April 1987 General Conference Music

Apr 4–5, 1987

Talks and media from this conference are available at ChurchofJesusChrist.org or in Gospel Library.
Streaming video is on the LDS General Conference YouTube channel.
A PDF conference report is available at Archive.org.

Regular Sessions

Saturday Morning Session
Saturday, Apr 4, 1987, 10:00 AM

Saturday Afternoon Session
Saturday, Apr 4, 1987, 2:00 PM

Sunday Morning Session
Sunday, Apr 5, 1987, 10:00 AM

Sunday Afternoon Session
Sunday, Apr 5, 1987, 2:00 PM

Other Sessions

General Priesthood Session
Saturday, Apr 4, 1987, 6:00 PM

Summary of Conference Music

The Mormon Youth Chorus, conducted by Robert C. Bowden, furnished the choral numbers for the Saturday morning session of the conference.

Music for the Saturday afternoon session was provided by the Kearns Region mixed choir, conducted by Jane K. Poulsen.

At the general priesthood session, music was furnished by combined institute priesthood choirs from Logan, Salt Lake City, Ogden, Provo, and Orem. S. Brent Farley conducted the combined choirs.

The Tabernacle Choir, conducted by Jerold Ottley and Donald Ripplinger, provided music for the Sunday morning and Sunday afternoon sessions.

Throughout the conference sessions, prelude, postlude, and interlude music and accompaniments on the Tabernacle organ were played by Robert Cundick, John Longhurst, and Clay Christiansen, Tabernacle organists.

From the April 1987 Conference Report booklet

Saturday Morning Session(Return to top) Download Stream Online
From the May 1987 Ensign — The Mormon Youth Chorus, directed by Robert C. Bowden, with organist Clay Christiansen, sang “Hark, All Ye Nations!” by Root/Mönch (Hymns, 1985, no. 264), “Our Savior’s Love” by Gates/Hart (Hymns, 1985, no. 113; arr. Bowden), “Awake and Arise” by Green/Curtis (Hymns, 1985, no. 8), “Precious Lord, Take My Hand” by Allen/Merman, arr. Ringwald (Shawnee Press), “Praise to the Man” by Phelps (Hymns, 1985, no. 27), and “How Great Thou Art” by Hine (Hymns, 1985, no. 86; arr. Bowden). The congregation sang “The Spirit of God” by Phelps (Hymns, 1985, no. 2).

Hark, All Ye Nations!

Artist: Mormon Youth Chorus

Words: Louis F. Mönch

Music: George F. Root

Our Savior’s Love

Artist: Mormon Youth Chorus

Words: Edward L. Hart

Music: Crawford Gates

Arr.: Robert C. Bowden

Awake and Arise

Artist: Mormon Youth Chorus

Words: Theodore E. Curtis

Music: Carolee Curtis Green

The Spirit of God (Congregational)

Artist: Mormon Youth Chorus

Words: William W. Phelps

Music: English melody

Precious Lord, Take My Hand

Artist: Mormon Youth Chorus

Words: Thomas A. Dorsey

Music: George N. Allen

Arr.: Roy Ringwald

Praise to the Man

Artist: Mormon Youth Chorus

Words: William W. Phelps

Music: Scottish folk song

How Great Thou Art

Artist: Mormon Youth Chorus

Words: Carl Boberg; Stuart K. Hine (adapter)

Music: Tradititonal Swedish folk tune

Arr.: Robert C. Bowden

Saturday Afternoon Session(Return to top) Download Stream Online
From the May 1987 Ensign — The Kearns Region Mixed Choir, directed by Jane K. Poulsen, with organist Robert Cundick, sang “O Love That Glorifies the Son” by Wheelwright (Hymns, 1985, no. 295), “Come, Ye Children of the Lord” by Wallis (Hymns, 1985, no. 58; arr. Lyon, Deseret Book), “With Songs of Praise” by Brown/Allen (Hymns, 1985, no. 71), and “The Love of God” by Dayley/Rodgers (Sonos). The congregation sang “Come, Come, Ye Saints” by Clayton (Hymns, 1985, no. 30).

O Love That Glorifies the Son

Artist: Kearns Region Mixed Choir

Words: Lorin F. Wheelwright

Music: Lorin F. Wheelwright

Come, Ye Children of the Lord

Artist: Kearns Region Mixed Choir

Words: James H. Wallis

Music: Spanish melody

Arr.: A. Laurence Lyon

With Songs of Praise

Artist: Kearns Region Mixed Choir

Words: Penelope Moody Allen

Music: Newel Kay Brown

Come, Come, Ye Saints (Congregational)

Artist: Kearns Region Mixed Choir

Words: William Clayton

Music: English folk song

The Love of God (Congregational)

Artist: Kearns Region Mixed Choir

Words: Ralph Rodgers Jr.; K. Newell Dayley

Music: K. Newell Dayley

General Priesthood Session(Return to top) Download Stream Online
From the May 1987 Ensign — A combined priesthood institute choir from Logan, Salt Lake City, Ogden, Provo, and Orem, Utah, directed by S. Brent Farley, with organist Clay Christiansen, sang “Oh Say, What Is Truth?” by Melling/Jaques (Hymns, 1985, no. 331), “Onward, Ye Peoples!” by Sibelius/Kernochan, arr. Lefebvre (Galaxy Music Corp.), and “Brightly Beams Our Father’s Mercy” by Bliss (Hymns, 1985, no. 335). The congregation sang “Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel” by Thompson (Hymns, 1985, no. 252).

Oh Say, What Is Truth?

Artist: Combined Institute priesthood choir

Words: John Jaques

Music: Ellen Knowles Melling

Onward, Ye Peoples!

Artist: Combined Institute priesthood choir

Words: Viktor Rydberg

Music: Jean Sibelius

Trans.: Marshall Kernochan (from Swedish)

Arr.: Lefebvre

Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel (Congregational)

Artist: Combined Institute priesthood choir

Words: Will L. Thompson

Music: Will L. Thompson

Brightly Beams Our Father’s Mercy

Artist: Combined Institute priesthood choir

Words: Philip P. Bliss

Music: Philip P. Bliss

Sunday Morning Session(Return to top) Download Stream Online
From the May 1987 Ensign — The Tabernacle Choir, directed by Jerold Ottley and Donald Ripplinger, with organist John Longhurst, sang “All Creatures of Our God and King” by St. Francis of Assisi, arr. Vaughan Williams (Hymns, 1985, no. 62), “Where Can I Turn for Peace?” by Meredith/Thayne (Hymns, 1985, no. 129), “Behold! This Is the Way” by Cundick (manuscript), “Sing Praise to Him” by Schutz (Hymns, 1985, no. 70), “Faith of Our Fathers” by Hemy/Walton/Faber (Hymns, 1985, no. 84; arr. Longhurst, Sonos), and “God’s Daily Care” by Reske/Turk (Hymns, 1985, no. 306). The congregation sang “Joseph Smith’s First Prayer” by Pond/Manwaring (Hymns, 1985, no. 26).

All Creatures of Our God and King

Artist: The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square

Words: St. Francis of Assisi

Music: German hymn; Geistliche Kirchengesäng, Cologne, 1623

Arr.: Ralph Vaughan Williams

Where Can I Turn for Peace?

Artist: The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square

Words: Emma Lou Thayne

Music: Joleen G. Meredith

Behold! This Is the Way

Artist: The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square

Words: Robert Cundick

Music: Robert Cundick

Sing Praise to Him

Artist: The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square

Words: Johann J. Schütz

Music: Bohemian Brethren’s Songbook

Joseph Smith’s First Prayer (Congregational)

Artist: The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square

Words: George Manwaring

Music: Sylvanus Billings Pond

Faith of Our Fathers

Artist: The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square

Words: Frederick W. Faber

Music: Henri F. Hemy; James G. Walton

Arr.: John Longhurst

God’s Daily Care

Artist: The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square

Words: Marie C. Turk

Music: Willy Reske

Sunday Afternoon Session(Return to top) Download Stream Online
From the May 1987 Ensign — The Tabernacle Choir, directed by Jerold Ottley, with organist Robert Cundick, sang “Come, Rejoice” by Cannon (Hymns, 1985, no. 9), “Consolation: I Am a Child of God” by Lyon/Hanson (Sonos), and “Love One Another” by Fox (Hymns, 1985, no. 308). The congregation sang “Choose the Right” by Tuckett/Townsend (Hymns, 1985, no. 239).

Come, Rejoice

Artist: The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square

Words: Tracy Y. Cannon

Music: Tracy Y. Cannon

Consolation: I Am a Child of God (Congregational)

Artist: The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square

Words: A. Laurence Lyon; Lloyd T. Hanson; Naomi W. Randall

Music: A. Laurence Lyon; Mildred Tanner Pettit

Choose the Right (Congregational)

Artist: The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square

Words: Joseph L. Townsend

Music: Henry A. Tuckett

Love One Another

Artist: The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square

Words: Luacine Clark Fox

Music: Luacine Clark Fox