care
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S-78. |
Now condescend, most gracious Lord!
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S-79. |
Rise, ye immortal spirits, rise
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S-80. |
Lord how delightful ’tis to see
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S-81. |
Ye sons of earth, prepare the plough
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S-82. |
Encourag’d by thy word
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S-83. |
“Mercy; O thou son of David!”
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S-84. |
Jesus, accept my humble prayer
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S-85. |
I thirst, but not as once I did
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S-86. |
Look from on high, great God, and see
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S-87. |
Preachers may from Ezekiel’s case
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S-88. |
The Saviour calls, let every ear
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S-89. |
“Yet there is room,” the Saviour says
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S-90. |
Come, ye distressed sinners, come
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S-91. |
Who is the trembling sinner, who
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S-92. |
Does the gospel-word proclaim
Song credits not available
S-93. |
’Tis religion that can give
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S-94. |
If, Lord, in thy fair book of life
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S-95. |
To him who on the fatal tree
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S-96. |
Lord, my soul with pleasure springs
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S-97. |
Ye saints of every rank, with joy
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S-98. |
O! how mistaken are mankind
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S-99. |
With humble pleasure, Lord, we trace
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S-100. |
Ye prodigals return To your indulgent
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S-101. |
The prodigal returns, To seek
Song credits not available
S-102. |
Let heaven and earth agree
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S-103. |
Father, before we hence depart
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S-104. |
Now may Father, Son and Spirit
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S-105. |
How long shall dreams of creature-bliss
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S-106. |
God gives his mercies to be spent
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S-107. |
O Zion, tune thy voice
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S-108. |
O God of Zion! from thy throne
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S-109. |
O Zion! afflicted with wave upon wave
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S-110. |
Sweet is the love, that mutual glows
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S-111. |
When John, the harbinger of Christ
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S-112. |
Children of the King of grace
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S-113. |
Behold the Prince of Glory go
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S-114. |
Believers in the days of old
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S-115. |
Holy Jesus, now defend us
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S-116. |
The Master bids us go—baptize
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S-117. |
O! For a plenitude of grace
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S-118. |
The King of heaven a feast has made
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S-119. |
This is the feast of heav’nly wine
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S-120. |
Lord, send thy Spirit down
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S-121. |
My helper God! I bless his name
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S-122. |
Bestow, dear Lord, upon our youth
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S-123. |
The fabric of nature is fair
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S-124. |
In the floods of tribulation
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S-125. |
O How I love thy holy word
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S-126. |
Look back, my soul, with grateful love
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S-127. |
How gracious, and how wise
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S-128. |
And must we all resign our breath
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S-129. |
Vain man, thy fond pursuits forbear
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S-130. |
Ah! I shall soon be dying
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S-131. |
Lord, must I die? Oh, let me die
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S-132. |
O God of love! with cheering ray
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S-133. |
Ah! lovely appearance of death!
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S-134. |
His Master taken from his head
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S-135. |
A Champion of the cross is fled
Song credits not available
S-136. |
My waken’d soul, extend thy wings
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S-137. |
Behold! with awful pomp
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S-138. |
Courage my soul! behold the prize
Song credits not available
S-139. |
Exert thy power, thy rights maintain
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S-140. |
Proud Babylon yet waits her doom
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S-141. |
Go, favor’d heralds, and proclaim
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S-142. |
“Go,” said the voice of heavenly love
Song credits not available
S-143. |
Behold th’ expected time draw near
Words: Mrs. Vokes Music: N/A (words only)
S-144. |
Smile, Lord, on each divine attempt
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S-145. |
Where’er the blustering north-wind blows
Song credits not available
S-146. |
Ye messengers of Christ, His sovereign
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S-147. |
Awake, awake, thou mighty arm
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S-148. |
“How” long, O God, “has man been driv’n”
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S-149. |
The house now to be builded to the Lord
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S-150. |
Go forth, ye saints, behold your King
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S-151. |
Rejoice, the Saviour reigns
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S-152. |
Lift up your joyful eyes, and see
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S-153. |
Yes, mighty Jesus! thou shalt reign
Song credits not available
S-154. |
Praise him that made you, all ye isles
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S-155. |
Kindred, and friends, and native land
Song credits not available
S-156. |
To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Be praise
Song credits not available
Has lyrics in text format
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Has an audio recording
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