Hymns Ancient and Modern
Hymns Ancient and Modern, for Use in the Services of the Church, with Accompanying Tunes … New Edition
Hymns Ancient and Modern (Reprint),
London, England.
Bertram Luard-Selby.
1904 Edition (New Edition).
741 songs.
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Songs (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. |
Now that the daylight fills the sky
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2a. |
O Splendour of God’s glory bright
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2b. |
O Splendour of God’s glory bright
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3a. |
Awake, my soul, and with the sun
Words: Thomas Ken Music: Unknown
3b. |
Glory to Thee, Who safe hast kept
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4. |
Christ, Whose glory fills the skies
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Unknown
5. |
New every morning is the love
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6. |
Forth in Thy Name, O Lord, I go
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Unknown
7. |
My Father, for another night
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8. |
At Thy feet, O Christ, we lay
Words: William Bright Music: Unknown
9a. |
Come, Holy Ghost, Who ever One
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9b. |
Come, Holy Ghost, Who ever One
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10a. |
O God of truth, O Lord of might
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10b. |
O God of truth, O Lord of might
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11a. |
O God, the world’s sustaining force
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11b. |
O God, the world’s sustaining force
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12. |
Up to the throne of God is borne
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13. |
Behold us, Lord, a little space
Words: John Ellerton Music: Unknown
14. |
O Strength and Stay upholding all creation
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15a. |
O blest Creator of the light
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15b. |
O blest Creator of the light
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16. |
As now the sun’s declining rays
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17. |
The sun is sinking fast
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18. |
Hail, gladdening Light, of His pure glory pour’d
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19. |
The day is past and over
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20. |
Glory to Thee, my God, this night
Words: Thomas Ken Music: Unknown
21. |
The radiant morn hath pass’d away
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22. |
God, Who madest earth and heaven
Words: Catherine Winkworth; John Christian Jacobi; Heinrich Albert; Arthur Tozer Russell Music: Unknown
23. |
Abide with me; fast falls the eventide
Words: Henry F. Lyte Music: Unknown
24a. |
Sun of my soul, Thou Saviour dear
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24b. |
Sun of my soul, Thou Saviour dear
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25. |
Sweet Saviour, bless us ere we go
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26. |
Through the day Thy love has spared us
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27. |
Now on land and sea descending
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28a. |
The day Thou gavest, Lord, is ended
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28b. |
The day Thou gavest, Lord, is ended
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29. |
Holy Father, cheer our way
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30. |
At even, when the sun did set
Words: Henry Twells Music: Unknown
31. |
Our day of praise is done
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32. |
Saviour, again to Thy dear Name we raise
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33. |
And now the wants are told that brought
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34a. |
To Thee before the close of day
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34b. |
To Thee before the close of day
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35. |
O Jesu, crucified for man
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36a. |
O Trinity, most blessed Light
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36b. |
O Trinity, most blessed Light
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37a. |
Again the Lord’s own day is here
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37b. |
Again the Lord’s own day is here
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38. |
On this day, the first of days
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39. |
This is the day of light
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40. |
O day of rest and gladness
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41. |
This is the day the Lord hath made
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42. |
Great God, Who, hid from mortal sight
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43a. |
Creator of the starry height
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43b. |
Creator of the starry height
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44a. |
O Word, that goest forth on high
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44b. |
O Word, that goest forth on high
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45. |
Loud rings the warning voice around
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46. |
Hark! a thrilling voice is sounding
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47. |
O come, O come, Emmanuel
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48. |
The Advent of our King
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49. |
On Jordan’s bank the Baptist’s cry
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50. |
“Behold the Bridegroom draweth nigh”
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51. |
Hark the glad sound! the Saviour comes
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52. |
Lo! He comes with clouds descending
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53. |
Great God, what do I see and hear?
Words: Anon.; William Bengo Collyer Music: Unknown
54a. |
When shades of night around us close
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54b. |
When shades of night around us close
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55a. |
O come, Redeemer of the earth
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55b. |
O come, Redeemer of the earth
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56a. |
From east to west, from shore to shore
Words: Coelius Sedulius Music: Unknown
56b. |
From east to west, from shore to shore
Words: Coelius Sedulius Music: Unknown
57a. |
O Christ, Redeemer of our race
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57b. |
O Christ, Redeemer of our race
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58a. |
Of the Father’s love begotten
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58b. |
Of the Father’s love begotten
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59. |
O come, all ye faithful
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60. |
God from on high hath heard
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61. |
High let us swell our tuneful notes
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62. |
Hark! how all the welkin rings
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Unknown
63. |
Christians, awake, salute the happy morn
Words: John Byrom Music: Unknown
64a. |
While shepherds watch’d their flocks by night
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64b. |
While shepherds watch’d their flocks by night
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65. |
Angels, from the realms of glory
Words: James Montgomery Music: Unknown
66. |
Christians, sing out with exultation
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67a. |
O Saviour of the world, we pray
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67b. |
O Saviour of the world, we pray
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68. |
First of Martyrs, thou whose name
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69. |
The life, which God’s Incarnate Word
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70. |
Word Supreme, before creation
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71. |
An exile for the faith
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72. |
Sweet flow’rets of the martyr band
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73. |
A hymn for Martyrs sweetly sing
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74. |
Glory to Thee, O Lord
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75. |
The ancient law departs
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76a. |
O blessed day, when first was pour’d
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76b. |
O blessed day, when first was pour’d
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77. |
The year is gone beyond recall
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78. |
For Thy mercy and Thy grace
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79a. |
Why doth that impious Herod fear
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79b. |
Why doth that impious Herod fear
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80a. |
The Father’s sole-begotten Son
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80b. |
The Father’s sole-begotten Son
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81a. |
What star is this, with beams so bright
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81b. |
What star is this, with beams so bright
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82. |
Earth has many a noble city
Words: Aurelius Clemens Prudentius Music: Unknown
83. |
The people that in darkness sat
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84. |
As with gladness men of old
Words: William Chatterton Dix Music: Unknown
85. |
Now heaven’s growing light is manifest
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86. |
The Heav’nly Child in stature grows
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87. |
Within the Father’s house
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88. |
Songs of thankfulness and praise
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89a. |
Alleluia, song of sweetness
Words: John Mason Neale Music: Unknown
89b. |
Alleluia, song of sweetness
Words: John Mason Neale Music: Unknown
90a. |
Creator of the world, to Thee
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90b. |
Creator of the world, to Thee
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91a. |
No want of Thine, O God, to meet
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91b. |
No want of Thine, O God, to meet
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92a. |
By precepts taught of ages past
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92b. |
By precepts taught of ages past
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93. |
O Thou Who dost to man accord
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94a. |
O merciful Creator, hear
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94b. |
O merciful Creator, hear
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95a. |
Lo! now is our accepted day
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95b. |
Lo! now is our accepted day
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96a. |
It is the glory of this fast
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96b. |
It is the glory of this fast
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97. |
O Jesu, Thou didst consecrate
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98. |
Once more the solemn season calls
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99. |
Lo! now the time accepted peals
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100. |
Forty days and forty nights
Words: George H. Smyttan Music: Unknown
101a. |
Christian, dost thou see them
Words: John Mason Neale; Andrew of Crete Music: Unknown
101b. |
Christian, dost thou see them
Words: John Mason Neale; Andrew of Crete Music: Unknown
102. |
Sweet Saviour, in Thy pitying grace
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103. |
O Lord, turn not Thy face from me
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104a. |
Lord, in this Thy mercy’s day
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104b. |
Lord, in this Thy mercy’s day
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105a. |
O Christ, Who art the Light and Day
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105b. |
O Christ, Who art the Light and Day
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106a. |
The Royal banners forward go
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106b. |
The Royal banners forward go
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107a. |
Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle
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107b. |
Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle
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108a. |
Servant of God, remember
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108b. |
Servant of God, remember
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109. |
Lord, through this Holy Week of our salvation
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110a. |
All glory, laud, and honour
Words: Theodulph of Orleans Music: Unknown
110b. |
All glory, laud, and honour
Words: Theodulph of Orleans Music: Unknown
111. |
Ride on! ride on in majesty!
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112. |
O’erwhelm’d in depths of woe
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113a. |
Now, my soul, thy voice upraising
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113b. |
Now, my soul, thy voice upraising
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114. |
O sinner, for a little space
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115. |
He Who once in righteous vengeance
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116. |
In the Lord’s atoning grief
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117. |
My God, I love Thee; not because
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118. |
All ye who seek for sure relief
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119. |
Glory be to Jesus
Words: Edward Caswall Music: Unknown
120. |
When I survey the wondrous Cross
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121. |
Sweet the moments, rich in blessing
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122. |
O sacred head, surrounded
Words: Arnulf of Leuven; Paul Gerhardt Music: Unknown
123. |
My Lord, my Master, at Thy feet adoring
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124. |
Alone Thou trodd’st the winepress, and alone
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125. |
Weep not for Him Who onward bears
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126. |
Go to dark Gethsemane
Words: James Montgomery Music: Unknown
127. |
See the destined day arise!
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128. |
O come and mourn with me awhile
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129. |
O word of pity, for our pardon pleading
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130. |
“Forgive them, O My Father”
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131. |
“Lord, when Thy Kingdom comes, remember me”
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132a. |
At the Cross her station keeping
Words: Jacobus de Benedictis Music: Unknown
132b. |
At the Cross her station keeping
Words: Jacobus de Benedictis Music: Unknown
133. |
Throned upon the awful Tree
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134. |
O perfect God, Thy love
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135. |
O perfect life of love!
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136. |
The lifelong task was done
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137. |
It is finish’d! Blessed Jesus
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138. |
Resting from His work to-day
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139. |
By Jesus’ grave on either hand
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140. |
Ye choirs of new Jerusalem
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141a. |
Up, new Jerusalem, and sing
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141b. |
Up, new Jerusalem, and sing
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142a. |
Light’s glittering morn bedecks the sky
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142b. |
Light’s glittering morn bedecks the sky
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142c. |
Light’s glittering morn bedecks the sky
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143a. |
The Lamb’s high banquet call’d to share
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143b. |
The Lamb’s high banquet call’d to share
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144. |
Hail, festal day, whose glory never ends
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145a. |
O Christ, the heav’ns’ Eternal King
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145b. |
O Christ, the heav’ns’ Eternal King
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146. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
147. |
Far be sorrow, tears, and sighing!
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148. |
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! The strife is o’er
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149. |
At the Lamb’s high feast we sing
Words: Robert Campbell Music: Unknown
150. |
The Day of Resurrection!
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151. |
Come, ye faithful, raise the strain
Words: John of Damascus Music: Unknown
152. |
Jesus Christ is risen to-day, Alleluia!
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153. |
Lift your glad voices in triumph on high
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154. |
Alleluia! Alleluia! Hearts to heav’n and voices raise
Words: Christopher Wordsworth Music: Unknown
155. |
Come, see the place where Jesus lay
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156. |
Jesus lives! thy terrors now
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157. |
On the Resurrection morning
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158. |
Forty days of Easter-tide
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159. |
The foe behind, the deep before
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160. |
O voice of the Beloved
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161. |
The Lord is risen indeed
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162. |
Christ the Lord is risen again
Words: Wipo of Burgundy Music: Unknown
163a. |
Jesu, the world’s redeeming Lord
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163b. |
Jesu, the world’s redeeming Lord
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164. |
O throned, O crown’d with all renown
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165. |
Lord, in Thy Name Thy servants plead
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166. |
Eternal God, we look to Thee
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167a. |
O Thou Eternal King most High
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167b. |
O Thou Eternal King most High
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168a. |
O Christ, our Joy, gone up on high
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168b. |
O Christ, our Joy, gone up on high
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169. |
Hail, festal day, whose glory never ends
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170. |
Thy work on earth, O Christ, is done
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171. |
The Head that once was crown’d with thorns
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172. |
Hail the day that sees Him rise
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173. |
See the Conqueror mounts in triumph
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174. |
Thou art gone up on high
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175. |
Know ye the Lord doth take away
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176. |
Jesu, our Hope, our heart’s Desire
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177. |
Ruler of the hosts of light
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178a. |
Now Christ above the starry floor
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178b. |
Now Christ above the starry floor
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179a. |
Oh joy! because the circling year
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179b. |
Oh joy! because the circling year
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180a. |
Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire
Words: Rabanus Maurus Music: Unknown
180b. |
Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire
Words: Rabanus Maurus Music: Unknown
181a. |
Come, Holy Ghost, Creator Blest
Words: Rabanus Maurus Music: Unknown
181b. |
Come, Holy Ghost, Creator Blest
Words: Rabanus Maurus Music: Unknown
182. |
Hail, festal day, of never-dying fame
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183. |
Bounteous Spirit, ever shedding
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184a. |
Come, Thou Holy Spirit, come
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184b. |
Come, Thou Holy Spirit, come
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185. |
When God of old came down from heaven
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186. |
Spirit of mercy, truth, and love
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187. |
Our Blest Redeemer, ere He breathed
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188a. |
Be near us, Holy Trinity
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188b. |
Be near us, Holy Trinity
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189a. |
Father most Holy, merciful and loving
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189b. |
Father most Holy, merciful and loving
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190a. |
All hail, adored Trinity
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190b. |
All hail, adored Trinity
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191a. |
Let all on earth their voices raise
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191b. |
Let all on earth their voices raise
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192a. |
Th’ eternal gifts of Christ the King
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192b. |
Th’ eternal gifts of Christ the King
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193. |
Disposer Supreme, and Judge of the earth
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194. |
In royal robes of splendour
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195. |
Captains of the saintly band
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196. |
Ye deathless messengers of Christ
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197. |
Come sing, ye choirs exultant
Words: Jackson Mason Music: Unknown
198a. |
Come, pure hearts, in sweetest measure
Words: Robert Campbell Music: Unknown
198b. |
Come, pure hearts, in sweetest measure
Words: Robert Campbell Music: Unknown
199. |
How beauteous are their feet
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200a. |
O God, Thy soldiers’ faithful Lord
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200b. |
O God, Thy soldiers’ faithful Lord
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201a. |
The triumphs of the Saints
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201b. |
The triumphs of the Saints
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202a. |
Th’ eternal gifts of Christ the King
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202b. |
Th’ eternal gifts of Christ the King
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203a. |
Blessed feasts of blessed Martyrs
Words: John Mason Neale Music: Unknown
203b. |
Blessed feasts of blessed Martyrs
Words: John Mason Neale Music: Unknown
204. |
Let our choir new anthems raise
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205. |
Our Lord the path of suffering trod
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206. |
Oh, what, if we are Christ’s
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207a. |
Not by the Martyr’s death alone
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207b. |
Not by the Martyr’s death alone
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208. |
Jesu, for the beacon-light
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209a. |
O Thou Whose all-redeeming might
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209b. |
O Thou Whose all-redeeming might
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210. |
O Shepherd of the sheep
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211. |
O Lamb of God, Whose love divine
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212a. |
O Jesu, Thou the Virgins’ Crown
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212b. |
O Jesu, Thou the Virgins’ Crown
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213. |
For Thy dear Saint, O Lord
Words: Richard Mant Music: Unknown
214. |
How bright these glorious spirits shine!
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215. |
Who are these like stars appearing
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216. |
Hark! the sound of holy voices
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217. |
The Son of God goes forth to war
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218. |
Lo! round the throne, a glorious band
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219. |
Palms of glory, raiment bright
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220. |
For all the Saints who from their labours rest
Words: William Walsham How Music: Unknown
221. |
The Saints of God! their conflict past
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222a. |
The God, Whom earth, and sea, and sky
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222b. |
The God, Whom earth, and sea, and sky
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223. |
Shall we not love thee, Mother dear
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224. |
Virgin-born, we bow before Thee
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225. |
Jesus calls us; o’er the tumult
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226. |
How oft, O Lord, Thy face hath shone
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227. |
Lord, from out Thy glorious skies
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228. |
Lord, Who fulfillest thus anew
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229. |
O Sion, open wide thy gates
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230. |
Hail to the Lord Who comes
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231. |
Bishop of the souls of men
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232. |
Praise we the Lord this day
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233. |
O Son of God, our Captain of salvation
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234. |
Lo! from the desert homes
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235. |
The high forerunner of the morn
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236. |
Creator of the rolling flood
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237. |
Two brothers freely cast their lot
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238. |
He sat to watch o’er customs paid
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239a. |
Thee, O Christ, the Father’s splendour
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239b. |
Thee, O Christ, the Father’s splendour
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240a. |
Christ, the highest heav’ns enthrone Thee
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240b. |
Christ, the highest heav’ns enthrone Thee
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241. |
Stars of the morning, so gloriously bright
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242. |
Praise to God Who reigns above
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243. |
They come, God’s messengers of love
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244. |
O heavenly Jerusalem
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245a. |
Bride of Christ, whose glorious warfare
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245b. |
Bride of Christ, whose glorious warfare
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246a. |
If there be that skills to reckon
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246b. |
If there be that skills to reckon
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247. |
Jesu, Lord of our salvation
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248. |
Son of the Highest, deign to cast
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249. |
O wondrous type, O vision fair
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250. |
For ever we would gaze on Thee
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251. |
’Tis good, Lord, to be here!
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252a. |
Jesu! the very thought is sweet
Words: Bernard of Clairvaux Music: Unknown
252b. |
Jesu! the very thought is sweet
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253a. |
Blessed city, heav’nly Salem
Words: John Mason Neale Music: Unknown
253b. |
Blessed city, heav’nly Salem
Words: John Mason Neale Music: Unknown
254. |
In our day of thanksgiving one psalm let us offer
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255. |
Hail, festal day, for ever sanctified
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256. |
O Word of God above
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257. |
O Lord of hosts, Whose glory fills
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258. |
Meet it is to tell thy glory, O Jerusalem the blest
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259. |
Lift the strain of high thanksgiving!
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260a. |
Now, my tongue, the mystery telling
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260b. |
Now, my tongue, the mystery telling
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261a. |
The Heav’nly Word proceeding forth
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261b. |
The Heav’nly Word proceeding forth
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262. |
We pray Thee, heav’nly Father
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263. |
Christians, sing the Incarnation
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264. |
Almighty Father, Lord most High
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265. |
Look down upon us, God of grace
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266a. |
Thee we adore, O hidden Saviour, Thee
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266b. |
Thee we adore, O hidden Saviour, Thee
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267a. |
And now, O Father, mindful of the love
Words: William Bright Music: Unknown
267b. |
And now, O Father, mindful of the love
Words: William Bright Music: Unknown
268. |
Hail, Body true, of Mary born
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269. |
Draw nigh and take the Body of the Lord
Words: John Mason Neale Music: Unknown
270. |
O Jesu, Blessed Lord, to Thee
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271. |
Jesu, gentlest Saviour
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272. |
O Christ, our God, Who with Thine own hast been
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273a. |
O true Bread, Good Shepherd, tend us
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273b. |
O true Bread, Good Shepherd, tend us
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274a. |
O Food that weary pilgrims love
Song credits not available
274b. |
O Food that weary pilgrims love
Song credits not available
275. |
Lord, enthroned in heav’nly splendour
Song credits not available
276. |
Victim Divine, Thy grace we claim
Song credits not available
277a. |
Bread of heav’n, on Thee we feed
Words: Josiah Conder Music: Unknown
277b. |
Bread of heav’n, on Thee we feed
Words: Josiah Conder Music: Unknown
278a. |
Author of life divine
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Unknown
278b. |
Author of life divine
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Unknown
279. |
Thou Who at Thy first Eucharist didst pray
Song credits not available
280. |
My God, and is Thy table spread
Song credits not available
281. |
O God, unseen yet ever near
Song credits not available
282. |
O Thou, before the world began
Song credits not available
283. |
Once, only once, and once for all
Song credits not available
284. |
Alleluia! sing to Jesus!
Words: William Chatterton Dix Music: Unknown
285. |
I hunger and I thirst
Song credits not available
286. |
I am not worthy, Holy Lord
Song credits not available
287. |
O Father, Thou Who hast created all
Song credits not available
288. |
O Father, bless the children
Song credits not available
289. |
Grant to this child the inward grace
Song credits not available
290. |
In token that thou shalt not fear
Song credits not available
291. |
With Christ we share a mystic grave
Song credits not available
292. |
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, in solemn power come down
Song credits not available
293. |
Behold us, Lord, before Thee met
Song credits not available
294. |
My God, accept my heart this day
Song credits not available
295. |
Lord, Who while yet a boy wast found
Song credits not available
296. |
Once pledged by the Cross
Song credits not available
297. |
Thine for ever! God of love
Song credits not available
298. |
The voice that breathed o’er Eden
Song credits not available
299. |
How welcome was the call
Song credits not available
300. |
O perfect Love, all human thought transcending
Song credits not available
301. |
O Father all creating
Song credits not available
302a. |
Day of wrath! O day of mourning!
Song credits not available
302b. |
Day of wrath! O day of mourning!
Song credits not available
303a. |
Now the labourer’s task is o’er
Song credits not available
303b. |
Now the labourer’s task is o’er
Song credits not available
304. |
O Lord, to Whom the spirits live
Song credits not available
305. |
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
Song credits not available
306. |
Father, Who hast gather’d
Song credits not available
307. |
Tender Shepherd, Thou hast still’d
Song credits not available
308. |
Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!
Song credits not available
309. |
Sound aloud Jehovah’s praises
Song credits not available
310. |
Bright the vision that delighted
Song credits not available
311. |
Three in One, and One in Three
Song credits not available
312. |
Father, of heav’n, Whose love profound
Words: Edward Cooper Music: Unknown
313. |
May the grace of Christ our Saviour
Song credits not available
314. |
Hail, Father, Whose creating call
Song credits not available
315. |
Stand up, and bless the Lord
Song credits not available
316. |
All people that on earth do dwell
Words: William Kethe Music: Unknown
317. |
Before Jehovah’s awful throne
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Unknown
318. |
Let all the world in every corner sing
Song credits not available
319. |
Songs of praise the Angels sang
Song credits not available
320. |
Glorious is Thy Name, O Lord!
Song credits not available
321. |
My God, how wonderful Thou art
Song credits not available
322. |
Lord, my weak thought in vain would climb
Song credits not available
323. |
Lord God! by Whom all change is wrought
Song credits not available
324. |
Let all the world rejoice
Song credits not available
325. |
Glory to God, all the heavens are telling
Song credits not available
326. |
O worship the King
Song credits not available
327. |
Praise the Lord! ye heav’ns, adore Him
Song credits not available
328. |
The strain upraise of joy and praise
Song credits not available
329. |
Lord God! our praise we give
Song credits not available
330. |
Almighty Father of all things that be
Song credits not available
331. |
There is a book, who runs may read
Song credits not available
332. |
Give light, O Lord, that we may learn
Song credits not available
333. |
For the beauty of the earth
Words: Folliott S. Pierpoint Music: Unknown
334. |
Almighty Father, Unoriginate
Song credits not available
335. |
From highest heav’n th’ Eternal Son
Song credits not available
336a. |
O Love, how deep! how broad! how high!
Song credits not available
336b. |
O Love, how deep! how broad! how high!
Song credits not available
337a. |
Praise to the Holiest in the height
Song credits not available
337b. |
Praise to the Holiest in the height
Song credits not available
338. |
To the Name of our salvation
Song credits not available
339. |
Jesus is God: the solid earth
Song credits not available
340. |
We saw Thee not when Thou didst come
Song credits not available
341. |
Conquering kings their titles take
Words: John Chandler Music: Unknown
342. |
To Christ, the Prince of peace
Song credits not available
343. |
Come, let us join our cheerful songs
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Unknown
344. |
Thou art the Way; by Thee alone
Song credits not available
345. |
Where high the heav’nly temple stands
Song credits not available
346. |
Rejoice, the Lord is King
Song credits not available
347. |
At the Name of Jesus
Words: Caroline M. Noel Music: Unknown
348. |
Praise the Lord through every nation
Song credits not available
349. |
Crown Him with many crowns
Words: Matthew Bridges; Godfrey Thring Music: Unknown
350. |
All hail the power of Jesus’ Name
Words: Edward Perronet Music: Unknown
351. |
Come, ye faithful, raise the anthem
Song credits not available
352. |
Thou art coming, O my Saviour
Song credits not available
353a. |
Ten thousand times ten thousand
Song credits not available
353b. |
Ten thousand times ten thousand
Song credits not available
354. |
Thou Judge of quick and dead
Song credits not available
355. |
That day of wrath, that dreadful day
Song credits not available
356. |
O Holy Spirit, Lord of grace
Song credits not available
357. |
To Thee, O Comforter Divine
Song credits not available
358. |
A living stream, as crystal clear
Song credits not available
359. |
Lord God the Holy Ghost
Song credits not available
360. |
Come, Holy Spirit, come
Words: Joseph Hart Music: Unknown
361. |
Come, gracious Spirit, heav’nly Dove
Words: Simon Browne Music: Unknown
362. |
O Holy Ghost, Thy people bless
Song credits not available
363. |
Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost
Words: Christopher Wordsworth Music: Unknown
364. |
Holy Spirit, Truth divine
Song credits not available
365. |
Come to our poor nature’s night
Song credits not available
366. |
Glorious things of thee are spoken
Words: John Newton Music: Unknown
367. |
The Church’s one foundation
Song credits not available
368. |
Round the Sacred City gather
Song credits not available
369a. |
Lord of our life, and God of our salvation
Song credits not available
369b. |
Lord of our life, and God of our salvation
Song credits not available
370. |
Thy kingdom come, O God
Song credits not available
371. |
O quickly come, dread Judge of all
Song credits not available
372. |
God of mercy, God of grace
Words: Henry F. Lyte Music: Unknown
373. |
Jesus shall reign where’er the sun
Song credits not available
374. |
Hail to the Lord’s Anointed
Song credits not available
375. |
Jerusalem, my happy home
Song credits not available
376. |
Brief life is here our portion
Words: John Mason Neale; Bernard of Cluny Music: Unknown
377. |
The world is very evil
Song credits not available
378. |
For thee, O dear, dear country
Words: Bernard of Cluny Music: Unknown
379. |
Jerusalem the golden
Song credits not available
380. |
Light’s abode, celestial Salem
Song credits not available
381. |
Oh, what the joy and the glory must be
Song credits not available
382. |
Jerusalem on high
Song credits not available
383. |
Sing Alleluia forth in duteous praise
Song credits not available
384. |
There is a blessed home
Song credits not available
385. |
There is a land of pure delight
Song credits not available
386. |
They whose course on earth is o’er
Song credits not available
387. |
Let saints on earth in concert sing
Song credits not available
388. |
O God of hosts, the mighty Lord
Song credits not available
389. |
Pleasant are Thy courts above
Song credits not available
390. |
Christ is our corner-stone
Words: John Chandler Music: Unknown
391. |
Lo! God is here! let us adore
Song credits not available
392. |
Jesus, where’er Thy people meet
Song credits not available
393. |
Great Shepherd of Thy people, hear
Song credits not available
394. |
Hosanna to the living Lord!
Song credits not available
395. |
We love the place, O God
Words: William Bullock Music: Unknown
396. |
Church of the living God
Song credits not available
397. |
Lord, Thy word abideth
Song credits not available
398. |
Father of mercies, in Thy word
Words: Anne Steele Music: Unknown
399. |
Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Unknown
400. |
O praise our great and gracious Lord
Song credits not available
401. |
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven
Song credits not available
402. |
O Father, we would thank Thee
Song credits not available
403. |
O God, our help in ages past
Song credits not available
404. |
When all Thy mercies, O my God
Song credits not available
405. |
Through all the changing scenes of life
Song credits not available
406. |
Sing praise to God Who reigns above
Song credits not available
407. |
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
Song credits not available
408. |
Ye holy Angels bright
Song credits not available
409. |
God moves in a mysterious way
Words: William Cowper Music: Unknown
410. |
Put thou thy trust in God
Song credits not available
411. |
Children of the heav’nly King
Words: John Cennick Music: Unknown
412. |
Oft in danger, oft in woe
Song credits not available
413. |
Soldiers, who are Christ’s below
Song credits not available
414. |
O happy band of pilgrims
Song credits not available
415. |
Wherefore, faint and fearful ever
Song credits not available
416. |
God is a stronghold and a tower
Song credits not available
417. |
Oh for a faith that will not shrink
Song credits not available
418. |
Father, whate’er of earthly bliss
Words: Anne Steele Music: Unknown
419. |
O God of Jacob, by Whose hand
Song credits not available
420. |
Lord, it belongs not to my care
Song credits not available
421a. |
The King of love my Shepherd is
Song credits not available
421b. |
The King of love my Shepherd is
Song credits not available
422. |
Guide me, O Thou great Redeemer
Words: William Williams Music: Unknown
423. |
Lead us, heav’nly Father, lead us
Song credits not available
424a. |
O Lord, how happy should we be
Song credits not available
424b. |
O Lord, how happy should we be
Song credits not available
425a. |
My God, my Father, while I stray
Song credits not available
425b. |
My God, my Father, while I stray
Song credits not available
426. |
Thy way, not mine, O Lord
Song credits not available
427. |
We’ve no abiding city here
Song credits not available
428. |
A few more years shall roll
Words: Horatius Bonar Music: Unknown
429. |
Days and moments quickly flying
Song credits not available
430. |
Sunset and evening star
Song credits not available
431. |
Lord, be Thy Word my rule
Song credits not available
432. |
A charge to keep I have
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Unknown
433. |
Ye servants of the Lord
Song credits not available
434. |
“Christian! seek not yet repose”
Song credits not available
435. |
Take up thy cross, the Saviour said
Song credits not available
436. |
Stand up!—stand up for Jesus!
Song credits not available
437. |
Soldiers of Christ, arise
Song credits not available
438. |
The voice says, Cry! What shall we cry?
Song credits not available
439. |
Son of God, Eternal Saviour, source of life
Song credits not available
440. |
O God of Truth, Whose living word
Song credits not available
441. |
O Father, Who the earth hast given
Song credits not available
442. |
Through the night of doubt and sorrow
Song credits not available
443. |
Brothers, joining hand to hand
Song credits not available
444. |
O Lord, how joyful ’tis to see
Song credits not available
445. |
Bless’d are the pure in heart
Song credits not available
446. |
O Light, Whose beams illumine all
Song credits not available
447. |
Great Mover of all hearts, Whose hand
Song credits not available
448. |
Lord, as to Thy dear Cross we flee
Song credits not available
449. |
Breathe on me, Breath of God
Words: Edwin Hatch Music: Unknown
450. |
Oh for a heart to praise my God
Song credits not available
451. |
The roseate hues of early dawn
Song credits not available
452. |
O Saviour, may we never rest
Song credits not available
453. |
Thou, Lord, by strictest search hast known
Song credits not available
454. |
Awake, O Lord, as in the time of old!
Song credits not available
455. |
Lord, when we bend before Thy throne
Song credits not available
456. |
Lord, teach us how to pray aright
Song credits not available
457. |
O Thou who camest from above
Song credits not available
458. |
What various hindrances we meet
Song credits not available
459. |
Shepherd Divine, our wants relieve
Song credits not available
460. |
Come, my soul, thy suit prepare
Song credits not available
461. |
Not for our sins alone
Song credits not available
462. |
Have mercy, Lord, on me
Song credits not available
463. |
Out of the deep I call
Song credits not available
464. |
Weary of earth and laden with my sin
Song credits not available
465. |
We have not known Thee as we ought
Song credits not available
466. |
Forsaken once, and thrice denied
Song credits not available
467. |
Rock of ages, cleft for me
Song credits not available
468a. |
Behold the Lamb, the Lamb of God!
Song credits not available
468b. |
Behold the Lamb of God!
Words: Matthew Bridges Music: Unknown
469. |
Saviour, when in dust to Thee
Song credits not available
470. |
Jesu, meek and lowly
Song credits not available
471. |
Art thou weary, art thou languid
Words: Stephen of Mar Sabas Music: Unknown
472a. |
“Come unto Me, ye weary”
Words: William Chatterton Dix Music: Unknown
472b. |
“Come unto Me, ye weary”
Words: William Chatterton Dix Music: Unknown
473. |
O let him whose sorrow
Song credits not available
474. |
Nearer, my God, to Thee
Song credits not available
475. |
God of our life, to Thee we call
Words: William Cowper Music: Unknown
476. |
Fierce raged the tempest o’er the deep
Words: Godfrey Thring Music: Unknown
477. |
O help us, Lord; each hour of need
Song credits not available
478. |
As pants the hart for cooling streams
Words: Nahum Tate Music: Unknown
479. |
O Thou, from Whom all goodness flows
Song credits not available
480. |
Lord Jesus, think on me
Song credits not available
481. |
Far from my heav’nly home
Song credits not available
482a. |
Lead, kindly Light, amid th’ encircling gloom
Song credits not available
482b. |
Lead, kindly Light, amid th’ encircling gloom
Song credits not available
483. |
Jesu, meek and gentle
Song credits not available
484. |
Jesu, grant me this, I pray
Song credits not available
485. |
Be Thou my Guardian and my Guide
Song credits not available
486. |
We know Thee Who Thou art
Song credits not available
487. |
O Jesus, I have promised
Song credits not available
488. |
Jesu, Lover of my soul
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Unknown
489. |
Jesus, Lord of life and glory
Song credits not available
490. |
When our heads are bow’d with woe
Song credits not available
491. |
How sweet the Name of Jesus sound
Song credits not available
492a. |
Jesu, Thou Joy of loving hearts!
Song credits not available
492b. |
Jesu, Thou Joy of loving hearts!
Song credits not available
493a. |
Jesu, the very thought of Thee
Words: Bernard of Clairvaux Music: Unknown
493b. |
O Jesu, King most wonderful
Song credits not available
494. |
O God, of good th’ unfathom’d sea
Song credits not available
495. |
O Love, Who formedst me to wear
Song credits not available
496. |
Hark, my soul! it is the Lord
Song credits not available
497. |
O Love Divine, how sweet Thou art!
Song credits not available
498a. |
Love Divine, all loves excelling
Song credits not available
498b. |
Love Divine, all loves excelling
Song credits not available
499. |
Jesu, my Lord, my God, my All
Song credits not available
500. |
Thy life was given for me
Song credits not available
501. |
Oh for a thousand tongues to sing
Song credits not available
502. |
We sing the praise of Him Who died
Song credits not available
503. |
When morning gilds the skies
Song credits not available
504. |
Saviour, Blessed Saviour
Song credits not available
505. |
Rejoice to-day with one accord
Song credits not available
506. |
Now thank we all our God
Song credits not available
507. |
God save our gracious King
Words: Anon. Music: Unknown
508. |
Praise to our God, Whose bounteous hand
Song credits not available
509. |
Lord God, we worship Thee!
Song credits not available
510. |
The sower went forth sowing
Song credits not available
511. |
We plough the fields, and scatter
Song credits not available
512. |
Father of mercies, God of love
Song credits not available
513. |
Praise, O praise our God and King
Song credits not available
514. |
Come, ye thankful people, come
Words: Henry Alford Music: Unknown
515. |
To Thee, O Lord, our hearts we raise
Song credits not available
516. |
Lord of the harvest, once again
Song credits not available
517. |
Great King of nations, hear our prayer
Song credits not available
518. |
Let God arise to lead forth those
Song credits not available
519. |
Lord, while afar our brothers fight
Song credits not available
520. |
O God of love, O King of peace
Song credits not available
521. |
In grief and fear to Thee, O God
Song credits not available
522. |
From Greenland’s icy mountains
Words: Reginald Heber Music: Unknown
523. |
Saviour, sprinkle many nations
Song credits not available
524. |
Through midnight gloom from Macedon
Song credits not available
525. |
O Spirit of the living God
Song credits not available
526. |
Thou Whose Almighty Word
Song credits not available
527. |
Lord, her watch Thy Church is keeping
Song credits not available
528. |
Lift up your heads, ye gates of brass
Song credits not available
529. |
God is working His purpose out as year succeeds to year
Words: Arthur C. Ainger Music: Unknown
530. |
Trumpet of God sound high
Song credits not available
531. |
O living God, Whose voice of old
Song credits not available
532. |
Lord of the harvest! it is right and meet
Song credits not available
533. |
Unchanging God, hear from eternal heaven
Song credits not available
534. |
Thou, the Christ for ever one
Song credits not available
535. |
Soldiers of the Cross, arise!
Song credits not available
536. |
Oh, it is hard to work for God
Song credits not available
537. |
The call to arms is sounding
Song credits not available
538. |
Come, labour on!
Words: Jane L. Borthwick Music: Unknown
539. |
Almighty God, Whose only Son
Song credits not available
540. |
Lord, speak to me, that I may speak
Song credits not available
541. |
Shine Thou upon us, Lord
Song credits not available
542. |
Christ is gone up; yet ere He pass’d
Song credits not available
543. |
O Thou Who makest souls to shine
Song credits not available
544. |
The earth, O Lord, is one wide field
Song credits not available
545. |
Lord, pour Thy Spirit from on high
Song credits not available
546. |
O Guardian of the Church Divine
Song credits not available
547. |
O Lord of heav’n, and earth, and sea
Song credits not available
548. |
Lord of glory, Who hast bought us
Song credits not available
549. |
A widow’s hand in days of old
Song credits not available
550. |
We give Thee but Thine own
Song credits not available
551. |
Thou to Whom the sick and dying
Song credits not available
552. |
Thine arm, O Lord, in days of old
Song credits not available
553. |
One Thy Light, the temple filling
Song credits not available
554. |
O Lord, our strength in weakness
Song credits not available
556. |
O Thou before Whose presence
Song credits not available
557. |
O praise our God to-day
Song credits not available
558. |
With the sweet word of Peace
Song credits not available
559. |
For the dear ones parted from us
Song credits not available
560. |
Holy Father, in Thy mercy
Song credits not available
561. |
Eternal Father, strong to save
Words: William Whiting Music: Unknown
562. |
Almighty Father, hear our cry
Song credits not available
563. |
O Lord, be with us when we sail
Song credits not available
564. |
O Saviour! when Thy loving hand
Song credits not available
565. |
Sing to the Lord the children’s hymn
Song credits not available
566. |
Once in royal David’s city
Song credits not available
567. |
I love to hear the story
Song credits not available
568. |
Behold a little Child
Song credits not available
569. |
When, His salvation bringing
Song credits not available
570. |
There is a green hill far away
Song credits not available
571. |
I was made a Christian
Song credits not available
572. |
Christ, Who once amongst us
Song credits not available
573. |
Loving Shepherd of Thy sheep
Song credits not available
574. |
Around the throne of God a band
Song credits not available
575. |
Above the clear blue sky
Song credits not available
576. |
There’s a Friend for little children
Song credits not available
577. |
Up in heaven, up in heaven
Song credits not available
578. |
We are but little children weak
Song credits not available
579. |
Lamb of God, I look to Thee
Song credits not available
580. |
Come, sing with holy gladness
Song credits not available
581a. |
Every morning the red sun
Song credits not available
581b. |
Every morning the red sun
Song credits not available
582. |
As now Thy children lowly kneel
Song credits not available
583. |
Do no sinful action
Song credits not available
584. |
Hush’d was the evening hymn
Song credits not available
585. |
All things bright and beautiful
Words: Cecil Frances Alexander Music: Unknown
586. |
Some time o’er our pathway
Song credits not available
587. |
Faithful Shepherd, feed me
Song credits not available
588. |
Heav’nly Father, send Thy blessing
Song credits not available
589. |
Fair waved the golden corn
Song credits not available
590. |
Lord Jesus, God and Man
Song credits not available
591. |
Our God of love Who reigns above
Song credits not available
592. |
Now the day is over
Song credits not available
593. |
Lord, I hear of showers of blessing
Song credits not available
594. |
Return, O wanderer, to thy home
Song credits not available
595. |
To-day Thy mercy calls us
Song credits not available
596. |
O God, to know that Thou art just
Song credits not available
597. |
Approach, my soul, the mercy-seat
Words: John Newton Music: Unknown
598. |
Rescue the perishing
Song credits not available
599. |
O come to the merciful Saviour Who calls you
Song credits not available
600. |
Weary of wandering from my God
Song credits not available
601. |
There is a fountain fill’d with Blood
Song credits not available
602. |
When at Thy footstool, Lord, I bend
Song credits not available
603. |
Just as I am, without one plea
Song credits not available
604. |
My God! my God! and can it be
Song credits not available
605. |
Oh, the bitter shame and sorrow
Song credits not available
606. |
Jesu! Name all names above
Song credits not available
607. |
Come, O Thou Traveller unknown
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Unknown
608. |
I could not do without Thee
Song credits not available
609. |
O Jesu, Thou art standing
Song credits not available
610. |
O my Saviour, lifted
Song credits not available
611. |
Souls of men! why will ye scatter
Song credits not available
612. |
Oh for a closer walk with God
Song credits not available
613. |
God made me for Himself, to serve Him here
Song credits not available
614. |
Thou hidden love of God, whose height
Song credits not available
615. |
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
Song credits not available
616. |
Thou didst leave Thy Throne and Thy kingly Crown
Song credits not available
617. |
I heard the voice of Jesus say
Song credits not available
618. |
We are soldiers of Christ
Song credits not available
619. |
Fight the good fight with all thy might
Words: John S. B. Monsell Music: Unknown
620. |
Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin?
Song credits not available
621. |
“For ever with the Lord!”
Words: James Montgomery Music: Unknown
622. |
Those eternal bowers
Song credits not available
623. |
Hark! hark, my soul! Angelic songs are swelling
Song credits not available
624. |
Redeem’d, restored, forgiven
Song credits not available
625. |
There was joy in heav’n
Song credits not available
626. |
Onward, Christian soldiers
Song credits not available
627. |
Forward! be our watchword
Words: Henry Alford Music: Unknown
628. |
The God of Abraham praise
Song credits not available
629. |
Glory to the First-begotten
Song credits not available
630. |
With gladsome feet we press
Song credits not available
631. |
Gliding through the shadows
Song credits not available
632. |
God the Father, God the Son
Song credits not available
633. |
Father, Whose love we have wrong’d by transgression
Song credits not available
634. |
God the Father, God the Son
Song credits not available
635. |
God the Father, God the Son
Song credits not available
636. |
To Thee our God we fly
Song credits not available
637. |
God the Father, God the Son
Song credits not available
638a. |
God the Father, God the Son
Song credits not available
638b. |
God the Father, God the Son
Song credits not available
638c. |
God the Father, God the Son
Song credits not available
639. |
God the Father, God the Son
Song credits not available
640. |
God the Father, God the Son
Song credits not available
641. |
God the Father, from Thy throne
Song credits not available
642. |
God the Father, God the Son
Song credits not available
643. |
Father, Whose creating hand
Song credits not available
Has lyrics in text format
Has sheet music or a scanned page
Has an audio recording
Has a video