Children’s Primary Hymn Book: Hymns and Songs
Hymns and Songs: Selected from Various Authors, for the Primary Associations of the Children of Zion
Children’s Primary Hymn Book: Hymns and Songs,
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
Eliza R. Snow, Primary Association.
1888, 2nd Edition.
113 songs.
- Archive Viewer: 66716
- Flake-Draper Number: 7838 (Mormon Bibliography, 1830–1930)
- BYU Harold B. Lee Library: BX 8685.27 .A1 1888
- Church History Library: M285.25 H99 1888; M285.25 H99 1888 no. 2; M285.25 H99 1888 no. 3; M285.25 H99 1888 no. 4
- N/A
Songs (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. |
We thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet
Words: William Fowler Music: N/A (words only)
2. |
I’ll serve the Lord while I am young
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: N/A (words only)
3. |
A happy band of children
Words: A. Parsons Music: N/A (words only)
4. |
Who shall sing if not the children?
Words: George W. Bethune Music: N/A (words only)
5. |
In our lovely Deseret
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: N/A (words only)
6. |
Dearest children, God is near you
Words: Charles L. Walker Music: N/A (words only)
7. |
When Jesus dwelt on the shores of time
Words: Maria Straub Music: N/A (words only)
8. |
I thank Thee, dear Father in Heaven above
Words: Anon. Music: N/A (words only)
9. |
Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear us
Words: Mary Lundie Duncan Music: N/A (words only)
10. |
I think, when I read that sweet story of old
Words: Jemima Luke Music: N/A (words only)
11. |
Gather up the sunbeams
Words: J. M. F. Snodgrass Music: N/A (words only)
12. |
Beautiful Zion, built above
Words: George Gill Music: N/A (words only)
13. |
O, come, children, come
Words: Cora Daniels Music: N/A (words only)
14. |
I love t’ attend the Primary
Words: Charles Denney Jr. Music: N/A (words only)
15. |
Around the throne of God, in heaven
Words: Anne Houlditch Shepherd Music: N/A (words only)
16. |
We want to see the Temple
Words: George Manwaring Music: N/A (words only)
17. |
To-day while the sun shines, work with a will
Words: Luella Clark Music: N/A (words only)
18. |
Hearts and homes, sweet words of pleasure
Song credits not available
19. |
I’ll be a little “Mormon”
Words: Lula Greene Richards Music: N/A (words only)
20. |
Lord, grant that we in wisdom’s ways
Song credits not available
21. |
Come, join with me to sing and praise
Words: Anon. Music: N/A (words only)
22. |
I’m not too young for God to see
Words: Anon. Music: N/A (words only)
23. |
In the chambers of the mountains
Words: Emmeline B. Wells Music: N/A (words only)
24. |
Great Shepherd of the sheep
Words: William Walsham How Music: N/A (words only)
25. |
O Father, look upon us
Words: Anon. Music: N/A (words only)
26. |
Trust the children! Never doubt them
Song credits not available
27. |
Glory to Thee, my God, this night
Words: Thomas Ken Music: N/A (words only)
28. |
Children do you love each other?
Words: Anon. Music: N/A (words only)
29. |
Jesus, unto Thee I pray
Words: E. B. Ferguson Music: N/A (words only)
30. |
Our Heavenly Father, we will sing
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: N/A (words only)
31. |
Lord, I would own thy tender care
Words: Anon. Music: N/A (words only)
32. |
Jesus, high in glory
Words: J. Erskine Clarke Music: N/A (words only)
33. |
Father, now the day is past
Song credits not available
34. |
Children, obey your parents
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: N/A (words only)
35. |
’Tis meeting day, and we have met
Song credits not available
36. |
Little children, love the Savior
Words: Emmeline B. Wells Music: N/A (words only)
37. |
Gladly meeting, Kindly greeting
Words: Evan Stephens Music: N/A (words only)
38. |
The day dawn is breaking
Words: Joseph L. Townsend Music: N/A (words only)
39. |
Sing the sweet and touching story
Words: Emmeline B. Wells Music: N/A (words only)
40. |
I sing the almighty power of God
Words: Isaac Watts Music: N/A (words only)
41. |
All things bright and beautiful
Words: Cecil Frances Alexander Music: N/A (words only)
42. |
Dare to do right! dare to be true!
Words: George L. Taylor Music: N/A (words only)
43. |
When many to the Savior’s feet
Words: Anon. Music: N/A (words only)
44. |
Praise to God, the great Creator
Words: John Fawcett Music: N/A (words only)
45. |
Do what is right: the day-dawn is breaking
Words: Anon. Music: N/A (words only)
46. |
How sweet, how heavenly is the sight
Words: Joseph Swain Music: N/A (words only)
47. |
O my Father, Thou that dwellest
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: N/A (words only)
48. |
How firm a foundation, ye Saints of the Lord
Words: Selection of Hymns, John Rippon, 1787; Robert Keen Music: N/A (words only)
49. |
Children of the heavenly King
Words: John Cennick Music: N/A (words only)
50. |
This earth was once a garden place
Words: William W. Phelps Music: N/A (words only)
51. |
The Spirit of God like a fire is burning!
Words: William W. Phelps Music: N/A (words only)
52. |
Am I a soldier of the cross
Words: Isaac Watts Music: N/A (words only)
53. |
Behold the mountain of the Lord
Words: Michael Bruce Music: N/A (words only)
54. |
Now let us rejoice in the day of salvation
Words: William W. Phelps Music: N/A (words only)
55. |
Come, all ye sons of Zion
Words: Caleb J. Taylor; William W. Phelps Music: N/A (words only)
56. |
Praise to the man who communed with Jehovah
Words: William W. Phelps Music: N/A (words only)
57. |
Come let us anew our journey pursue
Words: Charles Wesley Music: N/A (words only)
58. |
The Seer, the Seer, Joseph the Seer!
Words: John Taylor Music: N/A (words only)
59. |
There’s not a tint that paints the rose
Words: James Cowden Wallace Music: N/A (words only)
60. |
Nay, speak no ill, a kindly word
Words: Charles Swain Music: N/A (words only)
61. |
We’ll bless our God for daily bread
Words: Hannah T. King Music: N/A (words only)
62. |
Farewell all earthly honors
Words: Zion’s Hill, 1833 Music: N/A (words only)
63. |
To Thee, our heavenly Father
Words: A. N. K. Music: N/A (words only)
64. |
O, ye mountains high, where the clear blue sky
Words: Charles W. Penrose Music: N/A (words only)
65. |
Our God, our Father and our Friend
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: N/A (words only)
66. |
We will praise Thee, O God, we will praise Thee
Song credits not available
67. |
Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing
Words: John Fawcett; Walter Shirley Music: N/A (words only)
71. |
Joseph Smith’s First Prayer
Words: George Manwaring Music: N/A (words only)
72. |
Your Mission
Words: Ellen M. H. Gates Music: N/A (words only)
73. |
Gather Them into the Fold
Words: Mary A. Pepper Kidder Music: N/A (words only)
75a. |
The Primary Army
Words: Augusta Joyce Crocheron Music: N/A (words only)
75b. |
Our Father in Heaven
Words: Alvin A. Beesley Music: N/A (words only)
76. |
Children’s Song
Words: John Nicholson Music: N/A (words only)
77. |
Telling Lies
Words: Margaret Johnson Gardner Music: N/A (words only)
78. |
Love at Home
Words: John Hugh McNaughton Music: N/A (words only)
79. |
My Father Dear
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: N/A (words only)
81. |
My Mother Dear
Words: S. Lover Music: N/A (words only)
82. |
Be True to Yourself
Song credits not available
83. |
The Busy Bee
Song credits not available
84. |
Live for Something
Words: Jennie A. Bisbee Music: N/A (words only)
85. |
To a Grandchild
Words: David Milne Music: N/A (words only)
86. |
Don’t Kill the Birds
Words: C. B. Derry Music: N/A (words only)
87. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
88. |
Helping Papa and Mamma
Song credits not available
90. |
Little Footsteps
Song credits not available
91. |
Parting of Friends
Song credits not available
92. |
Keep the Heart Tender
Song credits not available
93a. |
Little Feet
Song credits not available
93b. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
95. |
Invitation to Singing
Song credits not available
96. |
Good Morning
Song credits not available
97. |
The World Is Not So Bad
Song credits not available
98. |
Praying Always
Words: Philip P. Bliss Music: N/A (words only)
101. |
Put Me in My Little Bed
Words: Dexter Smith Music: N/A (words only)
102. |
Annie’s Sympathy
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: N/A (words only)
104. |
Angel Whisperings to a Dying Child
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: N/A (words only)
106. |
Little Drops
Words: Julia Abigail Fletcher Carney Music: N/A (words only)
107. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
108. |
Little Betty
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: N/A (words only)
109. |
The Little People
Words: John Greenleaf Whittier Music: N/A (words only)
110. |
I’ll Never Use Tobacco
Words: Anon. Music: N/A (words only)
111. |
Table Rules for Little Folks
Words: Anon. Music: N/A (words only)
112. |
Gold and Tinsel
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: N/A (words only)
113. |
A Precious Jewel
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: N/A (words only)
114. |
Little Samuel
Words: Jane Taylor Music: N/A (words only)
115. |
Look at the Stars
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: N/A (words only)
117. |
Looking Out for Mother
Song credits not available
118. |
To Santa Claus
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: N/A (words only)
119. |
The Tool and the Gem
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: N/A (words only)
120. |
Beautiful Star
Words: James Sayles Music: N/A (words only)
121. |
Youthful Sonnet
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: N/A (words only)
122. |
My Own Home
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: N/A (words only)
123. |
The World’s Jubilee
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: N/A (words only)
Has lyrics in text format
Has sheet music or a scanned page
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